Forum Discussion
Product: Star Wars Battlefront II
What is your issue related to? Challenges
Which part of it? Persistent
Summarize your bug 2 of my milestones in particular are bugged. I'm providing full information at the bottom of the page.
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Daemonshade
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 11/16/2017
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 02:00 AM
In what game mode did the bug occur? Galactic Assault
What is your time zone? GMT (UTC)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try to complete the milestones, see if you run into the same issues.
What happens when the bug occurs? It locks progression for the milestones ultimately locking me out of the reward.
What do you expect to see? I expected it to progress as intended.
Please select your region Europe
AMD or Nvidia Model Number SLI 2x GTX 1080.
The first goal I set myself on the game was to complete the 27 Multiplayer Milestones which unlocks the **** emote and 500 crystals, however towards the end of my journey I've noticed a couple of key issues that have prevented me from unlocking this.
Firstly, to complete "A Tremendous Service" you need to have completed 26 of the other milestones, but I'm currently sat on 24/26 even though technically I have 25/26, there is literally only one other milestone I need, but I'll get to that next. I did notice that during the milestone "The Aggressor" which insists you need to win a game of starfighter assault on attack on every map, I was only 3/5 progress but it completed automatically and gave me the 1,000 credits but this has not updated on the main milestone so I am permanently stuck with 1 less completion than I have.
Secondly, the milestone "Disrupted Enemies" absolutely does not work. I am still at 0/25. It states that you only need to assist in killing 25 enemies whilst they are under disruption status, but in my hours playing I should have completed this 100x over by now and yet I'm still 0/25. I have tried every type of grenade available, and even tried using Iden's droid and Chewbacca's grenade, and still nothing.
I contacted EA live chat to report this directly, and the only solution they offered me was exactly this, and it did not work for me:
" 2)Make sure you are running the latest version of Origin :
3). Clean registry, clear cache and temp files :
4). Run Origin as admin :
5). Clear cahe of Origin-
Ensure Origin is fully closed by clicking the Origin Menu and selecting Exit.
Delete the following folders:
All the files and folders in the Origin folder, except for LocalContent - Found in C:\ProgramData\Origin\LocalContent
All files and folders found in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Origin
All files and folders found in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Origin
Note: You can get into the appdata folder via Run -> %appdata%"
Again, I used every step of that guide, did exactly what they suggested should fix it, and still nothing. I'm stuck on the same bugged milestones, which is pretty frustrating as those 500 crystals could have gone a long way, and I just generally hate being bugged on progression as it's most of the fun I get out of games...
- 8 years ago
Just a quick update. I managed to get the Disrupted Enemies milestone to complete, but unfortunately I am still bugged out of the main milestone "A Tremendous Service".
- Anonymous8 years agohi ! if you dont mind me asking how did you get the disrupted enemies milestone?
- 8 years ago
To get this milestone you need to use the disruptor star card for the Officers class. This was a huge pain to get. It took me about 30 matches to complete. I have noticed that the missions for completing 5/5 definding and attacking in starfighter assault is bugged because I have verified and completed definding/attacking successfully on all 5 maps multiple times but still it won't show that I have succeed in defending 5/5. The one map of Coruscant is where it is bugged for me. After I complete defending it the milestone shows as being complete but when I go to check in my career it still shows 4/5 complete for defending.
- Anonymous8 years agoSame here completed all the milestones/challengers but the main milestone will not unlock and I cannot get my 500 crystals.
- XApproaches8 years agoRising Traveler
Thanks for the update. I think I've figured this out. There are a number of challenges that "complete" before you've actually completed them, via bugs. One is the Aggressor one (happened to me), one is the Disruptor one (I was at like 21/25 when it completed), one is the Defender one, etc.
Unfortunately, if you actually claimed any of those (even though you wouldn't have necessarily even known you didn't complete the challenge yet) it will bug out "A Tremendous Service". That's my current theory. Anyway, this is the most pathetic and game-breaking bug I've ever seen. This is the crowning glory acheivement of the multiplayer portion of this game (a primarily multiplayer experience), and it's bugged? That's pathetic. That's like having every single choice in Mass Effect boil down to the color of the beams shooting across the galaxy. Oh, wait...
This bug is a countdown to me quitting the game, and there's nothing I love more than Star Wars games.
- 8 years ago
lmao, how many patches did they release until now? I just completed all the multiplayer milestones and "Tremendous Service" is still bugged. xD
- 8 years ago
having same issue with PS4 as well
- 8 years agoI’m on PC and completed all the milestones, but “A Tremendous Service” says I still need one more. This is definitely bugged, please fix ASAP.
- Anonymous8 years ago
Same issue here. Does someone know if they're planning to patch this ?
- Anonymous8 years agoSame issue on xb1
- Anonymous8 years ago
In the other thread there still is no official EA response as of yet...
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