I usually don't careucj about this kind of post, but let me add some incentive as per my experience.
I started to farm toons required for JKR in January, and I got the approximate 30% drop rate.
Easy enough to remember, I finished all of them when DR event started (give or take a couple of days). I then started my farm on toons for DR, hoping I'll get him next time.
I have been tracking my drop rates as far as I remember, and let me give you three examples, knowing attempts went from 8 to 5 roughly 20 days after DR event ended.
Carth: 20 days doing 16 attempts a day, then 40 days doing 10 attempts a day. That's 720 attempts. I got 122 shards.
That's 17% drop rate.
Junahi: I started earlier, but not right when she became farmable, because I had more energy to spend. 35 days doing 16 attempts a day, then 40 days doing 10 attempts a day. That's 960 attempts, and I got 155 shards.
That's 16% drop rate.
Ordo: 60 days doing 24 attempts a day. That's 1440 attempts, I got 230 shards.
That's 16% drop rate.
So now, everyone can claim the drop rate has not been changed and all of this is bullshit, but since DR event was released and an update occurred at this point, my drop rates have significantly decreased by roughly half of what's its "supposed to be".