Forum Discussion

Hungary1000's avatar
8 years ago

Rey Hero's Journey

Hiya all.

I'm quite pissed off about the requirement of Rey Hero's event. Not even that VET Han and Chewbacca need 7 stars and making a mission impossible by that, but come on... Put them to Tier two is just a unashamed thing. How could players enjoy new charachters with such a requirements? Or is it all about to pay?

I have been farming those to since they came out in cantina, spend all my chrystals to refresh but yet only 5 stars they have. When you, EA Devs guys found out this event, why haven't you think wisely? Most of players are really pissed off about this.

Thank you for listen to me and sorry about my English.

1 Reply

  • braskme's avatar
    New Spectator
    8 years ago
    You need 7* Vets for tier 2, so yeah, the journey for me was a single mission and that was a little lame. You didn't miss out on much.