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Please continue development of BF2 or release BF3!! Would gain so many more playersSolvedJakesnake20169 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer39Views1like2CommentsProgress both reset and not reset.
Hi. I'm a returning Battlefront 2 player who was really active on it during its early years from around 2018 to 2020. I wanted to come back to see if the game was still alive, Star Wars hype alive and all that, and I realized that the game had both reset my progress and left it intact. I have about 500 hours logged in total according to Playstation, with a bit of PC progress, but that's a total graveyard. Troopers and heroes kept their high level, however all of their star cards were locked. When I played as a hero or trooper in game, it reset them back to level 1. Attached is an example showcased with my Darth Vader, who was level 32, yet had no unlockables. It is like this for every other character. Restarting the game showed that all of the cards were actually unlocked at level 1 and equippable, but I neither had skill points to spend or the option to upgrade them at all. This went away when loading into a match. I could not get this to show up again. I don't know if this is an error on my end, the game, or whatever. I'm fine with playing through it again, but I'm unaware as to how healthy the game is on Playstation when it comes to player counts and unsure if that's an investment I wanna put in. Possibly relevant information: Platform: PS5 (moved from PS4) ID: Karebearie (moved from 'Niortis')Niortis2 days agoSeasoned Newcomer20Views0likes1CommentUnban not working
So i have been unbanned from battlefront2 after my unban ticket got accepted and i tried logging in and connecting to online servers but it again said that i am still banned with an error code "475". Does anyone know a solution for this problem or I just have to wait few days until the unban becomes active? My account name is Chillin_Cold.24Views0likes0CommentsStar Wars Battlefront II - Offline Supremacy AI Count
Hi. I’ve started playing this game again after a six month hiatus. I know a lot has happened within that span of time, and that making changes to this game is a lot to ask right now. But is there any way in the future we could have an AI count upgrade for the offline “Supremacy” game mode on next-gen systems such as the PS5 or Series X? I understand when this came out, 14v14 was done because of a technical limitation, but you managed to do 32v32 on the PC version. Could you guys at least see if its possible with the new hardware. I know this might be asking a lot, but right now it’s kind of distracting how few bots are on the ground in these modes.954Views0likes1CommentSlow Internet Connection
Hello, Back in battlefront 2 lasted roughly 24 hours of good gameplay. After that I started to have Slow Internet Connection in Battlefront 2 and now it is just impossible to go without frustrating rubber bending where clearly it does not affect any enemies as they know well where I stand from their screen but as for me I keep jumping back and forth, cant hit anything, often powercard will return to unused and already too late, I am dead. I have 900 Gb Down and up and roughly 50 to 90 megs per second on this very laptop constant. I deleted all Origin and Battlefront items in Norton Firewall but the issue persists I ONLY HAVE ISSUES WITH GAMES ON ORIGIN so packet loss don't stand while my connection to my ISP is under 12MS. How can I prevent Battlefront 2 from reaching servers too far away from me?521Views0likes1CommentAt least Battlefront "Legacy" or something like that
I mean signs point that for some reason Battlefront 3 is not in development or plans But at least, consider making Battlefront Legacy or something like that Its no secred that BF2042 was not praised except for that Portal feature. and that feature was actually pretty amazing Why not do the same with Battlefront, but just focus on what was succesfull? at this point there is enough feedback what people liked. and just look at the comments under videos of BF2042 release and BF2 end announcement. under one wishes that the game never ended, under other - that game never existed understandable that you couldnt keep game going for free forever and also that you couldnt get back on your word that "all future bf2 content will be free" and cause another scandal, bf2 had its share of those but Battlefront Legacy or Battlefront Portal or whatever it may be, combining both games, and throw those features that was cut short (i know, "vision is complete" and all, but we have unfinished files like voice lines, concept arts, accidental dev comments and basic logic like OT SHOULD have a capital ship phase. its not like star destroyer is the most iconic star wars capital ship or anything... game was cut short), maps like mustafar, unreleased heroes, all modes available to play with just your friends or offline with bots, etc. not as development heavy as a fully new game, but could be sold as a new game i understand that im not breaking new marketing strategy here, and it was probably already considered and my post will probably go in vain, like many others before me but if there is at least a slight chance that someone who can influence those things sees this post and gives this idea a second thought, then i did my part ps. and if something like this at any time will be happening with battlefront or any other game, just please, dont cut any features that were in previous games that made them so amazing. even if its just a gonk droid prop on the death star. BF2 is the best star wars experience up to date EA, Dice, and one of your best games660Views0likes1Comment- 91comet913 days agoSeasoned Ace597Views2likes1Comment
Bugs when playing SWBFII
I’ve noticed a few bugs when playing Star Wars Battlefront II lately and I’m reaching out for help on how to resolve them…. when I select the game from the Home Screen of my Xbox One, the game picks up from where I last closed off the game and then reloads. I then have to re-sign in as I have been logged out in the loading process. When playing Galactic Assault, I’m automatically placed in as the ‘Assault’ load-out, having to usually re-spawn or change character to then start playing. When playing in the ‘Officer’ load out often the support call will give a call from a different era to the one that’s being played. Often when entering a game for the first time, it seems the camera angle is off and it’s focussed on a random part of the map as the character enters the game. I know there are a lot here but all of these issues happen in each and every game and have happened at the same time, so I’m hoping the same issue is causing all off these bugs to happen. I’ve tried a soft re-set of the console but that hasn’t worked. I’ve also tried reaching out to Xbox support but they’re difficult to get a hold of and no help at all… Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.439Views0likes1CommentWe need old clones back
