Forum Discussion

Urschak123's avatar
7 years ago

CT-5555 "Fives" worth it to farm?

Hi there,

i'm currently farming Fives for my fleet squad to 5*.

I noticed that the shards and the gear for him are very easy to farm.

Furthermore he is decent in arena in my opinion. Every time i fight against Fives in Arena, i'll get annoyed of his Counter Attack :D

So the question is: Is it worth it, to boost him to 7*?

  • I faced 5s in hard nodes of GW before it was capped. He can be a real pain in GK/Barriss teams. Depending on where you are in arena, he could be a solid addition there.
  • heck yes!! as of now we dont hav too much variety when it comes to Ships game mode, so, to elaborate the answer, yes, Fives is very valuable in my opinion because we can use him for specific but different avenues in game.

    Ships Arena : his ship, Umbaran is a bit tanky than the rebel ships and can perform enemy ship buff-dispel as well as TargetLock related maneuvers.

    AAt raid : a bit useful when teamed up with Clones + PL (although his will be a big commitment)

    TB : platoon mission assignment, and possible “B” team member

    TW : again, considering his Kits, Fives can fill spots where he will be able to hold his own; and a possible B team member as well

    so in summarion : yes, boost that clone to 7 stars, get it over with mentality will payoff in the long run.

  • For fleet arena, yes.
    For raids, his slow is good but he needs tenacity down from tfp or slow will not stick.
    For squad arena, no.
  • His ship is one of the best. Plus his counter, speed down and double tap on basic is great for Territory war. If nothing else do it for his ship it's good
  • He’s a beast in low-to-mid tiers of arena. Easy to gear up, and he has a lot of health, protection, AND damage.
  • his ship is tanky, debuffs TL enemies with his basic, and can aoe all tl enemies, even if you only use him in ships he is very much worth getting to 7 stars...
  • In short: Yes.

    Long Answer:
    He's great in many facets of the game. His slow is helpful in all raids (even if the toppled tank in AAT is immune to the effects of slow (you can land the debuff but it does nothing), Grievous and the B2 are not). It's got 100% chance to proc and he'll attack twice against anyone who has a slow, AND he has a counterattack. Once it's up, it tends to stay up. Clones with Leia can do P4 of heroic AAT by themselves. Fives is required for that. Clones are a great squad to run in the combat missions in territory battles as well.

    His ship is ridiculous. It has one of the highest speed ratings for a ship to begin with, and gives himself turn meter every time he goes (he gives the enemy he hits tm too which is the tradeoff). It is top 3 in combined health and protection. Whenever he attacks with his basic attack he inflicts offense and defense down and will buff wipe them if they are target locked. His secondary special is an irresistible target lock that does massive damage, more and more for every target locked enemy, and will hit ALL target locked enemies as well. It is one of the most versatile ships you can have in your fleet. It is THE most versatile ship from the original crop of ships IMO.

    Fives is really good in way too many aspects of the game to not be high on the to farm to 7* list. There are others that are more impressive standalone characters, but Fives is a very good utility character that everyone should have.
  • @Terpentin300 Absolutely. All my clones are 7* and I love them. It's definitely worth the farm. So go grab your pitchfork and your mule and start farming. lol :smiley: