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IE4TAPPL3S's avatar
7 years ago

High end arena help

Hi I'm lost at who my two tanks should be...why am I using two tanks? To protect talzin who's essential to this team. I'm for sure using Rex, Talzin, and Barriss. My other two are going to be between Kylo Ren Unmasked, Old Ben, and General Kenobi. So who should I kick out of the party? Tell me. The point of this team is Talzin will melt the enemy team and they won't be able to do anything about it, even if they have a Thrawn. General Kenobi is just an amazing tank in general, and Old Ben works really well with Mother Talzin because his debuffs can't be cleansed. The only reason I'm considering KRU is because of his pretaunt, and he'll be pretty hard to break through between his self heals and Barriss'.
  • I'd probably go with GK and KRU, just because Old Ben gets destroyed when going up against EP teams since he's a Jedi and a Rebel, while KRU on the other hand is basically immune to percent health debuffs. You don't have to use them but I'd bet Sion and Nihilus would be good on this team. They have great synergy, Nihilus dispels, increases cooldowns, and instakills and Sion hits like an attacker while also being an incredible tank. I'm just worried the current team might not have enough damage output to keep going if the other team healed to full health and got rid of the plague for a few turns.
  • "TheBatman;c-1607353" wrote:
    I'd probably go with GK and KRU, just because Old Ben gets destroyed when going up against EP teams since he's a Jedi and a Rebel, while KRU on the other hand is basically immune to percent health debuffs. You don't have to use them but I'd bet Sion and Nihilus would be good on this team. They have great synergy, Nihilus dispels, increases cooldowns, and instakills and Sion hits like an attacker while also being an incredible tank. I'm just worried the current team might not have enough damage output to keep going if the other team healed to full health and got rid of the plague for a few turns.

    Thanks so much for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I was also concerned about the damage output. My other concern was if I did Sion and the enemy team had a Thrawn were left with no taunter because fracture. I suppose everything has a weakness though. So you think I should do Rex, Barriss Talzin, Nihilus, and Sion instead? I have Sion but only at 3*
  • Sion is viable at 3* as long as you max out his gear. His zeta made a huge impact for me as well running him with all g12 zEP(L), zThrawn, zDN and Vader.
  • "IE4TAPPL3S;c-1607365" wrote:
    "TheBatman;c-1607353" wrote:
    I'd probably go with GK and KRU, just because Old Ben gets destroyed when going up against EP teams since he's a Jedi and a Rebel, while KRU on the other hand is basically immune to percent health debuffs. You don't have to use them but I'd bet Sion and Nihilus would be good on this team. They have great synergy, Nihilus dispels, increases cooldowns, and instakills and Sion hits like an attacker while also being an incredible tank. I'm just worried the current team might not have enough damage output to keep going if the other team healed to full health and got rid of the plague for a few turns.

    Thanks so much for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I was also concerned about the damage output. My other concern was if I did Sion and the enemy team had a Thrawn were left with no taunter because fracture. I suppose everything has a weakness though. So you think I should do Rex, Barriss Talzin, Nihilus, and Sion instead? I have Sion but only at 3*

    It's worth a shot, if it doesn't work you can always try GK and KRU. With Nihilus, you can delay Thrawn's fracture, and since he has no natural health regen, he has no way to dispel plague and he'll likely be the first one to die from it.
  • I think Baze looks like a good fit, but he really needs his buddy, so maybe replace bariss too, since her dps is basically zero.
  • I kind of feel that in the high end of arena a single taunter is useless 95% of the time...almost every team at least has enfy to inflict buff immunity, traya to isolate, or Thrawn to fracture
  • "HowieWan;c-1608160" wrote:
    Agreed - Ben's taunt zeta counters fracture and isolation a bit. But even a single taunt on the right team can at least force your opponent to target them instead of your support or DPS.

    Mines well just have another dps though