4 years ago
Sims 2 Windows 11?
Hi! I am currently installing my "The Sims 2" (all add-ons and accessoire-packs incl patches; in the right order) on my new laptop with windows 11. So far everything works fine, but I read a lot a...
Hi! Thanks for checking on my progress! No, I have not gotten around to it yet because I'm not home today. I will be home tomorrow, so I'll have to try it then. I have a weird schedule.
Do you think I should backup and re-install my saved game before adding the expansions?
@datboilizzy , the easiest way to keep your saved games safe is to simply move your Sims 2 file (found Documents > EA Games > Sims 2) to your Desktop. Do not create shortcuts or copy and paste, actually move the file. This will keep your games safe without having to find a thumb drive or figure out where to save it.