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lisasc360's avatar
6 years ago

A Vegetarian Werewolf in Moonlight Falls

This is Margo Fay and she is a vegetarian by day and a werewolf by night. Yes you read that right, she is a vegetarian and a werewolf. She wasn't born a werewolf, she was turned into a werewolf when she got attacked by a pack of werewolves one night while she was taking a nighttime stroll in the park when it was a full moon. She was told that going outside at night when there was a full moon wasn't a good idea as there was some strange creatures that came out on those nights but she dismissed those claims to be fairy tales. Boy was she ever wrong about that.

She just move here to Moonlight Falls right after she was turned into a werewolf from her hometown of Riverview. The night she was attacked by the packs of wolves proved to be a bad and tragic night for her even though she doesn't remember what happened that night other then being chased by the wolves and her tripping over a small boulder and blacking out. She woke up the next morning back in her own bed with bloody and torn clothes and blood on her hands and under her fingernails as well as an urge to scratch herself like a dog with fleas and howl at the moon. She now also has an urge to eat raw meat which is quite strange since she is of course a vegetarian and we all know that vegetarians avoid all meat and animal by-products at any cost. And even though she took several long showers and baths for the next couple of days to get the filth and smell off of her, she was always told by her family that she smell like a wet dog. But what made her decide to leave her hometown was when she heard on the news about a werewolf that attacked the mayor of the town and that there was also a video of the attack. So the news station showed the video and lo and behold it was her on the video as she recognized her torn up clothes which she had already threw away but now she needs to go and burn them so that no one can find them and do dna testing on them so that they can't be traced back to her. She also heard on the news that they were going to bring in some professional werewolf hunters to hunt down and kill any werewolves that they see in hopes that it will dissuade any new packs from coming into their quiet little town.

She ends up getting a text message on her phone from someone that she's never met before (or has she?) telling her that if she's looking for a safe town to move to, than Moonlight Falls is the place to go as it is filled with all kinds of supernatural beings from witches to fairies and werewolves whom can teach her the ways of the wolves if she chooses to remain a werewolf. And if she doesn't want to remain one, then she can find a cure that will allow her to return back to a normal person either at the elixir shop, a witch, an alchemist or have an alchemist show her how to make one on her own. She she replied back to the sender that she will be there the next morning. The sender then sent her the address of a small house that they own in Moonlight Falls stating that she can stay there as long as she likes and that she can decorate it to any style that she wants.

Her other traits are as follows:
Loves to Swim
Night Owl (Which is a good thing for her since she is a werewolf now)
Natural Cook

She is reading a book in handiness so that she can learn how to fix things around the house and else where.

So after she gets there and gets her belongs inside, she is greeted by some of the townsfolk such as Bianca Crumplebottom who is a witch and heads straight to the magic mirror and starts floating around in circles while her clothes sudden change on their own.

Then there is Marigold Maldano who is a fairy who went to check out the kitchen. I do believe that she wanted to check out the magic mirror as well as both her and Bianca kept taking turns talking to the mirror.

Then we have Rick Durwood who is just a normal sim living among the supernatural beings. He seems nice and all but I couldn't help myself from staring at those huge ears that he has :blush:

Then Bianca had her clothes changed again right after she started talking to the magic mirror again.

Margo goes and fixes brunch for everyone since it was mid morning when everyone showed up to greet her. She fixes waffles for the meal hoping that everyone likes them.

While Margo was fixing brunch, Bianca who has changed her clothes yet again sneaks pass her and out to the front porch where Marigold and Rick are having a nice chat at...

Bianca then sneaks up on Rick and scares the heck out of him.

Rick really thought that he was going to have a heart attack from the scare as he was holding his hand over his heart.

When Margo was done cooking the waffles, she calls her guests to come and grab a plate of food. Since Margo only has 3 chairs for the kitchen table, Rick takes his out to the sofa to eat while Bianca and Marigold eat theirs with Margo.

When everyone gets done with their food, Margo collects hers and Bianca's plate while Marigold takes her plate and waits for Margo to finish up at the sink so that she can clean hers while Rick just places his down on the kitchen table.

Margo sits back down at the table to talk to Bianca who decides to check Margo out while they are chatting. From the looks of it, it would seem that Bianca is sizing Margo up or something like that. It's like Bianca is trying to figure out if she can trust Margo or not being that Margo is new to the town.

Then Margo goes over and sits down next to Rick and has a chat with him while Marigold is in Margo's room talking to the magic mirror.

Margo had to go and use the bathroom so when she got done in there, she went in her room to talk to Marigold while Bianca kept walking circles around them as she was trying to get to the magic mirror.

Then Bianca decided to scare Margo in hopes that it makes her and Marigold move so that she can get to the mirror.

Margo had a small chat with Bianca before heading out to the living room to go and sit on the couch.

While everyone was inside, it was storming and hailing outside.

Margo goes and talks with Rick again while Bianca was checking herself out in the mirror above the dresser.

And seeing that Rick was getting tired, Margo politely thanked everyone for dropping by to greet her and said her goodbyes to her new found friends.

Margo goes out to the kitchen so that she can look out the window at the weather and to make sure that everyone left her house with hopes that they all make it home safe and sound during the storm.

