Forum Discussion
12 years agoNew Ace
Building Tips & Tricks
I have discovered some fun things on my own, but most of what I've learned has been from tutorials, others' builds, or Googling it! I am adding links to good tutorials and adding others' tips as I find them.
General Tips / Tutorials
:idea: ZooProfessor's Beginning Builder's University Master Thread (Contains links to all Zoo U courses) A.Maz.Ing.
:idea: List of tutorials or how do I do that? (my note: some really good stuff here, but also some may be obsolete or difficult without a frame of reference or experience. If you have questions, ask!)
:idea: The Sims Supply YouTube channel (thanks, TisenShiro!)
:idea: Carl's Sims 3 Guide (my note: this is probably my favorite "fan" site. Chock-full of amazing info and tutorials.)
:idea: MOO is your friend! (move objects on) This allows SO much more versatility and realistic detail. Stack things, move them closer together, get the right angle. There are tips on using MOO throughout this post. Use caution: sometimes you can place something with MOO but your Sims will not be able to use it. Playtest! Move it if necessary.
Photographing Your Work
:idea: To take photos in build mode without the grids, select the terrain paint tool. Grids disappear!
:idea: If you can't see the furniture on a lower floor of a 2 story room you probably have "enable object hiding" checked in Options, Graphics settings. If it is checked, it hides objects on inactive floors. When unchecked, they can be seen. Checking this option speeds up the game. If you like to keep it checked for game speed, you can just uncheck it when taking pictures, then recheck it when building or playing. (thanks, glenkatko!)
:idea: What ruins a good picture, and how to fix it
:idea: Camera mode and how to use it
:idea: Use the in-game camera! You can photograph small rooms much more easily, and get images of those impressive multistory rooms you built. Careful zooming out, too much will distort your picture noticeably.
:idea:GreenCats' Tips for Photos
(Wallin's notes: "Camera mode is really not that bad. It moves slower than the standard game movement, which is both good since you can easily line yourself up exactly where you want the camera to go, but bad since trying to cross a room or lot can feel like an eternity. In that case, I usually go out of camera mode, zip across to where I want it to be, then go back into camera mode.
The distortion is created because you're trying to cram more into an equal amount of space. If you were standing in the doorway looking straight ahead, you can see what's in front of you, but directly to the left and right, above you and at your feet are out of your line of vision. Without moving at all, the only way to see what's there is to shift the stuff off to the sides into your line of vision. But since the size of the picture is the same, in order to fit in that new stuff you couldn't see before, everything in the middle has to squeeze in tighter to make room, so you get that telescoping effect.
Ideally what you would want is a way to control what objects you can and can't see so that you actually can take a step back, but the game isn't smart enough to know which wall/bookshelf/tree/statue/etc. to filter out. In some cases I've just gone and deleted things for photos and put them back in afterward. It's why in the images I used of the casino set up a while back, I intentionally left a corner of the room empty and without walls so that nothing would get in the way.")
Picture Taking Cheats
fadeObjects : Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them.
Moviemakercheatsenabled : (Requires testingcheatsenabled true) Lets the player give Sims some options to pose.
hideHeadlineEffects : Hides all Sim overhead effects such as thought balloons and speech balloons.
maptags : Toggles map tags on or off. Must have testingCheatsEnabled on
Uploading Your Work (including custom images use)
:idea: Screenshots taken in game are saved in your folder "The Sims 3\Screenshots" (this is where your Launcher gets them too). To share pictures on the forums, you could upload them to your studio, right-click the image and choose "Copy Image Location" then paste into your post. Highlight the link and use the "Img" button above, or type http..... (removing the *). HOWEVER, I recommend using a photo-sharing site. It's more versatile. I use Flickr; there are more, such as Photobucket and Picasa. These sites let you organize your images into sets or albums; also there are easy-to-use tools to copy the HTML/BBCode to paste easily into your posts.
