4 years ago
Can't Subscribe to SWTOR
Hello, I have a problem with subscribing. How to solve this error message? There is an issue with your Electronic Arts account which will prevent SWTOR purchases until resolved. Please contact cust...
Hello there!
I am unable to subscribe. Tried both ways with either Paypal or Credit Card. Both cases it fails, saying "unexpected error" when verifying the payment in the very end. Bank says the card is in perfect order, no problems there. Paypal works on everything else.
Tried resetting my EA account password succesfully, tried incognito mode. Nothing helps. I am really hesitant to try via Steam because of past problems of me not being able to cancel subscription and paying 3-4 months for nothing because of that.
Anything I could do other than what I have already tried? Is the Steam route the only possibility? Would really love to play the game but with the sub extras.
EA name dfuncta
SWTOR funkkis
e. Seems I managed to tip toe my way around the problem by having Paypal balance to buy a bundle with 60 days game time.
if the account is disabled, steam purchases will not add to the swtor account, the linked ea account may not be the EA account your posting with now, hence password reset doesnt help
Common for this issue is that the linked ea account has been disabled needing a password reset, that EA account likley uses the same email address you have used to create the swtor account originally, so if you have changed the email on the swtor account though, try using the original email used on the swtor account
use this link to reset the password then login on that EA account
Be sure to use incognito mode with chrome or delete the browser cache and cookies to be sure it isnt cached if purchasing on swtor.com
otherwise call swtor support when the lines are open https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/Getting-help-with-SW-TOR-from-another-country...