17 Replies

  • Margo received a gift in the mail.

    After Margo took her little nap on her scratching sofa, she had the urge to scratch at something, so she scratched at her sofa.

    Of course she got tired again and decided to have s small nap again.

    After she woke from her nap, she went on a hunt around her house.

    She thought she smelled something around the light post. Not too sure if it was a collectible or someone's scent that might had been lurking about.

    It was that time in the morning for her to change back into a human. She's lucky that she lives in an area with that's acceptable outside or else she probably would had been ridiculed by her neighbors and anyone else who saw her transformation and then ran out of town.

    After she transformed back to human, she went inside to fix her some breakfast as she was getting hungry.

    She decided to fix some pancakes for her breakfast.

    Once she was done cooking her breakfast, she grabbed her plate and headed over to the table to eat her yummy pancakes.

    After she washed up her dirty dishes, she cleaned up her dirty stove top. She's thinking about upgrading it to self-cleaning so she doesn't have to always worry about wiping it down herself.

    After she was done eating and had herself a shower, she went to the fairy Arboretum for a tour. As she was making her way through the gate, she saw Rainflower Ivy who said a quick hello to her. After the tour, she went back in to talk to the baby breathe plants that was in there as well as to search for some fairies as she didn't see any on her tour.

    After she was done searching for fairies, she saw that Peanut Ivy had his bake sale table sat up at the arboretum and didn't see anyone over there buying anything so she went over to see what he had to offer.

    She chose to buy a small cake from him as she placed her money in his collection jar. So Peanut thanked her for buying from him and that he hopes that she enjoys the cake.

    She went and sat down on a bench close by to eat her cake that Peanut made.

    When she was done at the arboretum, she went in search of the things that's need to become a fairy. (I don't think that I will turn her into one but I just didn't want to turn down the opportunity that popped up.) She as she was driving to her destination, she passed 4 wild horses that was standing around the house that she was getting ready to pass.

    She found an uncut gem, so she picked it up and put it in her pocket.

    Then she saw a bird that was just a few feet away from where she found the uncut gem and decided to watch it for a little bit.

    She was wondering why the bird didn't fly off when she approached it.

    Then she heard some water close by and decided to head off in the direction of the sound. Once she got to that spot, she saw a beautiful waterfall just tucked away in a cove and hidden from the road.

    She saw some seeds laying about on the ground and decided to go and pick them up. The first one was a grape seed while the other one was an unknown seed.

    Then she saw a potato plant there so she decided to harvest it. She got 2 potatoes from it, so now she can fix herself some baked potatoes as there isn't enough for french fries.

    Then she a mandrake plant and harvested as well.

    She decided to leave the waterfall to go home but decided that she needed to come back there on another day and maybe have a picnic there maybe do some fishing as well. But on her way home, she got out of her car to change back into a werewolf as it was a full moon again. (I've merged this save to my old Sims 3 saved file as I am going to play on that again as I want to play in my SS story in Riverview. I went and cleaned out some of the CC from my launcher that I was using, so I've merged my saves from the new save folder to the old saves folder. Now I'm a happy simmer again.)

  • After Margo changed into a werewolf, she headed over to Graham's Pet Shop that just opened up in Moonlight Falls as she was thinking about the possibility of getting herself a puppy or an adult dog for some companionship.

    She only looked around the store for a little bit as there was no one there to offer her any help. So she left from there and went to collect some ore that had popped up on an app that she has installed on her cellphone. She found about 4 different spots that had ore just laying about.

    One of the spots was right down by La Shove Beach as well as Moonlight Point. Once she collected the ones at La Shove, she teleported over to Moonlight Point using the L.L.A.M.A telephone booth.

    After collecting the last of the ore that she spotted on her app, she headed home where she grabbed herself a bowl of soup as she was hungry. Once she got her bowl, she sat down at the table to eat but instead sat in the chair like a dog to lap it up.

    She washed up her dirty dishes and then headed for the shower to clean herself up as she had soup broth dripping from her chin.

    She dried herself off and changed into her night clothes and then sat down at her computer to check her email. She had this one email telling her to expect a knock on the door pretty soon as there was a delivery guy on his way to the house with a surprise for her. The email came from the owner of the house. So she wondered what the surprise could be and why it was being delivered so later at night. But in the mean time, she browsed the web while waiting for the knock on the door.

    About 3:50 am, there was a knock on her door, so she asked who it was as she wasn't going to answer the door that late in the night or that early in the morning for any strangers as she's still afraid that someone was coming for her for what she did in Riverview. The delivery guy introduced himself and told her that he had a couple of packages outside for her, so he wanted to know where to put them at. Margo told him to just place the packages on the front porch and that she will tend to them. He said okay but that he also had something that was too big to put on the front porch so she told hi to just leave it in the yard on the side of the house and that she would take care of it later. So he placed the items on the front porch and in the yard but before he left he told her that one of the items that was being left behind needed to be taken care of now as it couldn't wait and then he left afterwards.

