The Ewok
I’ve decided to use the Infiltrator class more, and I am doing pretty well except for when I’m playing as a Rebel. The Ewok’s unique (read: strange) way of firing makes it difficult to kill anything. To anyone who has experience with this teddy bear of death, how am I supposed to use it?
Here is a general Ewok summary and guide:
The Ewok, despite having 350 health, is a very fragile, low-tier reinforcement. They are best played in a role of aggressive support and stealth, finishing off weakened enemies and attacking from the side. They are about average at objective play, being excellent at setting bombs and carrying packages, while hot garbage at taking a command post.
Rundown of abilities:
Main Weapon: Bow.
This is the most complex weapon in the game, as it is a little luck based and very dependent on aim at the same time. It has two functionalities: aim and charge.
Charge: Zoom while holding the shoot button. This will need to charge up to reach full capacity and will require precise aim. It can OHK with a headshot on infantry, and 2HK on an enforcer at full charge. It is prone to dropping over distance, so you will need to be a good aim.
Aim: this is the simplest and easiest way to pick off enemies. Simply wait until a red circle appears around an enemy, then fire until dead. It does around 70 damage per shot, which would be fine, but it has a really slow rate of fire.Spear: the melee weapon, it does, like 40 damage. It is really bad. Only use it when close to a nearly dead enemy.
Wisties: these fire spirits are launched like a grenade, doing damage over time. They are good at annoying and weakening large groups, though characters with large health pools won’t be affected nearly as much. The best usage they have is clearing out areas, or for guerrilla attacks
Hunter’s instincts: this is a standard scanning ability, but has the unique perk that allows you to see footsteps. It also let’s you tell which enemies are damaged, all the easier to pick off weaklings.
Horn: The worst ability he has, the horn makes the hunter super horny, gives him damage reduction, and increased melee strength. It can’t really be used in a pinch, because it takes four seconds for the animation to run, and it also reveals you on scanners.
Final verdict: The Ewok is a flimsy fighter that relies on stealth to deal any damage or get kills. They have mediocre abilities, one of which doesn’t really fit them. So they are probably the worst reinforcement in the game. The best mode to use them in is Ewok Hunt, because at least then your enemy is blinded, disoriented, outnumbered, and scared.