Forum Discussion
@J-snukk Thank you, that's very interesting. Do you have an image of the falsely "completed" milestone? I take it that you didn't get the 1k credits?
On the offchance that you've been tracking your Starfighter wins have you won at least once on all maps?
- 8 years agoI have shot down 67 starfighters in a bomber and the bomber cadet shows the progress bar all the way to the right in the career page to claim the reward but I can't click the X button on my PS4 controller to claim the reward. Just saw the same behavior with another milestone. However some milestones are unlocking.
- 8 years ago
On PC I can't unlock 'Luke, trust your feelings'. The game claims a finished it but doesn't let me claim it.
- Anonymous8 years ago
@EA_David Thanks for the rewards crate! Appears to be all fixed now! Thanks again! 🙂
- Anonymous8 years ago
My Tremendous Service milestone STILL Won't complete!!!
- 8 years ago
My CR-2 attachments are still "broke" - cant claim the first one but the second one was fine..
- ggibb657 years agoHero
@EA_David- Hi
In the last update, a new milestone (HvV Hero Starfighter 1 game required ) was added to the multiplayer set and a couple more were added in a prior update but forgot to update an existing milestone (A Tremendous Service which states one has to achieve 26 of the multiplayer milestones). See the screenshot below which shows I have only achieved 25. The next screenshot differs in that I have achieved the 26 required and still did not get this milestone.
This milestone either needs to be rewarded or updated to reflect the now 29 milestones in this group. It appears that it is not recognising the newer milestones added.
This is not a complaint, just highlighting an anomaly.
Another thing, not related to the game. Why can't I preview my posts on this board anymore before I submit them. I just get my profile tag and nothing else.
- 7 years ago
"Another thing, not related to the game. Why can't I preview my posts on this board anymore before I submit them. I just get my profile tag and nothing else."
Yeah good question. Me too. Thought it was just me but thanks for raising it.
Have started a thread for this issue -
Appears it's not just the game that has bugs!? 🤨
- EA_Ataashi7 years ago
EA Staff (Retired)
Nice catch @ggibb65 🙂
I'll poke our specialists about it.
And about the preview issue - it's been affecting the whole forum ☹️ We're working on a fix at the moment.
- ggibb657 years agoHero@EA_Ataashi - thanks
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