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Invincible Capital Ship Concept
Inspiration: Whereas the Malevolence is focused on Offence, the Invincible will be more focused on Defence. Also, Admiral Trench is the only Admiral in-game without a Capital Ship Unit Name: Invincible Fleet Commander: Admiral Trench Affiliation: Dark Side, Capital Ship Tags: Separatist Attacks and Abilities Basic: Heavy Cannons Deal Physical Damage to target enemy and inflict Target Lock for 2 turns. Target Lock: Inflicts Evasion Down for 2 turns and this attack can't be Evaded. Special 1: Tracking Torpedoes (Cooldown: 3) Dispel Stealth from al Stealthed enemies and inflict Expose and Target Lock on them for 2 turns, which can't be resisted. Then deal Physical damage to target enemy and all other Target Locked enemies. This attack can't be evaded. Special 2: Hyena Bombing Run (Cooldown: 3) Deal Special Damage to all enemies and place 2 Concussion Mines on them. Target Lock: Increase duration of Target Lock by 1 turn and place an additional Concussion Mine on them. Special 3: Thermal Shields (Cooldown: 5) Dispel all debuffs from all allies, recover 30% of their Health and 60% of their Protection, and grant them Tenacity Up and Damage Immunity for 2 turns, which can't be prevented. This ability starts on cooldown. Unique: I Am Your Doom Target Locked enemies can't gain Stealth. Whenever the Invincible uses a Special ability, all allies gain 10% Turn Meter, doubled for Separatist allies, and a random enemy suffers Fear for 1 turn, which can't be evaded. Whenever a Separatist ally attacks a Target Locked enemy during their turn, they inflict Tenacity Down for 1 turn, which can't be evaded, and the Invincible gains 5% Turn Meter. Reinforcement Bonus: Reinforcements gain Critical Hit Immunity and Accuracy Up for 3 turns.dosman223312 minutes agoRising Veteran167Views0likes5CommentsLet's fix TW Sandbagging....
Let's face it, there is a lot of intentional and unintentional sandbagging in TW. Currently the rules are that the number of defensive teams is based on the guild with the fewest members. While CG seems to deny this as an advantage for the team with fewer players, it is because it means that they players who signed up still only have to place 1 squad per zone (for those in the highest tiers). So let's change it up. Make the number of squads based on the team with more signed up. Force the sandbaggers to put more teams on D so they have less available for offense. While i would prefer a more extensive rework for TW, a minor tweak like this might make guilds who want to recruit based on a huge TW win rate, only to find out they get it by playing down by 40M GP.psebsee2002_v23 hours agoNew Scout678Views4likes21CommentsGA no penalties?
Hi all, Some players are not joining to GA and they have some points all time. For example, player ID 994-762-941 no connection since153 days and he is Kyber 5 with 2826 points. Why system don't remove a quantity of points if players don't join to GA? I think that a lot kyber/aurodium players are not playing.albervelo3 hours agoNewcomer48Views0likes1CommentEzra exile needs to be fixed.
There is no way they intended for this character to be better under Rey in Gac than under GLAT. with the current ATF L9 datacron and the fact you can hide her under instant defeat immunity all match because of ezra exile you have have really 2 solid counters. baylon with his exclusive Dc and Leia They need to start nerfing characters who are crazy overperforming on teams they are not meant for if they are willing to go and nerf counters to the Levithan because Levithan is supposed to be the best. If they followed their same track GLAT should be the best atm with a DC and need her team to hit that spot. Please look into this character already most ppl relic him and don't bother with GLAT until they get to a point where there is nothing else to farm given, he does better with rey atm. Simple fix is needing all jedi or specter allies.Sweetllew39395 hours agoNew Traveler20Views0likes1CommentCharacter idea: Rebel Pilot
With Rebel Pilot already in the game, it seems such a shame that it's not already playable, especially since its antithesis the TIE Pilot is. The Rebel Pilot could become assigned to pilot the existing Y-Wing or if not then any other future Rebel ships like the A-Wing, B-Wing, H-60 Tempest bomber, T-Wing, Rebel ARC-170 etc.SimVelocity6 hours agoSeasoned Hotshot158Views1like4CommentsTyber Zann Character Kit Concept
