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we need guild requirements added to the game!
is anyone else tired of under powered mol eliza's jumping in you're guild and taking the spot away from potentially good members.guild leaders / officers need to be able to set requirements for a guild. example would be (amount of gp) ( has changed their name once)(certain tb teams) etc.... sure there is the invite only method but.... that has been terrible in my experience as far as recruiting people goes.FrozenKnight42057 seconds agoSeasoned Rookie0Views0likes0CommentsCan we please...
Some of my thoughts based on my first year of playing this game as a dolphin: In Shipments: Weekly shipments, why do I see all the characters here that are already maxed out? Why would I spend 800-2800+ crystals for character shards on a maxed out character? can we get rid of this clutter please? Just really clogs up what is already a very clogged up section even more. Episode shipments, same thing here, why are you trying to sell me character shards for characters that are already maxed? lets tidy this up shall we? Cantina battle: again ... maxed character shards & honestly very little else. I would REALLY appreciate more things to do with Cantina points besides just buying ship building materials with them (which honestly feels like a waste of the points imo). These parts are quite rare & I would like to see them used for something more productive like helping us out with relic levels, kyro crunch, G12 mats, basically a lot of the stuff we see in the episode shipments. With the character shards reserved for cantina characters like the great mothers or stap as 2 examples of newer characters that should be rotated in eventually. Guild activity, again... maxed out character shards that just clutter up the interface for no reason. the shipments here are at least locked so you can't waste currency on a mis-click, but why just this odd bandaid? why not just give us the option to hide them altogether please?. I also feel like a lot of stuff in this sections prices are ... ambitious (to be kind) & should be reviewed. For example, 200 Mk 1s for 10 character shards, great value. 4500-4525 for 125 mats ... not so much. These should only be 1625 max imo. I feel all the MK2 & Mk3 stuff is wildly overpriced. Guild tokens aren't bad, a few overpriced materials (840 for 20...), but otherwise ok. Squad arena, nothing but prestige to buy here. The credits are wildly overpriced & everything else is just maxed out character shards that we have no reason to purchase. The handful of mats on offer are mediocre at best. I feel like this is another wasted/neglected section much like Cantina is. We should be able to buy newer 'normal' character shards as they are rotated into the game with the older maxed out ones hidden, so the interface isn't so cluttered. Galactic war, this is honestly the only place I want to see maxed out character & ship shards, so I can convert this into shards for the shard shop. Ultimately tho, I feel like this is yet more bloat that we don't need to see. If we're just going to convert everything we get into shard shop currency, why not just give us the shard shop currency directly & be done with it?. Once you have everything from this section, the entire point of galactic wars becomes moot. Its just something you 1 button sim & I feel these extra steps of converting galactic tokens into ship tokens into shard shop tokens ... is frankly a bit silly. We can do better!, we have the technology =) Mods, everything is absurdly overpriced. I understand that this is more of a end game thing for people with everything maxed out to gamble on improving their characters in minute ways, but it sure would be nice to participate once in awhile if we see specific things that would help us without feeling like we got ripped off. Fleet arena, again, pointless maxed out shards for characters & ships that we already have. hide all of this please & rotate newer stuff in that we don't have. We should eventually be able to see most normal characters here, like marrok, shin, visas, huyang, etc etc. give us something to do with these points besides just spend them on overpriced zetas please. Guild events, a lot of stuff is ok here, but I feel strongly that the all the character & ship shard prices are pretty absurd. None of this currency is terribly common, there should be more value. Minus the 400 Mk1 shards for 10 character shards; but the 1350, 1750, 2125, 2700, 3800 ... c'mon, you're just being silly at this point imo. I think all of those could be reduced by a magnitude or several. Also, more maxed out characters / ships cluttering the UI for no reason. These should be here. Let's tidy these up too please =) Grand arena, only a few small notes really. the prices aren't bad for some things, some of the g12 mats are a tiny bit stingy, I feel like if earned more points overall, this would alleviate some of those feelings (especially for the lower ranks to incentivize & help people to get into