I use both Error Trap and Overwatch. I do not use LazyDuchess Smooth patch or anything else except NRaas mods to avoid the conflicts between the different core mods. I have listed the other mods I have installed below. Are you using LazyDuchess or other mods to help with game stability?
Does it crash when loading a new world with Error Trap installed? Or is it not even loading the Sisns 3 game?
I get some messages occasionally. When I check them, I find different reasons. More than one Sim trying to use the same object, a Sim trying to go somewhere and not having enough room to get there (things in the way). I've had Sims get stuck in the brick wall in Central Park, and horses get stuck on mailboxes. The townies bring their puppies to Central Park and put them down in the center. The poor pups can't climb stairs so they can't go home. I even found one where the sink was next to the bathtub and the Sim couldn't get in the tub because the sink was in the way. I had to turn the tub around to fix the issue. I've never had a game where I didn't get at least one stuck Sim in any world I've played.
Is Overwatch set to reset the stuck Sims automatically? Try turning off the auto-reset for a play session (Overwatch -> Settings -> Stuck-Check Auto-Reset to False). When you get the pop-ups, click on the Sim's picture and see where they are when they get stuck.
You will need to reset them yourself when it is set to False. Sometimes Sim gets stuck when everyone tries to get to the fridge or the bathroom. By having it turned off for a session (you can turn it back on for the next play session), you will get an idea of what might be causing the issue.
Let me know if you have any issues specific to one of my homes or Alryne Valley so I can fix them.
I always make sure that there is plenty of room to get around in the homes I create. I've found I get a lot of stuck Sim issues when I use the homes from the bin. I usually have to edit the home (Shift-click the ground -> Build On This Lot) to view the floor plan and see if there are any bottleneck issues anywhere. You may need to move or delete something to make more room.