Forum Discussion

diangelo1973's avatar
8 years ago

Quick...Now's your chance to rework Rey!!

So the Rey event is what half over? And don't know about you guys but I am very underwhelmed by Rey. I'm on a Nov 2015 shard and there are 0 on arena teams...a bunch of people have her but no one is using her...because she is lackluster at best. They have said she should be nearly on par with CLS...and even the most avid supporters would agree that she is nowhere near as good as CLS.

So rather than just another rant I wanted to ask the developers (because I've heard multiple times that they read the forums.) to think about a hot fix rework...make her good. Do something...increase her damage (by a lot), let her hit through stealth, reducer her cooldowns, something...anything! and then let everyone know that you guys reworked her.

And its more than just make us dopes that bought crystals to get the Vets to unlock her happy...I know a lot of people in my guild and in my arena shard chat that have talked about not farming her any more because of the negative feedback they are seeing.

So this is your chance...quick!...make her better...announce it...then that would light a fire and everyone and their mom would be itching to get this new amazing stead of being happy they waited it out.

I get that you are trying to slow down the power creep...but a hero's journey character is NOT the place to do it.

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