Forum Discussion

YKMisfit's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Credit Crunch and the Thrawn Event

So, a little while ago, I started farming Phoenix thinking I had a few months before Thrawn came up again.

I was wrong.

So now, I'm in the process of getting my Phoenix ready for the event, but I know I'll only be able to do T6 (Kanan will be another week after the event finishes).

The other side of this is the credits required to promote, level, and mod each character. I know I won't have the funds to do it all, so I'm looking for some guidance on the best use of credits.

In your opinion, would it be more beneficial to keep everyone around level 70 and 6-7*, or should I stop them all at 6* and put more levels on them? Ezra and Chopper are already 7*, but the rest haven't been promoted yet.
  • The stars are far more important than levels, definitely spend your credits there, unless you need the level to unlock a critical skill. You should probably just save up and wait until the event to see where you are, then spend whatever credits and mats you need to beat it. And Thrawn is totally viable at 6* so don't sweat it too much.
  • Yes, Use your credits to star them up. That’s going to be more important than their level if there isn’t a drastic difference between their level and your player level
  • Save your credits until the event actually begins. By then improve your Phoenix' ranks and levels step by step. Have an attempt at the event at each step. Continue until you can beat the tier, you're aiming for. Until the event hits only use your credits if you need to train your Phoenix in order to gear them up.

    I believe, that's the most ressource—efficient method. If at some point you need to choose between promoting or training your Phoenix, I would choose to promote them. This will also benefit you by making them available for higher tiers of events and later phases of TB etc.