Inspiration: The main character of 'Star Wars: Empire At War', the 'Forces of Corruption' expansion. Unit Name: Tyber Zann Relic Amplifier: Rawk Chopped Special Blaster Affiliation: Dark Side, Support Tags: Leader, Mercenary, Scoundrel, Smuggler Basic: Confident Shot Deal Physical Damage to target enemy. If the target enemy has Corruption, Corruption is dispelled and the target enemy is inflicted with Ability Block and Expose for 2 turns. Corruption: Can't be dispelled by target enemy; can't attack out of turn; can't gain buffs or give buffs to allies; +10% Tenacity and Offense (stacking; max 60%) when dispelled. If Tyber Zann inflicts Corruption on an enemy with Corruption, the strongest enemy gains Corruption Special 1: Time Is Money (Cooldown: 4) Tyber Zann inflicts Corruption on target enemy and gains +10 Speed (stacking) whenever an enemy with Corruption attacks Tyber Zann during their turn. Special 2: Holding a Grudge (Cooldown: 5) Tyber Zann inflicts Extortion on target enemy. Then, he inflicts Daze on all enemies, which can't be dispelled, resisted or prevented until the target enemy has dispelled Extortion. Extortion: Removes Extortion, recover 10% Health and grant Tyber Zann Profit Profit: +10% Critical Chance and Critical Damage per stack (max 50%) until the end of the encounter This ability starts on Cooldown Leader: In Complete Control All Smuggler allies gain +15% Critical Damage, Critical Chance and Potency. Whenever a Smuggler ally attacks an enemy with Corruption, Tyber Zann gains 5% Turn Meter and all Smuggler allies gain half that amount. Whenever a Smuggler ally gains a Buff, Tyber Zann gains that Buff and the ally loses 5% Health but gains +5% Offense, Critical Chance, Critical Damage and Potency (stacking). Unique: Corruption is my Weapon Tyber Zann can't be Critically Hit. Tyber Zann has +10% Potency (stacking) for each enemy inflicted with Corruption and all Smuggler allies gain half that amount. Then, whenever Corruption is Dispelled, Tyber Zann and all allies gain 10% Turn Meter and +10% Tenacity (stacking) until the end of the encounter. While in Conquest and if all allies are Smugglers: All enemies start the battle with Corruption and whenever Tyber Zann dispels Corruption, the cooldown of Holding a Grudge is resetdosman22337 hours agoRising Veteran50Views2likes3CommentsJace Malcom Character Kit Concept
Inspiration: The Old Republic is in dire need of new units to remain relevant Unit Name: Jace Malcom Relic Amplifier: Old Republic Trooper Helmet Affiliation: Light Side, Attacker Tags: Leader, Old Republic Attacks and Abilities Basic: Laser Cannon Deal physical damage to target enemy and all allies gain Speed Up for 2 turns. Special 1: Photon Rocket (Cooldown: 4) Deal physical damage to all enemies and inflict Stun on the target enemy for 2 turns and remove 65% Turn Meter. Then, inflict Speed Down on all enemies for 3 turns, which cannot be Resisted, Dispelled, or Prevented by enemies that have a higher current speed than Jace Malcom. Special 2: We Fight Together (Cooldown: 3) Cleanse all negative effects from all allies, then apply Tenacity Up, Offense Up and Critical Damage Immunity to all Old Republic allies for 2 turns. Jace Malcom then calls the target ally to assist each dealing +50% more damage. Leader: Captain of Squad 326 All Old Republic allies gain +40% Max Health and +40% Offense. Whenever an enemy takes a turn, all Old Republic allies gain +20% Bonus Protection (stacking, max +100%). Whenever an enemy gains bonus Turn Meter, all Old Republic allies gain +3 Speed (stacking) until an Old Republic ally takes a turn. While in Grand Arenas and if all allies are Old Republic: The Speed gain stacks even when an Old Republic ally takes a turn. Unique: Havok Squad Jace Malcom has 100% Counter chance. The first time an Old Republic ally is attacked during his turn all Old Republic allies gain 20% Turn Meter and are called to Assist, dealing 50% less damage each. This damage penalty is removed if the enemy is Sith Empire.dosman22339 hours agoRising Veteran22Views1like1CommentIs the server down/ when will you get new mods for Discord?
