Saber User Dodge Mechanic Problems
It seems a change was made in a recent update to the mechanics behind dodging as a saber user; specifically what occurs after a dodge maneuver.
Whatever change(s) were made are absolutely horrible and are conflicting with the other game mechanics and logics that are built into the game.
Examples of what I’m talking about is that there’s a delay in the ability to attack post-dodge but this is compounded by the delay in character turn around post dodge. After a dodge maneuver there is a delay in changing the direction your character is facing; this results in a moment while your character is essentially standing there like a fool.
There is a very critical need to be able to reorient your character with zero delay or impediment so as to defend yourself.
The overall gameplay logic hasn’t changed which means that players using saber characters play conservatively, using movements as well as dodges to try and time abilities and opportunities. By having a delay of any kind associated with a dodge maneuver is unbelievably poor logic.
Given that the gameplay facilitates dodging on a regular and consistent basis; whether to try and create an attack opportunity or to properly defend yourself; there shouldn’t be a penalty associated with dodge.
There’s been a consistent trend of the development team implementing changes based on only evaluating one element of the gameplay rather than the overall gameplay environment. The development team should consider a broader Beta test group to get a better idea of deployment impacts.
At the very least the developers need to re-evaluate this particular mechanic; especially the delay on turning / reprinting your characters direction post dodge.