Hey @SnowmanHD @Tinogiggedy. Several excellent points. That is what I believe this forum is for. Pure discussion, sharing of ideas to help others who are new to the game and it's complexities. Really you both make great arguments and thanks for the considerations I requested. I am replying to you out of respect. I don't work for them, but trying to give you another view point.
What I have learned is that the EA Company has a group of corporate staff, then high level managers, then>> Development teams, customer service, manufacturing teams, legal liaisons, HR, support staff, etc, etc. These guys are all over the world, most of them at home base in EU. When we get down to specific games, of which there are what, 80-90, ( review on the home page, "All Boards") the Community Moderators are running all of these boards. They have several areas to manage: to help players, ( Customers) , maintain a clean board, explain issues, add variety and support, REPORT back to Development teams what the issues are so they can be fixed, and many more. I am certain there is a hierarchy, but not likely given a golden goose for the job. They are kind enough to report back to some players, those who are respectful, of developments behind the scenes. That is pretty cool to have the inside info and share with players, like F8rge did when the game had to be rebuilt earlier this month. He put out info for us on the web to keep us informed. There were many who were happy to understand what was being done and many who were upset about why it was not faster, why not more info, etc. Remember the company is publicly traded. They have certain restrictions placed on them as to what they can say due to liability from shareholders, etc.
They do not get to make the decisions on what gets fixed 1st. They do not decide when a fix is released or new content is coming out. They don't get to decide who gets a bonus. They can send information to the powers that be and only WAIT. However, when they do get good info, they try to share it. As with all businesses and games, sometimes not everyone is happy. Sometimes they know what to look for and support players with their knowledge to help them get back into the game. Sometimes, they have no idea but can offer some suggestions. Sometimes, what works for you, does not work for others. They do not have teams of service guys who can come out and fix the problems. But I digress.
If you read this far, you see that I honestly support the CM's Heroes and other Champions and take what they can give when they offer it. Make up your own mind here and decide to be happy or mad, but these guys and gals are just like us. Working for a living and not given the chance to make the rules, just to follow them and share when they can!.
This is way more than you asked for. Apologies. Bottom line. I understand your side as you have explained and feel for you. Same with me prior to last update. Crashes, drops, Live Die Repeat is what we do. We love the games.
Last note and I can't say this enough. You 2 are great additions to the forums program as noted by your guide status and are likely to be Champions / Heroes one day as you do understand the process and help others. I will support your progression. !!