it more). I'd also like to see the stock freshened up a bit. Maybe more relic mats here please? Shard shop, all the maxed out stuff here? again, no reason to be here, its all locked too!. Let's tidy these up & declutter the interface a lot, so we can actually find stuff we want to buy. I'd like to see more ships & special characters rotated into this section much like we have grievous & vader & all the capitol ships. Why not let us buy like master qui-gon, or death/night trooper shards here? or star fortress, emp shuttle, comeuppance, tie echelon, etc for ship shards? like the point of shard shop currency is like a pity system (imo) you get a bunch of doubles that you don't need, which eventually leads to you being able to buy something you DO need ... except y'all aren't holding up your end of the deal hehe, cause no new stock ever gets rotated in (or is entirely too slow to be rotated in. I'm sure some updates had to have happened at some point right?....right? hehe) Conquest, don't have a lot of notes here. Except to say the 475 for 5 shards feels bad. Why not keep it at 10? that currency is super rare, it's not like we get much of it & it just artificially drags out the wait time for new content, which is honestly this games biggest issue. No one should have to wait literal years to do something in any game. Events: It's nice to see you update this section a bit & breathe some life into the game. More of this please. Really the entire point of this post! - keep doing more of what you did here in this section .. just in all the other sections too lol. I do have a couple of nitpicks tho ... like Stuff that is maxed out, such as the fleet mastery events (or maxed out characters especially!), these events should be hidden by default once you're done, you're done!. There is no reason for these to clutter up the interface any longer. We never need to click on them, so why have them there? seems extremely unnecessary. Galactic legend events can I see both sides, so I'd like to have the option to hide them if we choose & not just have them hidden by default. So you can see what you need to work on in order to do the events you're missing...but once you know, there's really very little reason to have them clutter up this interface as well. Finally, I'd like to be able to see more info in the event section for upcoming events (the grey'd out events). Let me see what the required units are so I know what to work on to maximize my rewards from these events. Seeing the rewards is nice & all, but it would be more helpful if we could see what is required to earn said rewards hehe. Guild Raids & Events Much like in the events section, I would like to be able to see more info about what is required for each raid / event. The characters, ships, relic levels, all that good stuff. STORE: Again, why are you trying to sell me stuff that is already maxed out .. & this time for crystals? That just seems shady imo. There is absolutely zero reason why ANYTHING that we have MAXED out should be shown to us in this section for sale. examples are the fleet ships, character shards, squadron packs etc. This goes for the constant spam of pop-ups that are constantly trying to sell me packs of stuff that I already own! Lastly, the materials ... why are they all so absurdly priced? I understand this is whale bait, but isn't the whole reason you put stuff here, is for us to give you real money for it? so why not make them more affordable & get more of us to willingly give you money. I know I'm a dolphin myself. I will spend money almost exclusively on LSBs & that's it though. I feel like I get value for my dollar there & this is how I choose to support a game I enjoy. There are months when I would like to support you more, but I feel like you take advantage of me with your prices & this in turn sours the entire experience & makes me want to give you less money in the future. The episode pass at $30 (CAD) per month is too much. That's literally two triple A MMO monthly subs for quite frankly not very much in return. Certainly far less than what I would get for subbing to a triple A MMO for 2 months, or if I bought multiple DLC for a game. Again, I would like to support you, but not if you're mugging me in the process. Especially when you factor in the Conquest pass on top of this, which even at the base level is another 13.99 (CAD) bringing the total to $45 per month on top of anything else you might need such as calendars, or LSBs, material packs, etc. Like we enjoy the game, but it shouldn't cost 100s of dollars either. I know I don't have to buy anything, but then the game literally becomes unbearably slow, with team advancement taking literally multiple years to complete. No one has time for this. There is way too much competition for our time these days. What I'm trying to say in a long winded way is, help us help you. Make things more affordable & more people would give you money, which in turn would boost your overall profits, because far more people would take advantage of what you have for sale, vs only a tiny amount of whales that can afford it. Thanks for coming to my TED talk based on my first year playing this game. Please don't yell at me =)101Views3likes4CommentsCharacter idea: Shadow Yoda
