6 years ago
Celebration editon not included in elite trooper edition???
I preordered the elite trooper edition of the game back in 2017 and I paid a hefty amount of money for it. My reward was a few emotes, star cards, and loot boxes??? Okay I guess. But now players can not only get every skin in the game for a mere 25$, but buy it with the game for $40 and get more than what I got ????? I get that I got a few Crystal's and star cards, but we're talking compared to EVERY SKIN IN THE GAME. I feel like I have the right to be upset when I bought a specifically upgraded version of the games, just to be told, nah buddy, that's not it, here's the other upgrade that's gonna give everyone else way more cosmetics than you, for less than half the price of your original purchase? Seems unfair to me