Forum Discussion

Amartell44's avatar
6 years ago

Droid hype!!! (Distraction or Meta)

Droids are already so close to being amazing...

Are these new additions and reworks really gonna make them the new “meta”?

... or are they just a distraction from the real OP force to be reckoned with that’s on the horizon?

I’ve put some effort into my droids recently...

looked like an interesting answer to Revan (it wasn’t.... but it was real close)

So naturally I stick this “reject” droid team into TW and grand arena... !!!

Now with the Grievous rework and maybe HK rework too? ...and new droids incoming and who knows what else... could be pretty freaking awesome :)

The whole “target lock” thing is already pushing the boundaries of being OP...

It could be very interesting...

But ultimately...

Will they be worth the investment?

(God I hope so... hahah :)
  • I doubt they'll be domineering, maybe will be a part of the meta. Can't tell you why I think this exactly, droids are generally sidekicks and not very popular amongst the playerbase (while they are for me). I'll be pissed if they end up just as a secondary team with no chance to approach meta though.
  • Dude, your words are the embodyment of all that I fear and hope for in this upcoming update. I hope Grievous has some synergy with TL, think of the theory crafting we could do.
  • Someone in another post suggested they would be like nightsisiters. Useful always but not OP. I honestly think as a secondary faction, thats probably a good place for them. We will see.
  • Well, I'm not going to stop preparing for a possible Darth Revan for them.

    In addition to the three reworks, we are getting two new droids, which probably will play crucial roles in the team? How will they be released? Maybe they'll be meta at 3*, but otherwise it may be a while to farm them.
  • Definitely seems like a lot of changes are in store for this faction. It's hard for me to believe that they would do that big of an overhaul, and have them be irrelevant. This game desperately needs a hard counter to jedi Revan, and I dont think Malak will be it right away. To me it seems fitting that GG, and the droideka be the ones to give the jedi some competition.