Unit Name: Shadow Yoda Affiliations: Dark Side, Attacker Tags: Unaligned Force User A character which could be considered for Galaxy of Heroes is Shadow Yoda or Dark Side Yoda. Whilst on the Wellspring of Life planet aka the Force Planet, Master Yoda would encounter a personification of the dark side that existed inside him. This dark side manifestation was a Gollum-like figure which crawled on its hands and legs and fought using its hands. By rejecting its existence, the figure was resilient to Yoda's attacks, however when Yoda acknowledged its existence he was able to control it and thus defeated it. Unlike Rey (Dark Side Vision) which represented what Rey could be, Shadow Yoda was the manifestation of the dark side that surprisingly existed in Yoda. The full fight between Yoda and Shadow Yoda can be seen here: hours agoNew Hotshot116Views0likes1CommentNeed assistance about old account banned
Hello all Small preface for context, I've been recently trying to get back into GoH. I haven't played in probably 5-6 years. I tried to get into my old account and it seems it's banned for repeated bad actions. I had absolutely no idea why and how... After trying to get assisted by EA help for the first time more than two weeks ago,were lead from team to team saying " oh it's not us go to this link and recreate a ticket" I finally got an answer saying I had breached TOS at some point in the past multiple times ( I have 0 idea why, I was in a good guild and things where cool)and should contact Lucifers daddy but it seems this person doesn't moderate here anymore.... I'm lost, can someone help me please?a1643c38c4cfb2aa3 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer35Views0likes3CommentsThanks CG!
I just want to say to the leadership at CG making the decisions, thanks for incentivizing me to reduce my spending on the game by such a significant amount! I'm saving money I can spend elsewhere due to your absolute lack of concern about what's important to players. This month I've only spent 30 dollars on the conquest pass, rather than the amount I usually spend. It seems your concern has gravitated to new players and you've increasingly ignored long-time loyal players? Bugs effect players negatively? You don't prioritize them. (If they help us in PVE, you fix those ASAP, OT pay is authorized!) Quality of life upgrades? Not a priority. Player concerns about issues or improvements to the game? Not a priority. Product quality? Definitely not a priority. The artwork, kits, character options are all good. It's the spaghetti code that needs work you don't want to put in. Meathead communicates with us, but you basically put him out to take all the heat from players without any backup. Not his fault leaders at CG won't converse with players. I know there are others working at CG who are doing the best they can, but whoever is prioritizing resources is lame. No beta testing before release, because you don't want to put the work into that option. So, you force players to be your beta testers in the release version, which further causes US problems, not you. Even when we call out bugs, it takes months or years to fix many of them. (If they do get fixed) GAC hasn't been updated in years, TW hasn't been updated in even longer. Not a priority. (Even the bugs in GAC and TW are virtually irrelevant to you.) The only updates you make to TB is to add more planets with even higher relic requirements, so players will increase spending of money, time, and resources! But the bugs and balance in TB are irrelevant, only money is relevant. The new "eras" gig seemed kind of decent, but your priority with it is monetization. Sure you did a couple tweaks to improve it, but they should've been done before release. And it's just more tasks to do in game daily. If you buy the pack, you end up with a bunch of currency that isn't really necessary unless you're a newer player. (Because again, long-time players aren't a concern.) So what is your plan? Other than to keep releasing new shinies that are broken? What hasn't been broken, or broken something else on release in the last 18 months? Issues that should've been identified before you put them in game. Whoever's in the lead making decisions seems to only be concerned about new stuff to get people to spend money on. Is a robot in charge? Or just an accountant that doesn't want to interact with customers / players? Or a robot accountant? I'm guessing the leadership won't even see this, but I don't care. You suck. And if EA is fully in charge and making all the decisions, that figures because they suck too. It was good to have gamers running the game for a few years at least, maybe they'll take over again someday?Whatelse734 hours agoSeasoned Ace72Views3likes1CommentWhen will the issue of players ruining TW be addressed?