:idea: Use UIC to change your upload images from the boring default EA images to your custom screenshots. It's easy to use; the instructions are right at the website. Sims 3 UIC by Zinda's Golden Sims ("Upload Image Changer")
:idea: You can load images into UIC directly from the Screenshots folder if you want, but if your monitor is not square (uh, who's is?) the image will distort to fit into the square. Use a photo program to edit your pictures; either crop into a square or shrink to fit a square, adding borders to the top and bottom or whatever floats your boat. You can add titles and thing like "CC-free" or "by bouquetcatcher" (though I'd prefer if you used your own name :mrgreen: ); you could add a whole slide of text giving users more info about the build or the address of your blog, or whatever. I use Photoshop Elements, there are some free programs on the web (I recommend GIMP), or you can use good ol' Microsoft Paint on a PC. I recommend a program with layers (Photoshop or GIMP) as you can edit much more easily. Go through the program tutorials and have fun! Or con someone into doing your pics for you :twisted: .
Building Cheats
constrainFloorElevation : Allows all terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures on them. Walls, floors, and objects will move with the terrain, allowing you to create sloped walls and floored hills. However, placing new walls/floors will still flatten terrain, and placing objects will still require the terrain to be flat initially if the objects normally require it. Default is "true" - set to "false" to enable this behavior.
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt : When on, objects will not snap to slots while holding ALT. Useful for placing objects such as chairs near tables without them snapping or placing counters near other counters, etc.
placeFriezes : Allows use of foundations on top of tiled floors. Requires TestingCheatsEnabled true. *To turn off, you must not have the foundation tool selected.
RBBB or RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings All properties with a mark of public spaces (Normally, lobbies and entrance halls) to the construction and purchase mode to edit. With RBBB off or RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings false you can disable this option again.
moveobjects : Also known as MOO! Allows moving of objects onto places on the grid where they would normally not be allowed. Also allows you to pick up sims.
buydebug: Must use TestingCheatsEnabled true first. Allows access to all sorts of objects not in regular buy/build. A ? icon appears in the buy menu. Get spawners, seeds, toys, reward objects etc. here.
setimportedterrain offset Raises or lowers a lot when placing in Edit Town mode. + values raise, - values lower.
Tester Sims / Lots
:idea: Good builders always playtest their lots before uploading. Having a "tester" sim with high handiness skill (for upgrading everything), high artistic skills (for making "custom" artwork if you like), and other high skills (for testing objects requiring them, like the martial arts board breakers). Having lots of object in inventory can help too, like seeds/plants (especially if you want a master garden on the lot), artwork, or other such stuff not in build/buy mode.
ZooProfessor3 Tester Sims (thank you glenkatko!):
. Tester - high handiness, high painting, useful lifetime rewards, useful goodies in inventory.
. Tester - high skills, more/different goodies in inventory, has a cat for testing for pet accessibility testing.
(glenkatko notes: I find it useful to make a household of testers with these 2 (or more) and you can be upgrading several things at once!)
. Here is a group of skilled-up supernaturals, a genie, a witch, and a fairy, that can be used for testing supernatural lots.
Merry Magic-Makers
:idea: Build in a "blank" neighborhood! Much less lag, faster all around.
. ZooProfessor's instructions on Creating a Builder’s Blank Neighborhood, as well as links to player-made lots with pets, collectibles, sim paintings, etc., that can be used in builds.
. Blank neighborhoods to download: Sookielee's Studio
Stairs / Elevators
:idea: Carl's guide to stairs & elevators
:idea: Placing elevators through foundation: You do not need a "shaft" the foundation level. In fact, you only need elevators on the floors you want access to. As long as they are lined up and facing the same way your Sims will navigate just fine. (I read that some people have turned their elevators and still had them work fine; experiment!) See Carl's guide above.
