Forum Discussion

tehrealMedthy's avatar
6 years ago

We Need Reinforcements!

Okay, so i'm a huge clone fan and I have never played KOTOR in my life and don't intent to. But the lack of clones in this game is starting to annoy me and the droid rework, whilst introducing the B1 and Droideka w/ B2 rework, the update was a little disappointing. Also stating beforehand that we'd be moving to clone wars content, then next month darth revan shows up and teases Malok? like what?
Dont get me wrong, these characters and abilities are pretty cool and i appreciate the work thats been put in but since when were there more Ewoks in the game than clones? That makes no sense at all. and if this is seen please do much more with the clones than what happened with the droids, because between both revans, Bastila Jedi teams, Enfys Nest and Talzin with zetas, us clone mains barely stand a chance.

Possible clones are wolfe and Gregor, 501st and 212th characters or a specific clone that has an ion disruptor ability, or literally any other clone at this point, even...Fox.

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