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Smithied's avatar
9 years ago

**Videos Assault Battles Military Might Tier 2 Best Rebel Squad and 3* Tier 2 No deaths

Hope you enjoy, please clicks the below link

The first video was taken today its around 5 minutes long and is a full battle of Military Might Tier 2 with a Rebel Squad only with NO Wedge or Biggs. We 3* this event and do not loose a character and finish with decent health on all my characters

watch my video

The 2nd video is where was face the event on Tier 2 different battle from the 1st video about but this video has added commentary
watch my video

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If you enjoyed these videos please hit a like and check out my other videos got some great and helpful content. Dont forget to subscribe
  • "Darth_Malak;652585" wrote:
    I meant t4 :D

    T4 hopefully will be next time ;)
  • @DrNocard

    In my 2nd video which I used HRS I flew through it I gained so much TM boasts
  • "DrNocard;652699" wrote:
    Figured that's what it was. Awesome work. Keep it coming!!

    Cheers buddy will do :)
  • Nice videos.
    What was the speed of your characters?
    Ive also 3*ed T2 with quite similar team, but with Leia instead of HRS.
    Even though my ST Han at Ackbars lead has 226 speed he still moved after the whole empire team in phase 1. Not to mention the rest of the team. Im
    Courious how did you manage to move your whole team before the empire.
    I managed to win thanks to using more defensive mods what allowed me to survive till Vader when Ackbar healed the team. The rest was easy. But for the whole time I had speed disadvantage.
  • @Amnor

    With AA Lead my following characters are

    Han 234
    Raid Han 201
    AA 175
    Hrs 171
    Lando 187

    I found once I put HRS in his presence speeded my team up like in the video
  • "Amnor;652863" wrote:
    Interesting find. Ill try HRS tomorrow. Cheers

    I used HRS last time but tried Leia this time then retried HRS because of all the extra TM
  • "Smithie;652680" wrote:
    "Darth_Malak;652585" wrote:
    I meant t4 :D

    T4 hopefully will be next time ;)

    I hope not