:idea: Placing stairs through foundation:
"Holding shift while placing stairs, makes it easy to build steps from the upper levels down to the lower levels. As long as there is a basement below, it will click to it. It even does it from the foundation level down to the basement. However, the foundation has to be covering the part of the basement where you want the stairs, or else it will just go down to ground level and stop." (from the Carl's forums)
my notes:
a)I advise placing stairs through a foundation as early as possible in your build. You SHOULD be able to add stairs at ANY time, even to a completed house, but on rare occasion it will not work. For unknown reasons, sometimes you will get a "modular stairs do not have steps" error. I have no idea what this means, and an internet search turned up very few results. The conclusion was that the lot is corrupted somehow. I built an entire Victorian shell and then couldn't get the stairs to work (thank God I hadn't furnished or landscaped yet!). I had to start over on a completely different lot, where the stairs-through-foundation worked just fine. I'm sure you could use the other method, deleting foundation to put one section of steps down to the ground, leave a landing, then put more to the basement. But I didn't want that!) So build your stairs early, so that if you get the error you won't have much to redo.
b)You must not delete any floor/foundation tiles first. It is a bit tricky sometimes to make sure the stairs will face the right way. You may need to delete the walls around the area first but you do not have to tear down the whole house. I have successfully done this many times in already-built houses, or when I add a basement later. I have successfully done it with stairs above. You may have to delete the stairs above first, then replace them after but it DOES WORK. I've even used MOO to place a door at the top of the stairs - leaving one tile space as a landing of course. Also, spiral stairs don't work this way. :cry:
c)You may notice the foundation walls around the stairs between your floor and the ground disappear, leaving an unsightly gap and visible grass. Also, the game will leave 1 tile of floor above the very end of the stairs (it makes a 4-tile opening as usual, but these stairs are 5 tiles long since there's the extra height of the foundation) but you can't put wall or fence there - it must be at the fifth tile edge. But if you delete this floor you get a funny open foundation wall. To solve both these problems, delete the foundation in a square around your stairs (it will leave the grey floor though) then redraw the foundation around the 5 tiles of the stairs. Again, I will try to get pics soon. Now wallpaper the walls!
:idea: Getting walls under stairs outside or in basement: Sometimes you want "open" stairs - they look great, right? - so you delete those walls under them. But outside or in a foundation/basement why don't they show up? Well, the game wants "real walls" around them. **I will try to make this section clearer soon**
**If going through a foundation you may have to delete the foundation where you want the stairs (contrary to the above note) and make your own foundation with walls - you'll need to use constrainfloorelevation false and create 1/4 height walls around the stair area. See "Friezes/Custom Wall Heights" below.
**Outside, you'll need to build a wall all around the stairs area (making a room) but NOT TOUCHING the stairs (except at the landing of course). If you have foundation you'll need to turn that section into "false" foundation using walls. Again with the constrainfloorelevation false. Yes, it will mess up your other walls but it's easily fixable. Once you place the stairs you can delete those extra walls. (note: be sure to pick stairs that actually have walls, not "open" beneath!) Again, See "Friezes/Custom Wall Heights" below. (note: the following tip may be incorrect; building last night, I couldn't get the wall under an upper set of stairs. I realized the game treats that as a 2nd level, and I had no "room" surrounding this level. A frieze is also treated as a level, so the foundation would be level 1 and the frieze level 2, so you'd need a 2-story "room" surrounding them, even though you're only seeing one set of stairs.)
Split Levels / Garages / Roofs
:idea: Connecting Garages to Foundations by The Sims Supply(thanks, TisenShiro!)
. Tricks with Split Leveling
. Tricks with Split Leveling
. Split Levels on Second Storey
. Garages & Split Levels
:idea: Also see Carl's Multistory guide, under Custom Wall Heights below.
Friezes / Custom Wall Heights
:idea: Friezes (partial height floors, usually used as architectural detail above buildings, or sometimes between floors): use the cheat "placefriezes on". You must NOT have the foundation tool active when typing this. In effect, it changes the foundation tool to a frieze tool allowing you to draw a "foundation" on top of a floor. To turn it off and be able to draw a foundation again, "placefriezes off". Do NOT have the foundation tool selected.
