560m P4dme Down 35ROTEwZ&M 130m Naboo
P4dme Down is looking for awesome players to join us!
We have a mixture of UK/EU and North American members.
We are ~560M guild when full, running ROTE 35 (with ZEFFO and MANDALORE), Reva shards 30+
We are semi-competitive on TW ~75% winrate
- 5 GL
- 1-2 GL ships
- 9.5 mil GP
- Good if you have Zeffo/Mandalore SM teams
Useful Info:
- TB mandatory - ROTE Only, ZEFFO and MANDALORE unlocked and on farm.
- TW optional to join. If signing up we require both defense and attack. We label zones but we don't force specific team assignments.
- Naboo, 130 mil box (we get more, but not enough for the next box)
- Discord req – especially during TB and TW (you don't need to chat a lot, but must pay attention to tags and act on them)
- 600 tix/day (exceptions made for life - notify in advance)
- Our server has tons of resources like counters, chatter about conquest and galactic challenges, as well as access to Bobas alliance server
If interested, hop onto our recruiting discord server and ask for P4dme Down. Currently 2 spots available after TB (Mar 23, 2025)
If you are not the right fit, we do have other independently run guilds in the alliance that may be interested