As promised...
Set-up - using the
meeting controller and the
sim blender, I enrolled the tots and babies into a meeting. Then I made them cousins using the sim blender. This allowed Paloma to interact with them. *Infants are a special case. The only interaction was to cuddle, but she could put them in the swing or the dongle thing.
Paloma is my preschool teacher and this is probably the most lucrative job in the whole city. Why you ask...because I have Monique's child support mod and it auto pays for each child. Currently she receives $200 per day per child, which 4 children means she is earning $800/day and $4k per week! I'm going to have to change that...because I think that's a bit excessive and I also feel like my other sims will be broke in no time. I do like this way, though, because she gets paid and the money is deducted from the family whose children are there. I don't even have to think about it.
Totally unrelated, but I found something in my downloads folder that needs sharing!! This block lets you turn objects at 5 degree increments!! AND the objects are still 100% usable! New favorite object!
Cleanup Time