4 years ago
How do you make your game more challenging or realistic?
Not that TS2 is easy, but what are ways you add this into the game?
I was thinking recently of making lots of shopping stores. For example, whenever I need something I enter buy mode and purchase it. But what if I had to leave my home to buy furniture? If I create a furniture store then have a rule I can only go out to buy things, could add more realism and depth to my game. I already have toy stores, clothing stores, flower shops, restaruants, arcades, bowling alley, parks, robot shops, bakeries, and a car lot. But ive never thought of doing this with buy mode. Will try this soon 😁 a Sims 2 home depot or ashely furniture of sorts
I was thinking recently of making lots of shopping stores. For example, whenever I need something I enter buy mode and purchase it. But what if I had to leave my home to buy furniture? If I create a furniture store then have a rule I can only go out to buy things, could add more realism and depth to my game. I already have toy stores, clothing stores, flower shops, restaruants, arcades, bowling alley, parks, robot shops, bakeries, and a car lot. But ive never thought of doing this with buy mode. Will try this soon 😁 a Sims 2 home depot or ashely furniture of sorts