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Credits problems
Is it better, when running short on credits, to take a character to lvl85 or to make them 7⭐?geezhaha2 days agoSeasoned Newcomer46Views0likes1CommentCan anyone look at my roster and give me any advice?
For context I am lv 60 with some decently strong characters, my eventual goal right now is to get Jabba the Hutt (for my first galactic legend) so Im grinding for R2D2, Grand Master Yoda, Palpatine, and Thrawn. I’m grinding my Phoenix squad right now but what else can I do? (Like team recs for the bosses, any general tips, etc?) Here’s my stats: days agoRising Newcomer228Views0likes5CommentsPhoenix with Rex Turn Order
Now that I have Captain Rex at R7, and the rest of Phoenix at R5, and have used them successfully against OP Nightsisters, I am wondering not only what else I can beat with them, but more importantly, how to make them the death machine I have always wanted them to be. I have followed the modding suggestions for Kyber in .gg, and while not all of the mods are 6-dot (yet), they will be. What I am not clear on is if there are specific speed targets I want to hit, and if there is a specific turn order I want to aim for in order to turn them into a relentless killing machine. Is that a thing?581Views1like4CommentsПомощь в игре и поиск союзников.
Доброго времени суток, друзья. Недавно начал играть и очень нужна помощь опытных людей. Какие группы для каких столов собирать? Стало тяжело проходить светлую, тёмную и катрину. Начал по немногу качать первый порядок и фениксов. Подскажите, может что то делаю не так? И ещë нужна помощь в союзниках. Прошу добавиться в союзники сильных игроков. Буду очень признателен за любую помощь. Мой код союзника 561-911-854.25Views0likes0CommentsForming Jedi Teams
Hey everyone, I have/am getting these Jedi, but I have absolutely no clue where to put them and to put who with who, so what would be the best teams for these characters? Dont have to use all of them and happy for suggestions for other characters too Jedi Knight Revan Jedi Knight Cal Kestis Hermit Yoda Bastila Shan Mace Windu Grandmaster Yoda Jolee Bindo Juhani Padawan Tano Kelleran Beq General Kenobi Jedi Knight Anakin Qui-Gonn Ezra Kyle Katarn Thanks291Views2likes5CommentsJar Jar Tier 5
Hi, all. I cannot complete Tier 5 for Jar Jar. I've been playing since 2018 and understand the game and have been able to unlock any character I worked on throughout my playing career. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong and could use some advice. (Mods are all 6 dot and I have all the zetas possible on all 4 Gungans) Stats: BN R7, 64000/11826, SP 307, Potency 98%, Dam 6200/7000 (speed and health mods) CT R7 59000/91000, SP 312, CD 200%, Dam 8900,/6800 (offense and health mods) Boomadier R8 76000/64000, SP 341, CD 192%, Dam 9000/7300 (speed and health mods) Phalanx R7 116000/70000, SP 308, Armor 67%, Dam 5500/4800 (all health mods) Here's what happens: When I start Wave 1, about a third of the time both Droidekas go first and within a few turns kill Phalanx, or I'll lose the shield generator before Wave 2. I do understand the kill order (droidekas, STAP, then B1s) If I make it to Wave 2, the Droideka usually goes first (RR) and then not long after I have to target Nute. B1 heals the droideka and I can't kill it. I've never gotten the droideka down to even yellow on its health bar. I have watched Calvin Awesome's video and some others. This has been frustrating and embarrassing because I should absolutely be able to complete this. I know this will sound absurd, but if I pull off all my good mods and replace them with different mod combinations, it makes no difference - the same scenario happens. It's like the mods are making no difference. If anyone knows what I need to do, what stats I should adjust, etc.. I would be extremely grateful. I want to help my guild with the Naboo raid but the event is almost over. i've attempted it maybe 40 times? Thanks in advance for any insight. Also, if I need to add any more information, please let me know. I have no idea how to make a video of the battle, just as an FYI.ASTalR15 days agoSeasoned Novice896Views2likes11CommentsHelp for New Players
I’m posting my ally code here so players who need strong allies can add me up. Code is 519-436-297 Good luck guys, and if any of you want to join a guild, once you add me feel free to join Kill For Coin, we are 20-0 in our last 20 TW, and are very welcominghhbhd5bsg02020 days agoRising Novice118Views2likes1CommentTerritory War advice needed.
My guild, Galactic Allegiance, has a terrible record in TW and I feel like I am failing them as a leader. Would love to hear from you all what TW strategies I might consider. We typically win 1 out of 10, sometimes against teams that have lesser amounts of GP, GL, etc. We've changed the strategy several times - all GL on front walls, holding more GL for attack, whole walls of TW omi, etc - but, man, do we keep losing. We have gotten better on defensive holds, but our attack is lacking (sometimes can't break thru a front wall). We are not a full guild which hurts us, and we certainly have trouble against some recent datacrons...but I'm wondering what we can do to have a better success rate. What works for you? Do you assign certain guildmates to set defense vs assign some to attack? Is there a certain faction that works best in a certain area? Thanks for any advice.Brymc_Gamel22 days agoSeasoned Scout944Views2likes7CommentsMy sith squad needs help
I have the following as my sith squad with the first as leader: Darth Traya R7 maxed out Sith Assassin R7 maxed out Darth Nilius R6 maxed, leader ability is level 7 Darth Vader R4 maxed, leader ability is level 7 Sith Empire Trooper R4 maxed Does not include mods This squad only works 76% of the time, is it good?148Views1like6CommentsI do not know what to do.
Can you tell me how to get training droids as quickly as possible? All my characters are at 61 levels, and it says on the board that they should have been 75 a long time ago. I don't have time to upgrade the characters to their desired level. I'm going through a trial to get training droids, but even that's not enough. What to do?268Views1like6CommentsMods for Batcher
First off, thank you all for the support over the years. I have nailed a lot of these mod guides and missed the mark a few times too, but writing for this community is a blast. I added my Best Mods for Batcher article earlier this week and continue to work to build out the older characters based on how relevant they are today with the Raids, booster characters added around them, etc. I am always open to suggestions on characters the community wants me to review as well as the old mod guides I wrote for Gaming Fans are getting outdated. Anyway, read, enjoy and tell me where you think I am wrong if you have a good argument. days agoSeasoned Veteran76Views1like0Comments