We have this player who has spread out useless random squads all over our territories and thus is ruining the efforts of 40 players trying to coordinate and run this event. Why hasn't this isssue been addressed after so many years ? How hard is it to : Allow the guild leader to remove such squads. Auto-remove these squads when the player is kicked from the guild. What are you waiting for to fix this game? From here it looks like you are not even trying.Aglardae7 hours agoNew Novice61Views0likes1CommentATF with her L9 DC is broken in GAC
If you have Omi cere with taron 2x omi on unique,Kru,Cal and ATF with her l9 dc there is no other team besides Leia and it is some rng that can beat it. they get to many buffs from everything else and they gain off of her turns because taron is called to attack. they 100% did not think about GAC when making this dc. it needs a nerf and let having an gl in the match at all disable it because otherwise there is only 1 reliable counter to it needs a nerf. you were willing to nerf are Prof and are Chimera and then buff the Levi to make it the best fleet. you better be willing to nerf this like you did are chimera or go and buff scythe for the chimeraSweetllew39399 hours agoSeasoned Rookie32Views0likes1CommentWe need some Freemaker Adventures content in this game!
Just a quick fact: for the most part, Lego Freemaker Adventures has been canonized by a bunch of books and even a few mentions in video games, so it could be completely possible to have content from the show in the game. It could include the following: Light Side Characters: Rowan, Zander, Kordi, R0-GR, Lt. Valeria, Jek-14, and Master Kantoo Dark Side Characters: Naare, M-OC, Graballa, Baash, Raam, Plumestriker, and Durpin Light Side Ships: Star Scavenger and the Arrowhead Dark Side Ships: Eclipse Fighter and Tracker I94Views2likes5CommentsMCGA - Cantina Redeems
Make Cantina Great Again! Any chance we can get some rotation or mix-up of the newer character toons to become available to spend accumulated cantina currency on so this stuff becomes more useful than just another batch of shard shop swop. I get its useful for early players to obtain toons but it would be nice to have some relevance to the actual cantina characters. This is probably a me thing but find it challenging with all the other chases to prioritize farms on cantina toons so the odd periodic boost of a useful redeemed newer character shard would be welcomed. Heck a coin redeem for a newer character doesn't necessarily need to be at 10 shards make it 5 or 3. So please CG get your back office bean counters to take a look and make it happen for the players. I sure most players would appreciate the kickback to secure that long term sweet sweet wallet coin. Just as a side note, why is cantina refreshing off the bat 100 crystals when all the other nodes are 50 for the first few. The chances of character shards dropping is random chanced anyway. So any who that's my tuppence worth for the day. Have a good one all. CheersJ1mmy_Duk11 hours agoRising Traveler13Views0likes0CommentsAlways Behind on Zetas!!
