musicman4365 Thank you for trying out my Alryne Valley world. I'm glad you could place your 64x64 lots in the upscale neighborhood. I wanted to be sure that the players had a choice of where to start their Legacy Challenge on a 64x64 lot. There are 9 empty 64x64 residential lots available in Alryne Valley. Two are located downtown and can be changed to community lots if they are needed for other venues. I haven't started building any 40x40 lots for Sugarplum Circle yet. My brain hits a dead-end when I try to build homes to fill a lot that size. 😞 Betty's Mansion made good use of a 30x30 lot. I suppose it could be placed on a 40x40 lot.
I've been working on Alryne Valley for two years.
None of the lots listed below contain any custom content.
To summarize the Alryne Valley homes:
The following eight homes were created specifically for Alryne Valley:
Country or Chique - 2 BR 1 BA (Nov 2) - 201 N Ivory Lane - no store content
Growing Starter - 3 BR 1 BA (Oct 22) - 301 Crimson Lane E - no store content
Stucco Upgrade - 2 BR 2 BA (Oct 18) - 203 Crimson Lane E - no store content
Outdoor 1st Home - 2BR 1BA (Oct 18) - 201 Crimson Lane E - no store content
Luxury Upgrade - 2 BR 2 BA (Nov 15) - 101 N Ivory Lane - 1 store item
Family Starter - 2 BR 1 BA (Oct 21) - 202 N Ivory Lane - 1 store item
Diagonal Upgrade - 2 BR 1 BA (Oct 19) - 205 Crimson Lane E - 1 store item
Family Upgrade - 2 BR 2 BA (Oct 22) - 104 N Ivory Lane - 2 store items
The two homes below were created in a legacy game for family members to move into. I decided to include them in Alryne Valley.
Scientist Upgrade - 4 BR 2 BA (Oct 19) - 106 S Ocean View Road - 8 store items + (Stones Throw Greenhouse)
Illustrious Author - 3BR, 1BA (Oct 20) - 103 N Ivory Lane - 12 store items
Outdoor Starter - 2 BR 1 BA (Oct 16) was an earlier upload of Outdoor 1st Home - 2BR 1BA (Oct 18). I don't remember what the differences are between them.
The following homes have already been placed in Alryne Valley:
Ebony and Ivory Double Wide - 2, 4, 6 Alryne Court
Wild Woodlands - 1, 3, 5 Alryne Court
Orchid Plantation - 201 N Orchid Way
Orchid Manor - 103 N Orchid Way
Marquis Corner - 101 N Orchid Way
Spanish Elegance - 102 N Ivory Lane
(all uploaded June 10, 2023)
Cabin Getaway (Mar 27) - 301 W Lake Atherton Trail
NOTES: Orchid Manor, Marquis Corner, and Cabin Getaway are the only ones that do not contain store content. I only uploaded one of the three single-wide mobile homes and one of the three double-wide mobile homes as the only difference between them was color scheme and decor.
Camping Challenge Starter (Nov 20) is a 30x30 lot I set up for playing my Camping Challenge.
Abandoned Run-Down Farm (10/29/24) is a lot I created to use with Farm challenges. 4 store items.
112 Day Challenge Starter Lot (8/28/23) is a 10x10 lot I use to make a Sim using the 112-Day Challenge by BlackSand. I uploaded it mainly so I didn't lose it. Has no store content.
Sea Horse Estates (Oct 21, 2023) and Sea Horse Estates - 6BR - 2BA (Dec 1, 2023) as well as Fishing Hideaway (Nov 25, 2023), the texansky 10x10 and 15x10 challenge lots (Dec 2-5, 2023), Paddy's Sports Bar (Jan 20), and Mirabel Palace (Jan 26) were my contributions for Cape Albacore, a collaboration by many Sims builders. I did use a store-content circular staircase. To place the base game staircase, see the pictures located here to see where the staircase was placed.
Betty's Mansion (Apr 20, 2022) and Betty's Mansion - 3 BR 3 BA (Aug 29, 2023) were created for Betty Simovitch. They contain a LOT of store content.
Alryne Valley Community Garden (Mar 25, 2023) was the original garden but was such an odd lot size (18x22) that I replaced it in the world with a more common size lot (15x20). There is still an 18x22 lot between the library and the spa where this can be placed.
Our First Home. Pregnant (Jan 9, 2022) and Start 'er Up - 2 br, 1 ba (Feb 10, 2022) were my first attempts at creating starter homes under §16,500. These were for personal use, but eventually, I uploaded them to the Exchange. They do contain some store content.