7 years ago
Creating dorms TS2U
Hey Simmers! I recently looked into a cheat on how to "zone" my own created dorm (TS2U) and the very 1st time it worked with all the necessary furnishings like the cafeteria counter tops, a sink, the ...
"cmbaker16;c-16483895" wrote:
@Maniac4u I went into the game and threw together a dorm. I made sure to put in the boolprop testingcheatsenabled true before starting my dorm than I placed a empty lot down and built the dorm as I wanted it to be when I was done I entered changeLotZoning dorm and I left the lot. When I clicked on the dorm I created from the neighborhood view, it told me rooms were available. I moved the sim in and was able to claim a room and play. If you still have a sim living in the dorm you may have to move them out to try inputting the cheat again.
and to save the dorm you already have you need to go into lots and houses, select move to lots and houses bin, select the build you want to move and you'll get a pop up asking if you want to do it and select yes... or no if you click the wrong one, and that should allow your dorm/builds to be placed in the other neighborhoods.
other than this I can't really suggest anything else as the only time i've gotten no gameplay option with a dorm was if my sim graduated and was sent to the main neighborhood, but that's only if the sim that graduated is the only controllable sim in the dorm.
I hope my little bit of knowledge helps and if not hopefully someone else's shared knowledge does.