I can’t get the game to log me in and get past the loading screen. I really wish I could just check the Discord instead of making a new thread here, but I was booted without warning for being a bot. Apparently it wasn’t a 30 day it was permanent. I’ve talked to others that had similar experiences on the Discord. I never went there once without being accused of being a bot for asking questions about the game.Grootka12 hours agoNew Rookie21Views0likes1CommentDarth Malak light side!
Okay I'm curious how do i beat Darth Malak on the light side? all my characters are relic 3 expect jedi knight Revan who is at gear XII and zeta 2 and his power is 23k. ive watched videos of people beating him but every time i get him almost killed he kills me after spamming drain life. so what the hell am i doing wrong? I've already beaten the dark side battleXSpartaninincorp15 hours agoRising Novice331Views0likes7CommentsLeader abilities
When SWGOH released, almost every character had a lead ability, most of which made me scratch my head why - Talia, Gun Di, Lobot, Kit, etc, etc….. I think it’s time to take some of those older toons, remove their lead abilities, refund the material invested and replace the lead ability with a useful special ability for today’s game. Wishful thinking or something that could actually happen?SkyWookie7916 hours agoNewcomer38Views0likes0CommentsCG we see your game!!!!
CG, I don't know how you think we use your game, but just... We see It, in fact !!! With our eyes !!!! When the game refuses to validate a victory, because... It can't find the internet, we see it! When there are inconsistencies between the kits and the fight, we see it! When defenders start the fight while their speed ismore than 20 lower than the attacking characters, we see it! When we time out because the animations are too long (hello Jabba), we see it! And the only thought that comes is... But... You're bad, there! We see it, in fact!Lhyr_fr17 hours agoNew Traveler123Views0likes2Comments- PertorTom19 hours agoNew Adventurer78Views0likes0Comments
Silri Character Kit Concept (From 'Empire At War: Forces of Corruption')
Unit Name: Silri Relic Amplifier: Cuddles the Rancor Affiliation: Dark Side, Attacker Tags: Nightsister, Mercenary, Scoundrel, Smuggler Attacks and Abilities Basic: Violent Thrash Deal Special damage to target enemy. This attack deals bonus damage based on the stacks of Plague or Corruption on the target enemy. Special 1: Life Drain (Cooldown: 4) Deal Special damage to target enemy equal to 50% of their Max Health. Then, Silri recovers health based on the damage dealt. Special 2: I Bring Darkness (Cooldown: 3) Deal Special damage to all enemies and Dispel all stacks of Plague from them. This attack deals bonus damage based on the stacks of Plague dispelled and Silri gains 3% Turn Meter per stack. Unique: No One Controls Me Silri has a 15% chance to Assist whenever an ally uses a basic attack (stacking, max 75%) for each Nightsister or Scoundrel ally. In addition, whenever Plague is dispelled on a target enemy, it regains Plague. While in Territory Battles: Silri assists whenever a Nightsister or Scoundrel ally uses their Basic ability. In addition, she and the ally in the leader slot start the battle with Foresight and Damage Immunity.dosman223320 hours agoRising Veteran21Views1like0CommentsShips in GAC suck
Just saying the ship sector in GAC is absolutely no fun. I would love to have more options for countering the meta fleets.AtliB1321 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer89Views1like2CommentsToxic TW meta
Well title said it all. Right now there is 2 GL team with double omicron and good lvl 9 datacrons. This is realy not good for the meta.... Plz for the love of this game... Stop pumping omicron upgrade on GL teams..... I enjoy TW but i dislike when 1 team beat 90% of the other team. When the single counter also work only 50% of the time Team GL rey with fulcrum and cal Team GL Ahsoka spectre If you have miracle counter plz enlight me because im becoming crazy over here.MockingMax21 hours agoRising Scout53Views0likes0CommentsUrai Fen Character Kit Concept (From 'Empire At War: Forces of Corruption')
