Forum Discussion

leeprew's avatar
6 years ago

Seven star Capital ships

I'm sure this has been brought up before but why does it take months and months to get a seven star capital ship? I mean the answer is obvious. CG and EA want all the monies. But is that really exceptable? As well as constantly being knocked back 300-400 places in arena no matter what I can't also progress in fleet because I'm coming up against seven star capital ships that I can't do anything about.

In my opinion PvP desperatley needs a complete overhaul. These types of games require delicate balance to keep them fun and enjoyable whilst possing an achievable challenge. At the moment the only people who surely believe everything is okay with the game are those who have been playing since the beginning and whales. For us dolphins and F2P people all this new content is causing an unbalance in the force. The consequence is it has made the game way more challenging whilst not really uping the fun factor at the same time.

What happened to all the quality of life stuff? There was an obvious realisation that not all players can comit to platying this game for hours and hours each and every day. It seems to have gone out of the window and been replaced with dollar signs. It could be so much better but instead of addressing what's already here, now all CG seems to be focusing on is dropping more and more stuff for whales to buy and wrecking the game for everyone else.
  • If you do one refresh every time the event comes around, and also buy a single pack for the final 10 shards you can get a 7* capital ship within 3 occurences of the event (with only 2 months in between the first and the third). Alternatively prepare to get a 7* Chimaera in one go.