I know the game is not getting support anymore, but I can't just stay quiet while I have to look at the current clone skins for both Heavy and Specialist. I mean, they all look as basic as the assault class. Maybe for some cases it's cool to have them look different, but for the most part we have blank, boring skins (which looked way cooler before their rework). I consider the ones that didn't actually get a propper rework should've been kept like they were before that update (which, by the way, I know was about 3 years ago, but better late than never).655Views0likes1CommentSupremacy no boarding phase at all (all eras) XBOX sX
Hi there! I've played various offline supremacy games on my new Xbox series X (Battlefront II celebration edition) and there's no boarding phase at all. No matter the era (I do know the rebbellion one doesn't have the boarding phase by default). Whenever I'm playing clones vs droids there SHOULD be a boarding phase but the game just says I won or lost and it's over. I'm missing the other phase so much. Could anyone help? Btw. I have the very same version on my laptop (steam and epic) and there have been no issues.206Views0likes1CommentStuck on load screen for Online gaming (PS5)
I have been playing online for a few weeks now and all was well (ok had a few issues where it would not let me connect etc but reloading the game seemed to solve that). BUT now when I select a multiplayer game, it will find a game, draw the loading screen (with the planet and game type etc) and the loading bar will get to about 98 or so.. Then stop........ Anyone know how I fix this and actually get into a game? I deleted the game last night and reinstalled it this morning but that has had no effect.. Thanks for any ideas.. Jason603Views1like1CommentUnable to Mute Fellow Squadmates
As the title suggests I, and many, many people on the web, are unable to mute our party members constantly. Sometimes I can mute everyone in my party and others I cannot. An "easy" fix to this is to implement a way to mute in game voice chat from other players. Most people use discord or some other side voice call when playing with friends. This needs to be addressed ASAP as it is a huge QOL issue for the community. Thank you!538Views0likes1CommentBattlefront 2 is a dumpster fire.
Battlefront 2 is dead because it is an absolute dumpster fire of hacking and mismanagement since the developer washed their hands of this game. I will not be resubbing to EA play. It is difficult to even report hacking or to submit simple feedback to EA. I cannot express enough my displeasure at the ups and downs this game has had and my lack of faith in EA as a developer. I look forward to the Star Wars IP *hopefully* being placed in more competent hands than EA in the future.367Views2likes1CommentVehicle shaking on ps4
This problem is something I saw back in 2017, and after returning every so often over the years, lo and behold, it's still here. Unsure why it's been reported so little, and never had any response from EA over 5 years. Anytime I'm in any vehicle on PS4, the camera shakes uncontrollably, to the point where firing or moving is near impossible. Is anyone else getting this? Why was it never fixed? (Fyi, I'm on an ultra fast connection, have used multiple controller layouts, and controllers to boot. Even tried different connections and consoles).293Views0likes1CommentBB-8 and BB-E
There are probably a lot of people who appreciate them and good for them, but that's just my opinion on the subject. For my part, I believe that BB-8 and BB-9E are the worst heroes ever added to the game and I would even say a mistake as well as an insult to add them to this category. Moreover, they completely ruin the gameplay when they are found in any of the game modes (galactic assault, heroes vs villains...). I think Dice would have done much better adding 2 new great lightsaber heroes rather than 2 bowling balls.106Views0likes1CommentNo Heroes
Can we get some events with no heroes? They were fine for a while but I feel like every single time I play this game now I'm just being constantly hunted down by a level 700 hero that I couldn't possibly kill by myself. I just played a match where literally every single time I was eliminated It was by hero. It's really starting to kill the fun for me. I really need a break from heroes. I wish there were an anti-heroes versus villains mode.117Views0likes1CommentSWBF2 Crash on log in (Xbox Series)
Hi, I was playing SWBF2 over the weekend on Xbox Series X, and between play sessions I lost the ability to launch the game with my account. If I load the game to the "account picker" it's fine, but if I log into my account, it crashes to the Home Screen. I have tried any variety of solutions (uninstall, delete save data, power cycle, unplug and plug in again, disk vs internet install) and all yielded no results. I tried playing on xbox game cloud (Server not console) and that did not work, and PS4 pro, and that did not work either. Thanks232Views0likes1CommentEverything is wrong with this game
The players that play the game in 2024 are either toxic or just genuinely bad sport which is only one of my reasons another is the lag as I sometimes experience it it and die due to it being only laggy for me and my team it is unfair that EA don’t think about the couple of thousand people that still play the game and haven’t it is pathetic that they cut support for it which is the reason bf2 is now has a lack of players the fact that they added more Disney characters is upsetting as there is so much more better and stronger characters that could have been added to the game but they cancelled it and worked on battlefield 2042 which turned out to be a terrible game just like the new Star Wars outlaws the graphics in 2017 were better than the ones in outlaws which was released in 2024 which is lazy and pathetic on EA’s side I have played the game for a while now and although it is alright it could do better like I said there are better characters to be added but instead they added bb8 and bb9e which again lazy for a multi billion dollar company is sloppy,lazy and just pathetic in general.212Views0likes1Comment