Unit Name: Urai Fen Relic Amplifier: Heavy Blades Affiliation: Dark Side, Attacker Tags: Mercenary, Scoundrel, Smuggler Attacks and Abilities Basic: Heavy Slice Deal Physical damage to target enemy. This attack deals double damage to enemies with Armor Shred and Corruption and ignores Protection. Special 1: Ready for Battle (Cooldown: 3) Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Armor Shred for the rest of the battle. If Tyber Zann is present, he is called to Assist, dealing 30% less damage. Special 2: Do Not Disappoint Me (Cooldown: 4) Deal Physical damage to all enemies and Stun the target enemy for 2 turns, which can't be Evaded or Resisted. This attack deals double damage against Jedi, Sith and Unaligned Force User enemies. Unique: Proud Warrior Urai Fen has +25% Offense, Potency, Critical Chance Up and Critical Damage Up for each of the following: Scoundrel leader, Smuggler leader, Sith enemy, Jedi enemy, Unaligned Force User enemy, enemy with Corruption. Urai Fen starts the battle with Stealth. If Tyber Zann is in the leader slot and not the ally slot, Urai Fen gains double that amount and takes reduced damage (40%) from enemy attacks.dosman223323 hours agoRising Veteran22Views0likes0CommentsRogue Shadow Ship Kit Concept
The Rogue Shadow, as piloted by Starkiller, is one of the most iconic ships from the Expanded Universe. Its inclusion could be as a Conquest reward, and be a solid addition to either the Chimaera or Executrix fleets, classed as an Empire ship, despite its pilot not having the Empire tag in-game (similar to Dash Rendar's Outrider having the Rebel tag, but Dash not having the Rebel tag, and the Razor Crest having the Bounty Hunter tag, despite BAM not having the tag himself) Name: Rogue Shadow Crew: Starkiller Affiliation: Dark Side, Attacker Tags: Empire Attacks and Abilities Basic: Vanishing Strike Rogue Shadow gains Stealth for 2 turns if it didn’t already have it. Then deal Physical damage to target enemy. If Rogue Shadow has Stealth, this attack has +30% Critical Damage. Target Lock: Reduce Rogue Shadow’s cooldowns by 1. Special 1: Sublight Drivers (Cooldown: 4) Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Offense Down for 2 turns, which can’t be dispelled. Then deal Physical damage to the weakest enemy. If that enemy was Target Locked, dispel it from them and the weakest other ally gains Stealth for 2 turns. Otherwise inflict Target Lock on them for 2 turns. Special 2: Dark Apprentice (Cooldown: 8) Instantly defeat target enemy. Dispel all debuffs from all Empire or Sith allies and recover 100% of their Protection. If TIE Advanced x1 is present, it gains 100% Turn Meter. Enemies defeated by this ability can’t be revived. This ability starts on cooldown. Unique 1: Warped Perceptions (Crew) Rogue Shadow has +30% Critical Avoidance while it doesn’t have Stealth and +30% Critical Chance while it’s Stealthed. Other Empire or Sith allies gain half these bonuses. Rogue Shadow’s attacks can’t be evaded. Whenever an ally reinforces, Rogue Shadow grants them Stealth for 3 turns. Whenever Rogue Shadow critically hits an enemy, if all allies are Empire or Sith, the enemy capital ship loses 5% turn meter, which can’t be evaded or resisted. Reinforcement: Classified Construction Enter Battle: Rogue Shadow gains Stealth for 3 turns. Rogue Shadow has +30% Health Steal. If TIE Advanced x1 is present, it also has +30% Health Steal. Inspiration: -The Rogue Shadow's reliance on Stealth is taken from its original purpose for stealth missions, and its state-of-the-art cloaking device. -The heavy synergy with Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1, and the ability name 'Classified Construction', is based on the fact that everyone involved in the Rogue Shadow's construction were killed, with Vader being the only one to know about its existence.dosman22332 days agoRising Veteran97Views1like3CommentsNew dumb character idea
Since all new toons look like they're going to be obscure caracters with minimal screentime, here's a free idea: Jaxxon Rabbit, and it's ship, the Rabbit's Foot. No idea what that is? Me neither until I just saw it on Big Bad Toy Store while looking to see if they had any DL-44s. Apparently a character in some of the comics. It's stupid and obscure, so I thought CG might like it. 😆ba50a83f6178337e2 days agoNew Traveler50Views0likes1CommentDoctor Aphra Event. Phase 1
Hi. I can't be the only one that's annoyed over the Aphra Event. Phase 1 is so rng based idk why. I've played it over 300 times now and still cannot beat it. Tried everything, with mods, relics, zetas. Nothing works really. A event should not be rng based, specially after you spent a lot of time and work in farming up this characters and gearing them up. It's really a shame GOH. You should adjust some events and fix them to be honest. Cause this is not fun at all. It's just makes me upset and probably others to.Anton1999082 days agoSeasoned Newcomer132Views0likes6Comments