Forum Discussion

Creepioo's avatar
7 years ago

Colonel Starck's Zeta

Does this Zeta give him bonus health and protection for empire (doubled for troopers) allies, or is the allies just apply to turn meter removal.
  • "Creepioo;d-150223" wrote:
    Does this Zeta give him bonus health and protection for empire (doubled for troopers) allies, or is the allies just apply to turn meter removal.

    Just tm
  • Hmm. Usually there is a period separating abilities like that but, maybe that ability would make him to powerful.
  • That's a good question, the way it reads to me would be he gets all of that bonus for each troop ally. Typically when the have it separated with a period. In this case it is with a comma.
  • I only know what the mechanics show.
    It only counts allies for the TMR

  • "Creepioo;c-1400825" wrote:
    What's a child effect Haha Thanks for the reply Scuba!

    Child effect are the ones that are nested under them (kinda shifted to the right). So the first child effect for this one is the 7% health recover