5 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Recruitment: Looking for 2 new members in our Guild!
The New Greek Republic (~150M)
Looking for 2 new members! We are an Active Greek Guild(European Time zone).
Who we are:
- 150M Guild
- 48 / 50 Members
- Semi-Competitive TW
- Friendly
What we offer:
- 75.00% Win rate in Territory Wars (21 - 7)
- 5/9 Light/Dark Side Geonosis Rewards
- 18.000-20.000+ Raid Tickets Daily
- [Heroic] The Sith Triumvirate Raid every 5-6 days
- 24/7 Greek- English Communication in Discord/SWGOH Chat for suggestions, discussions and guidance
- Trying out Krayt Raid(1 month)
Who we're looking for:
- Active Member(Enjoying game, Want to grow, Daily Activity)
- 2.000.000 Galactic Power
- Event Participation(Getting Removed after not participating in +3 Events)
- Achieve at least 300 Raid Tickets Daily
- Discord Optional
- Krayt Raid Characters
Guild discord and how to join: Guild's Discord
(Say hello and share your .gg profile in the recruiting channel. If you meet the requirements, you are more than welcome to join :handshake:)
Guild Leader: Ekul Groundrunner Ally code: 696-977-583
Guild Recruiter: DarthMamogas (DMs welcome); Ally code: 148-438-989