Forum Discussion

daanschaaf08's avatar
7 years ago

Revan kit

So the following kit has been posted in multiple discord chats.
Darth Revan

Dark side, light side, Jedi, sith, attacker

Conflicted strike: deal special damage to target enemy and inflict max health down. If max health down is inflicted gain max health up.

Light side Force wielding (cooldown 3) deal special damage to all enemies. Revan inflicts unique block on target enemy for 2 turns.

Unique block: this debuff cannot be resisted or dispeled or evaded. Targets unique is disabled for the duration of this debuff. Any effects currently prepretrated by targets unique are dispelled or disabled.

Dark side force wielding (cooldown 3):

Inflict unique steal on target enemy or ally and revan for 2 turns

Unique steal: this debuff cannot be resisted dispelled or evaded. For the duration of this debuff on Revan and target enemy/ally, Revan gains the targets unique ability. Upon gaining this debuff dispel all other debuffs on Revan

Torn between two paths (unique): Regan gains high moral for 2 turns at the start of each encounter if there is 2 or more light side allies on his team. Revan inflicts low moral on a random enemy at the start of each of his turns for 2 turns if there are 2 or more dark side allies present.

High moral: all stats boosted by 25%

Low moral: all stats lowered by 10%

None of these effects can be resisted or not applied in any way

Torn between two paths (zeta unique): Revan gains high moral for 2 turns at the start of each encounter if there is 2 more or light side allies present. Revan inflicts low moral on 3 random enemies for 2 turns at the start of each of his turns. Upon expiry of high moral on Revan, Revan immediately gains high moral again for 1 turn.

High moral: all stats increased by 30%

Low moral: all stats decreased by 20%

None of these effects can be resisted or not applied in any way.

Revan gains critical hit immunity whenever he critically hits and gains advantage whenever he is critically
I have no idea about the methods of unlocking him. Screenshot this if you want to save it, because it will probably be removed soon.