As the title suggests, I feel with the advent of the LSB's and endless new toons coming to the game, Newer players are finding it difficult to keep competitive. I have been playing since September of 2022. Even though I have bought quite a bit in the game (My guilty pleasure, don't judge me ;) ), I feel like I can't keep up in terms of zeta materials. I have put off putting some zetas on characters, that would be quite useful, because I need the mats for other teams to make them even a little useful in GAC and other content. A pack showed up on the PC client yesterday, it includes 40 zeta materials, for $70 CAD!!!! This seems like a slap in the face for people who have bought LSB's, The Episode Pass, The Conquest Pass, and regular crystals packs. It's almost like the game itself is deliberately holding back newer players and LSB purchasers. We can farm Omicrons, albeit they are fairly rare, on Cantina nodes, but there is no where to farm Zetas on any nodes. You can only find them through arena currency, MK3 raid currency(way too pricey IMO), the fleet challenges. Where as Omi's you can get, in greater quantities from places like the legend tokens and episode currency. Why the episode currency doesnt offer zeta mats as an option is beyond me, and seems like a way to sell more 70$ packs. I don't know about other people, but I am stacking up Omi's faster than Zeta mats, Because the Omi's I want to apply are locked behind ZETAS!!!! With all the new content coming to the game and player trying to play catch up, It would be nice to get a reprieve when it comes to zeta mats. Sorry if this sounds like a rant, I love the game, but the lack of zeta mats is really becoming a problem, and I think others feel the same way...deltawolfone14 hours agoNew Novice39Views0likes1CommentMany Issues
I was told by EA help agents that the community managers would help me. So EA_David, can you help me? >Intro: This is entirely unacceptable. I understand it is a holiday, but I have been reaching out about this issue for over a month and have just been redirected in circles. I tried on my phone, but now the in-game help is broken. I tried on the PC client, but it opens the “” website, and they tell me to go to the in-game help. I force quit the app on my phone, I clear the cache on the app on my phone, I restart my phone, I uninstall the app on my phone… nothing. So, the only way for me to reach out about all the issues is by running the Android version on my computer, which is a headache. Going to my issues: 1) >11/18 soft lock: As a result of the update, I was hit with a soft lock state, and this caused me to never received or was granted my grand arena, and the game would freeze and eventually crash whenever I tried to claim my bonus energy. This issue was addressed by a forum post from CG_Meathead, but it was too late for my bonus energy, and I still have not received my grand arena rewards for that day. Additionally, I tried to restart my game and deceive on mobile and the pc client with no luck. I have reached out to the EA support agents to avail, despite a category in the in-game help with a title relating to missing grand arena rewards. >When I try to contact support, it is extremely challenging, slow, and my issues still persist: They say that the team is “working around the clock to fix my issue.” They “wanted to get this fixed as swiftly as possible.” They tell me to “kindly wait for sometime this issue will be resolved from our end soon.” Might I add it has not been soon at all; I have been unable to contact the live agents on the ea help website because it seems to be removed now (I used it one day, and the next day, it was gone (nowhere to be found, the next day I checked again, and I found it after digging deep into support articles (where they were not located the day before), I found it again deep in the support articles the next time, then the next time it was gone and nowhere to be found and has been missing ever since. They say that my “inconvenience is deeply regretted.” They say that they “appreciate your patience and understanding.” The agents eventually tell me to post on the forums and that the community managers will get to my message if I specifically post it in the ‘General Discussion’ section rather than my previous posts to both the ‘Technical Issues” section or posting it in the forums site. The rewards were never provided to me; there was a choice in the in-game help to select missing rewards (and I believe it was specific to grand arena rewards, too), but since the in-game help system does not work well, I have no way to select that. I still have not received any resolution (or even a response in almost 20 days) after contacting the in-game support. Finialzier LSB issue: Purchase of Finalizer LSB on 11/28. For over four full days, I never received the content of the LSB. I went to the help button on the PC client and was told I needed to do it on mobile. I did it on mobile, and I was just told to be patient as it is a known issue, and the team is working around the clock to solve it for me. After spending upwards of three hours reaching out to support and being redirected in circles, I finally received my LSB thanks to EA_Gunner on the forums on December 2nd. Later, on December 2nd, However, I could not pre-save this change to my roster for the upcoming GAC because it was 12:36 AM. Even though I purchased it on the web store, I still have not received my coaxium; when I first reached out, they said it was a known issue, and the team was working on it. When I reached back after several days, they