Forum Discussion
Product: Star Wars Battlefront II
What is your issue related to? Challenges
Which part of it? Persistent
Summarize your bug I did all Multiplayer Achievments, and the last one Dont count the progression. I did all Multiplayer progression and dont get the 500 crystalls from the last achievment!!!!!!!
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Ayatonbona
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 17.11.2017
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 13:10
In what game mode did the bug occur? Galactic Assault
What is your time zone? ECT - GMT + 1:00
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Make all Multiplayer Progress, try to get the 500crystalls from the u clear it ACM!°!!!
What happens when the bug occurs? Nothing, thats the problem!
What do you expect to see? The Number 27/27 of my Multiplayer Progression?
Please select your region Europe
AMD or Nvidia Model Number
Multiplayer Progression:
I did 26/27 , The Last Part cant be finished.
NO 500 CRYSTALS TODAY!?!??! Guys come on, i did everything and dont get my PRESENTS LOOT of 500 Crystalls now?
- Anonymous8 years agoSame exact thing happened to me I worked really hard to get the Milestone a tremendous service the last Milestone I needed to complete to get it was the I'm right with you Milestone which was to defeat a hundred enemies with hero ships in Starfighter assault not only did I finish that milestone but I didn't receive the hundred credits for it and it says progress a hundred out of a hundred then with the tremendous service Milestone it says 26 out of 26 but won't let me claim the rewards for either now I'm stuck at 25 out of 27 for the multiplayer Milestones so frustrating
- Anonymous8 years agoI had the same thing happen. I completed all the multiplayer milestones with my son. Even after doing the BS disruption challenge that took forever. After everything it shows complete, but it says claim reward in the career section, but it is completely grayed out. How do I fix this? Sucks to spend so much time doing these challenges and have to tell your 10 year old the game doesn’t work. He no longer wants to play.
- Anonymous8 years agoI have the same problem, sort of. On Sunday February 4th 2018 I did some grinding to finally complete all of the multiplayer milestones. Eight hours later I completed my last defender milestone on Kamino and as it does it told me to collect in the menus. So I backed out and when I went to collect my rewards it didn't count it as completed. It's still shows that I need to defend on Kamino. Do I have to play it all over again and hope that the team I'm playing with is decent enough to defend it again? I mean it takes over an hour sometimes to even get a chance to play as a defender in that region...
- 8 years ago@StriaghtXNinja
I’d say give it a shot. It may have glitched when you achieved the milestone. IIRC, the glitch was still being resolved last weekend.- 8 years ago@EA_David
Okay I got the “Fixes Deployed” crate. Thanks much! Now trying SA to see if I can’t get that Aggressor milestone unlocked...
- Anonymous8 years agoI am still having this issue. I received the fixes crate but that did nothing. My achievements are still locked. Any advice to unlock these.
- 8 years agoI have the same problem
About STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II
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