Forum Discussion

waterywatermelo's avatar
4 years ago

Is there a specific version of TS2 that is not compatible on modern systems?

I am aware that many, many people have issues with TS2 running on modern systems. The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection, on the other hand, is a straightforward download-and-install, and it is attached to Origin.

During the course of TS2, the Sims 2 has gone through many changes. In the beginning, the 2004 version, it's just a simple installation, and there wasn't even a Launcher. You just installed the game through the four discs, played a little game, swapped the discs from time to time and got the whole thing installed eventually.
  • I play with double deluxe and the other disk versions, and aside from the directX errors (which Idk if UC users get?), I don't think I've had any issues that the UC wouldn't have. A couple xpacs have been difficult to install, I still can't get M&G to cooperate, but once they're on and I've done the GRM fix it all runs fine.
  • Windows 10 has a problem with the Securom DRM on some of the disc versions. Such as Double Deluxe, M&G, H&M, Bon Voyage, FT, and AL. Windows 10 also doesn't like the SafeDisc DRM on the original base game disc and all others up thru Seasons. Windows 10 and a later Windows 7 update were set to not allow the scr.dll to install. There are some problems for some on which version of Windows 10 they have or what updates they have received with installing the discs especially if they have one that contains SecuRom.

    ETA: Store Versions that contained the SecuRom. Such as the comp versions like Fun with Pets etc. However, the Origin version has removed the DRM SecuRom in lieu of Origins on DRM. That's why it works better on windows 10 (runs) rather than errors thrown sometimes with the DRM versions from the EA Store back in the day.,
  • As far as i know no not really. I originally had the issue starting the game because of a direct X error. But Graphics Rule maker helps every single time. There is also a way to bypass the launcher if it causes issues, or if you just want it gone (