Forum Discussion

CanadianKilum's avatar
Rising Newcomer
31 days ago

Join Canadians Reunited!

Canadians Reunited is a chill but successful Guild looking to bring our numbers back up to 50. We have an awesome group of mostly Canadians and some Americans, really solid / long-time leadership, and our Guild has been around since April 2017. Openings are usually rare but a couple of people have told us they're just about done with the game.

We give people absolute freedom to work on whatever characters they want. While we need participation, obviously, we recognize that life can get busy and don't push people. We're fully active in all parts of the game, but have stepped back a bit recently in TW to make things a bit easier.

We're incredibly loyal to everyone who chooses to be with us, and never kick anyone unless they're clearly done with the game and have stopped logging in for a couple of weeks.

We do have a Discord setup and most of us are in there, but it isn't required.

You can find out more about us here:

We're looking for people who have 11M+ GP.

Kilum Kanata 

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