4 years ago
Can't Subscribe to SWTOR
Hello, I have a problem with subscribing. How to solve this error message? There is an issue with your Electronic Arts account which will prevent SWTOR purchases until resolved. Please contact cust...
Hey buddy, i seem to be having the same issue with my account, i cant seem to purchase a subscription, cartel coins or even redeem a code, i have changed my EA password but no success. My SWTOR Username is I-Steal-Potatoes
Your account has been sent to studio for fixing ( there is no timeframe ) they should email when it is fixed
to subscribe for now as a workaround, if you install the game via steam and login and play on a character to be sure the accounts are linked , you can then subscribe via steam whilst this gets sorted
I have same issue. Tried resetting EA account, but it didn’t work. Xaveak is my swtor account. Strela9K34 is my EA account. Tried subscribing via steam, but it also doesn’t work. It’s definitely linked.
You will need to call swtor support when the lines open to fix the account issue before any gametime can be added
1am - 10 am QLD time (AEST) lines open https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/INFO-Getting-Help-and-Board-Guidlines/td-p/4806237/jump-to/first-unread-message
Support cant see any email from you per the steam sticky , given you need to call to fix the account, have the screenshots ready to upload when you call
I too am having problems buying a subscription.
I merely told :
General Error
x An error has occurred while trying to process your request. Please, try again later.
My SW:TOR username is Anterean
There is a known issue with credit cards from denmark and the netherlands , best suggestion is to tie that card to a paypal account and purchase via paypal
otherwise link the swtor account to steam and purchase on steam https://help.ea.com/za/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-on-steam/
Hey, yeah same problem can't subscribe or redeem codes
Nonsensicalspud - is my swtor
and my EA is the same
To fix the account You need to reset the password on the linked EA account that account has the persona abcpm9oscs644a (not nonsensicalspud your posting on now) that EA account uses the same email as on your swtor account
use the following link (insert the swtor email) to reset the password then login on that EA account to fix the swtor account for purchasing
for future purchases, use incognito mode on chrome initially if you purchase on swtor.com to be sure browser cache and cookies is cleared
Hi, I’ve done reset the password using the email
same problem still can’t buy a subscription or redeem game time
I have the same issue as others, I cant subscribe, and everytime I want to, there appears the same window and text as others seen. My account name is acolytedaniel, email is [edit: email address removed]
Could You help me, please?
Thank You for any advice and possible solution.
You need to reset the password on the linked EA account that account has the persona acolytedaniel (not Tipekcool your posting on now) that EA account uses a Gmail email
use the following link to reset the password then login on that EA account to fix the swtor account for purchasing
for future purchases, use incognito mode on chrome initially if you purchase on swtor.com to be sure browser cache and cookies is cleared
I am having a similar problem as the rest. I can't seem to buy a subscription, or anything else on the store. I've already tried resetting my password, and have tried using a different browser. None of that worked.
Username: j_jdude
I also cannot subscribe with my account -- It provides the same error.
Hi I've tried both Steam and EA options for subscription and though purchased has cleared my account both times ( wasn't my brightest moment to try it twice) it won't register in game an won't allow me to redeem any code through official swtor website. Swtor username: DarthRavnous. EA:TheHarvester.
I've contacted both help desks to no avail. It says there is an issue with my EA account that is not fixed via password reset
As an aside Steam is linked to both accounts
you need to call swtor support when the lines are open , they can assist resolving the account issue you have
believe swtor support have already asked you to call previously
Support said the account is ok , and can see you made a purchase so guess you are all good now
OShaddie here... same issue cannot subscribe...
tengo inconveniente con mi cuenta para poder sucribirme a swator mi nombre de usuario es yenjunior para que me puedas hacer el favor de ayudarme a suscribirme