Forum Discussion

Whatelse73's avatar
Seasoned Adventurer
7 years ago

"recommended" level, ISN'T

So I'm trying to get BB-8 6-star and I look at the battle and it says, "recommended level: 70+"

That means, my 6 and 7 star G8 70-72 level FO team should be able to complete it. I've tried it about 12 times so far and keep getting wiped fairly easily. How is that "recommended"?

Especially when BB-8 does his 70 cooldown power before anyone does anything on either team. (Yeah, really fair there guys. :P) And then does his Covert Data 5 or 6 times, then two or three of my team are wiped before I even get a move. So I'm left with two, who might get 2-3 turns in before they're killed EASILY.

If you want us to use level 85 freakin' characters on the mission, then just SAY "recommended: level 85"

Things like that are very discouraging. But I was really upset by this issue tonight so I figured I'd vent a bit about it.