told me that it was a solved issue and that the case had been closed a few days before. This is ridiculous because I still have not received my coaxium and am still missing it. This processing issue has caused many problems. As of December 2 or 3, I attempted to reach out to support again. When I went to the website, I was forced to go through many unrelated articles only to find that the chat button was not there and that there was only an email. So I sent an email, and it took a day for the robot to respond, asking generic questions that I clearly addressed in my original email. Then, a few hours later, I looked on the website and saw that the case was closed. This is beyond absurd. I never received any response or any resolution, and the case is just marked as closed. So then I reached out again and opened a new case, and I received the exact same automatic email asking the generic questions; once again, I answered them and stated how they were clearly addressed in the original email. And with this next case, I didn't get any response, so today, on the 8th, I went to check the case status. Now I see that the chat shows up again (in the exact spot where it was missing the last time), so I opened the new one and told another agent about my issue. Then they told me it was a known issue, and the studio was working on it, so they closed the case. Why would they close the case? Going back to this issue, I will be able to unlock the finalizer tomorrow, and then I will be able to start the SLKR journey, but it will take me three to four days to complete, and by then, I will have missed the proving grounds. If I don't have SLKR in proving grounds, I won't be able to complete the event and get the rewards (by the way, I am not expecting to complete proving grounds off of a freshly unlocked SLKR; I have done lots of research on how to beat the proving grounds with SLKR, and I have saved all the gear I need to bring him to gear 13). I tried to partially compensate for the massive delay on EA's end by spending over 15,000 shard shop currency for GL event tickets. EA's failure to deliver the LSB kept me from having the Finalizer and SLKR on my Grand Arenas, being able to use them in both fleet arena and grand arena, respectively, not wasting over 4 hours of my time attempting to contact EA but just being redirected in circle, and being able to complete the upcoming proving grounds (along with all of the fleet and squad arena currency that I should have gotten). But when I go to the inbox, it says there has been an issue processing my purchase. This does not make sense; I can clearly see my card has been charged, and the finalizer light speed bundle no longer appears in the webstore or in-game store. I am still missing some coaxium from my webstore purchases but they tell me, "as of this moment, the issue has now been resolved from our end.” And that it is a “solved issue,” even when it has not been solved for me. EA's failure to deliver the LSB kept me from having the Finalizer and SLKR on my Grand Arena and being able to complete the upcoming proving grounds (along with all of the fleet and squad arena currency that I should have gotten). >GAC Fleet Battle Crash: The game froze and crashed when I started a Grand Arena Fleet battle (12/20/24 at 2:21 PM PST). Somehow, this battle went through and counted as an attempt, and the team was used (even though I never actually got to use it). It is unacceptable that I lost a grand arena because of issues on your end. >Charged Extra: I purchased the upgrade on the webstore from the conquest pass (paid) to the conquest pass plus, and for some reason, it charged me $25 because I wasn't charged in my currency (USD). This is bizarre because I know EA is already tracking me and my purchases (and the location of purchase*), so how did I end up getting charged extra? I believe I was charged extra because it changed it to a different currency right when I tried to purchase it (I am in the US, and I have only ever used USD to purchase anything). *it is included in my EA Data that I downloaded from the customer portal on the EA website. SEE LSB Issue: I tried to get the Sith Eternal LSB, but it doesn't show up in the store anymore, and I didn't get the characters. Additionally, every time I try to purchase the SEE LSB I encounter this issue, and then it disappears from the webstore and will only appear when I delete and install the app, restart the device, and clear all caches... but then the same glitch happens again. I have tried using different devices and I still encounter the same issue Now the SEE LSB is gone and I wasn’t able to purchase it because the error kept showing up then it would disappear from the store, and repeat over and over again. With this I am unable to complete the malgus proving grounds without the r5 piet, veers, royal guard. >Store Crystal Bundle: On Janurary 4th 2024, the game glitched into me purchasing a 1600 crystal bundle when I selected the bronzium data card. >Dates of issues: The grand arena fleet issue happened on 12/20/24 at 2:21 PM PST. The Finalizer LSB issue occurred continuously for several days. The inital purchsse was on 11/28/24 at 8:17 AM PST. I experienced the game's soft lock issue on 11/18/24 at approximately 1:25 - 2:35 PM PST; this is the same day I never received the grand arena rewards, which should arrive at approximately 1:00 PM PST (2:00 PM PST with the “spring forward” daylight savings time).BenGrogu113816 hours agoSeasoned Rookie538Views0likes11CommentsWhich "Character Quest" feats can be completed in the Marquee event?
