Forum Discussion

111Deep's avatar
6 years ago

Zeta Bastila or wait until Revan?

I'm still like 2 months away from 7* all of the charactors for revan but, should I zeta bastila for arena until then? Considering I will also have to wait for the next event as well.
  • Ide do it. On average if your using fleet currency to buy Zetas, you have the tarkin zeta farm going, and you have the talzin event down, your going to be looking at a full zeta roughly every 3 weeks
  • Do it. She's awesome and even if you're planning for Revan, zBastila is extremely useful in every area of the game (except fleet, obviously). You won't regret it.

    Me, I Zeta'd Grand Master Yoda's leader ability literally a week before Bastila's marquee. Only thing I ever used it for was Assault Battles before I had Bastila at 7*. Oops. Lol
  • I zetad Bastila when she launched, even at 4* and it was phenomenal. If you're not going to have Revan this time around, definitely zeta her because it will benefit you all the way up until, and it does make Revans event that much easier.

    Then, once you have Revan, you'll have a zBast available in the 3v3 Grand Arena layout. Plus worh the large amount of Jedi, you can still use zBast, Ezra, Hoda, Plo Koon, Old Ben on defence while using Revan, GMY, Jolee, GK, and any other (Anakin, Juhani, Aayla) on offense. If you use Juhani with Revan, then you can still get another defence (or offense) in the form of zQGJ, Anakin, Ahsoka, zBariss, Aayla.
  • Since you're so far and Revan will probably be here before February ends, go for it
  • You can do Bastila for now. By the time Revan comes back the third time you should have at least one more saved up.
  • Bastilla is useless if you are seeing lots of Revan in arena, and pretty easily beat if on defense in TW and GA (though uses up good toons to do so).
    Don't bother chasing last month's OP meta from CG. Just get ready and save up for Feb. dark side OP meta game changer and get that instead.
  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    It's still a worthwhile zeta - if you're going to miss Revan this time around I'd probably go for it.