Forum Discussion

adriancoolman's avatar
New Novice
7 years ago

Am I doing something wrong in P1 hsith?

So before , I did a lot of high scores,sure i quit and restarted the round a lot,but now it's even harder coz the raid finishes so fast so if you have no RNG you're kittens.

But still,it makes me wonder...Am I doing something wrong?

I'm doing on average 3 mil with the same mods I had before ,except that my team is upgraded now(scav rey g11>g12.5 so i should be doing better)
Except i'm not.

RJT still takes a lot of RNG to get both speed down and maybe offense down on Nihilus and if R2D2 can't put his expose with fire ,you're ...well,you have to restart.

That's the only way you might have a 75% chance of getting bb-8's illuminated destiny before nihilus takes a turn,i'm still doing that and not doing any better.

Where am I doing wrong...
I call BB-8 to assist,I put stealth on r2d2 or bb-8 for assists.But nihilus just does a lot of damage and my characters end up dying early. (Like RT or Rey Scav)

I just want to understand what I'm doing wrong.Are my mods wrong?Thing is they haven't changed a bit since i've done these kind of scores(even before the P1 ''Nerf'')

((See my swgoh in signature))

2 Replies

  • Trooper and Scavenger Rey should heal themselves up strictly through damage. Some Trooper is vulnerable because he takes so many turns that he will un-stealth, but that's just RNG dependent.

    One thing that might help you is BB8's Self-Preservation Protocol. At the beginning of the battle, I tend to use R2's smoke screen and stealth everyone except BB8. I usually try to have either BB8 or RJT not stealthed, because they get a lot of foresight and they'll heal when they dodge (with Insight and SPP zetas).

    Since Nihilus uses Drain Force his first time, I use RJT to call R2 to assist (to give him foresight), and then R2 gives BB8 foresight. If you can use ID first, you may have to reapply them both at least once, but the goal is to have both droids with foresight when Nihilus moves. This will drastically reduce the amount of damage they take at the beginning, and the droids are the hardest to keep alive in this squad.
  • Counterpoint - you want as many exposes as possible, both for damage and for TM. I have all five as close to 60% cc as possible to guarantee crits every time. We've done three heroic and I also do 5+m. I did 5.6m last night.