    Margo waited until the delivery driver left before she went outside to see what it was that needed to be taken of now and not later and spotted a box on her front porch with a note attached to it. She read the note:

    My Dear Margo,

    I know that you must lonely being in a new town not knowing anyone other than the few people who came to greet you to the neighborhood. So I am going to give you this puppy named Bella. You can change her name if you don't like it. She is a hunter and she would bring you some companionship while you are getting used to your new surroundings and getting to know your neighbors and such. And besides, I saw you entering into Graham's Pet Shop, so I figured that you were looking to buy a puppy or a dog which you can't buy from there as they are not allowed to sell cats or dogs. The only ways to buy a cat or a dog is either through a pet adoption agency or from a private owner, so I have saved you the time from having to go through the pet adoption agency to obtain a puppy as I have some that I raise myself so I know that you are getting a good quality pet. So I really hope that you accept my gift to you and that you 2 get along really well and that you take really good care of her.

    Sincerely your friend!

    P.S. I'm looking forward to meeting you again my friend... :)

    She folded the note back up and placed it back in the envelope that was attached to box when she heard a little whimper coming from the yard. When she went the down the steps to the porch, she found Bella out by the mailbox just looking around and checking out the yard. Margo tried to pick Bella up but Bella wouldn't let her so Margo pulled out one of the toys that was in the box and started playing with Bella for a little bit.

    Then Margo noticed that Bella was getting tired and had finished up playing tug-o-war with her and tried to pick her up again so that she could carry her inside since Bella was still too small to climb the steps by herself. And again, Bella wasn't ready to be picked up so Margo decided that she has to be patient with her and to let Bella get to know her first. And then Margo let out a howl in hopes that Bella would join in but she didn't. Plus Margo still needs to get used to howling as the howl gets cut off short with her coughing.

    And since Margo couldn't pick up Bella yet, she took out one of the doggy beds that was inside the box and placed it down next to the doghouse for Bella to sleep on. Poor Bella had to sleep out in the rain and this made Margo sad as she wanted her to sleep in the doggy bed that she placed in her bedroom as she didn't want Bella to feel all alone outside. Margo only hopes that Bella will be aging up soon so that she can start coming inside if she kept refusing to let Margo pick her up.

    But before Margo went to bed herself, she searched around the house for something that she could put outside that could give Bella some cover from the rain and found an umbrella, so she went outside and placed it over Bella's doggy bed hoping that it keeps the rain off of her until she can get Bella to know her better so that she can come inside with her. Once Margo was sure that Bella was sleeping and comfortable in her doggy bed, Margo headed to bed herself even though she really wasn't all that tired herself.

    Margo got up the next day and put together the automated doggy bowl and added the smart sensor to it so that it can feed Bella when she eats from it. Once she was done, she added the food to it in hopes that she can get Bella inside to be able to use.

    Once she was done with that, she went outside to check on Bella as she heard her whimpering again and wanted to make sure that she was okay. Margo was relieved to see that Bella was okay and that she was just have a puppy nightmare. So she watched Bella for a while before filling her food bowl up that she placed next to her bed so that when Bella wakes up, she can get something to eat.

  • After she filled Bella's food bowl, she decided it was best to change back into her human form before Bella wakes up so she doesn't frighten the little puppy first thing in the morning. Margo hopes that as time goes on that her transformations start to hurt less and less and that she eventually gets used to them. Margo also hopes that one day soon that she can meet others like her that can give her tips and advice on her state of being and can tell her how they deal with their transformations and such.

    Bella finally wakes up and smells her puppy food. But before she goes to eat, she does her little puppy shakes and stretches and yawns before trotting off to her food bowl. After Margo makes sure that Bella is eating she goes inside and prepares herself an Autumn Salad for breakfast and then takes it over to her table to eat it.

    After Bella was done eating her food, she starting running around in the rain having a blast in it until she spotted the old couch in the front yard. She ran over to couch to check it out and ended up tripping over herself to get to it. She carefully sniffed around the couch until she was sure that it wasn't going to hurt her and started to chew on it. She was having fun chewing on the couch and tearing it up.

    Margo finished up her salad and had washed her dirty dishes and then the sink as it was getting pretty dirty itself. She could hear Bella outside playing around and then attacking the couch. Every since Margo was turned into a werewolf, her hearing had somewhat amplified but not as much as it is when she is in her werewolf form.

    Margo went outside and called Bella over to her and tried to pick her up yet again but Bella wasn't ready to be picked up. So Margo let Bella smell her hand for a few minutes so that Bella could get used to her. Then she fed Bella a treat for not biting her which Bella had devoured up. Margo then talked to Bella telling her what a good little puppy she is as well as being too cute.

    Then Margo got a phone call from Pip Goodfellow who wanted to talk, so Margo gave Bella a chew toy to play with while she was on the phone with Pip. Bella slowly walked over to it and give it a good sniff before chewing on it.

    Bella was getting a little tired and started to run to her doggy bed and ended up tripping over her little front paws again. After Margo made sure that Bella got into her bed, she went inside to read a book titled 'Catching Magic Fish, Fixing a Magic Dinner'.
  • "Sims4MagicalTales;c-18184683" wrote:
    Great story so far!

    Thank you @Sims4MagicalTales...?

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