Forum Discussion

cosmicturtle333's avatar
9 years ago

Savage Opress

Currently Savage has 10% HP steal. This means when he uses his special attack for 2450 damage he gains 245 health.
This is red damage.

His white damage (99,999) gives him no HP back, that would be too OP. But it would be great if his special did both red and white damage. That would mean he still gets his HP back without complicating other mechanics.

An example of this is in the INT challenge where you have to kill Savage himself. When you attack Savage when he has a debuff it does 4k red damage and 10K white damage. So your health steal is based on the 4k damage, not the 10K.

@EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera any chance of getting this changed? According to the Cantina site he may have a whopping 30% health steal at gear 12, so it would be good if he made the most of that.


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