Title says it all, while doing the marquee event, there are some feats that can be completed simply by doing a marquee battle as you can see all of the pop-ups showing progress when you finish doing a marquee battle. But then there are some that just don't count and you need to do a battle in a different game mode. In the current marquee, the "Win 5, Win 10, Win 20" with Batcher don't seem to count even though you are using your own Batcher in all battles beyond T1. Same with the "Win with Batcher and Omega (F)". You are using your own Omega in these battles, but i had to do a battle outside of the marquee to complete it. So, if this is by design, please provide some indication as to how we know which feats can or can't be done in the marquee event. And if this is a bug, please fix it.psebsee2002_v216 hours agoSeasoned Traveler30Views0likes1CommentGalactic Legend ARC-17 "Alpha" Requirements (Speculative)
Set 1: Elite Soldier - Clone Private- Phase I (Relic 5)* - RC-1138 "Boss" (Relic 7)* - RC-1140 "Fixer" (Relic 7)* - RC-1207 "Sev" (Relic 7)* - RC-1262 "Scorch" (Relic 7)* Set 2: Loyal to the Republic - Kit Fisto (Relic 5) - Luminara Unduli (Relic 5) - Jedi Knight Obi-Wan (Relic 7)* - Padawan Anakin (Relic 7)* - LAAT Gunship (7 Stars)* Set 3: Commando - Bail Organa (Relic 5)* - General Grievous (Relic 8) - Eeth Koth (Relic 5) - Aayla Secura (Relic 6) - Ki-Adi Mundi (Relic 7) = New Unit This Galactic Legend will specialise in mass attacks Here's a kit for him that was made four years ago: Fankit for GL ARC-17 "Alpha" | EA Forums - 4214082dosman223317 hours agoSeasoned Hotshot20Views1like2Comments- Solahips18 hours agoNew Traveler24Views0likes0Comments
Batcher, you Betcha
What a better way to celebrate the release of Batcher by showcasing your very own furry friends. Post a picture (or many pictures) of your pet! Leave your ally code as well. Kaliri AKA Thunderfoot, aka The Flying KalirCG_Meathead18 hours agoCapital Games Team1.7KViews10likes67CommentsCharacter Idea: R3-S6
Unit Name: R3-S6 Affiliation: Dark Side Tags: Separatist, Droid R3-S6 was a double agent astromech droid that worked for General Grievous in the Clone Wars and essentially worked as a foil to R2-D2 in the two episodes he appeared, and despite his few appearances, I feel he is remembered by quite a few people. It would be great to see this lil dude in the game. I could imagine him being pretty easy to add, too. I would try to say ideas for his abilities, but as someone who only picks characters to use based simply on which ones I like more, I think it’s best to leave that job to someone else.6Views0likes0CommentsGhost crew op
So what's up with the ghost crew meta? For a majority of my squad arena battles it's Hera as the leader, the 2 tanks, and usually Ezra and Rex, but lo and behold my pain as I find one of these teams in galactic battles early on, I understand that their team Dynamic is "amazing" and the only potential counter I've found so far is getting hando far enough into the match that he maxes out his ransom and slowly attempts to widle them down, my problem is that this battle is still going on because I know if hando can't take them down the rest of my people can't lay a finger on them since the rest of my top team members for this battle died removing Hera. Just to put it into perspective Hera died 3 hours ago, send help 😢937yz074kpbo20 hours agoNewcomer24Views0likes0Comments