Forum Discussion

T4NM4N26's avatar
7 years ago

Stand alone

Just wanted to throw it out there, but it says in the description of the raid that in phase 4, just like in phase 3, that stand alone is the only way to debuff traya, but stand alone is not an option for me. Am I missing something or is this a bug?
  • "TimMarshall;c-1482388" wrote:
    They are too busy fixing STH because he works well in the new sith raid.

    Seriously. It’s such a disgrace that they are so quick to correct the hard work of those who figured it out and made it work, spent time and effort into crafting a team that works well, yet they won’t fix the actual issues like mod management, multi-bronziums sim, BB8’s weird stall on his Basic, SHIPS, etc etc etc. Their excuse is “it’s not working as intended.” Well, actually, it IS working as intended. They had months of preparation and paid employees hundreds of dollars to figure it out and make it tough, yet they punish us for finding an “error” in their design. They say they want it to be “challenging” and “difficult” but what about “fun”? Why can’t all 3 phases be hard and one phase actually be fun? Or, just scrap raids and make difficult story mode challenges relating to certain factions, character arcs, journeys, etc. Instead we have 3 boring and repetitive raids. Lame.
  • They are too busy fixing STH because he works well in the new sith raid.