:idea: Custom wall heights: Basically, you'll use stairs on open terrain to lower the ground the right height: one set (four steps, the default) for 1/4 height, 2 for 1/2, 3 for 3/4, 4 for full. Buliding a little room at the bottom will give you the height you need; building your "real" room a few tiles away, you'll turn on "testingcheatsenabled false" and use flooring to drag from the lowered walls to your walls, thus lowering your room (or part of it). If you have a foundation - with the game tool or made from walls - you'll need to go down 1/4 height extra. Dragging affects the same "level" that you're on. So if you build a little room you're on the same 1st level as your foundation, and it will raise the foundation rather than lower the 1st floor. Carl's guide
Bridges / Arched Roofs
:idea: Lightside's arched/angled bridge tutorial (his bridge is angled as well as arched, but the principles work for regular straight bridges too)
:idea: Curved Bridges. By The Sims Supply. (ajaxpost's note): There are others that use the CFE cheat directly on the flat bridge, but I like this method.)
:idea: Platforms aren't just for "stages"! You can also recolor the sides. Use the CAS tool to select the edge - it can be tricky! This same method will recolor the edge of flooring (no more glaring white deck edges!) or bridges/piers. The second picture shows an "alcove" made with a platform and an arch. It's technically an enclosed room with the arch making it look open, so color the edges of the platform first (or you will get some funky walls as you can't really select the platform edges once the walls are up). Of course, you could create an alcove with columns to either side too! you could even use friezes or create a half-height wall for even more display options! (see the sections on friezes and custom wall heights)
Swim-able Pond
:idea: Creating a Swimmable Pond by psychedelicSiM Designs (my note: This is the tutorial I found most helpful)
:idea: Using the above tutorial, I created a huge pool for my national park lot, then used the pond tool (with constrainfloorelevation false) all around the edges. I recolored the floors and walls to match the blue water and used lots of plants and rocks around the edges. You can see a few little funky spots if you look close but mostly it looks pretty good! And Sims can swim in most of the lake! You have to make at least one "entry" spot where the ground meeting the pool is tricky to look right, but it is passable and can be done.
Using the below tips perhaps a platform could have been built with diving boards? Maybe a "floating" raft in the middle? Like this pool?
:idea: Easy swimmable real lake -Tutorial- This is brilliant, and I can't wait to use it! They suggest using a CC transparent tile, so if you want to avoid CC (like me) I suggest using a plain flooring and recoloring it to match the water as closely as possible. You can also use the ranch weeds along the bottom to make it more realistic; rocks, plants, etc. I say put the tile as close to the edges of the pond as possible and mask the edges with plants.
Premium Content Guides
:idea: Barrier to Entry System (thanks, ajaxpost!) (ajaxpost's note: One thing suggested is to require multiple tickets or have extra barriers within a lot - so you can charge more, but not less.)
Special Effects
:idea: Fog Emitters add some fantastic effects to your builds. A note of care: some people don't love a ton a fog emitters on lots, so you may want to use sparingly (just like spawners). Zoo U Course Six: All About Fog Emitters
:idea: Guide to Seasonal Lot Markers (thanks, ajaxpost!) (ajaxpost's note: For anyone wanting to create a lot that changes with the season, this is SimGuruSemedi's pretty comprehensive guide.)
Design Tips
:idea: (from Wallin) As you build, ask yourself if the home you're making is the type of place you yourself would like to live in.
:idea: Hang multiple pieces of art on walls; grab the pieces with the mouse to move up/down the walls. You can place multiple pieces on the same tile above/below each other. May need to use MOO! This works for almost every wall decor in the game. Tip: if a piece won't move and you swear it should be moveable, delete it and replace it. Sometimes they're glitchy.
:idea: Use things in unexpected ways. Use curtains and plants as room dividers, room dividers to partition off toilets (though traditional toilet rooms are nice too!), laundry shirt decor as "pillows" (thanks Meg1626!), ceiling lights as art, etc.
Use of the glass sculpture as a partion/shower wall (will find the item name for you:
:idea: (from Wallin) Hold the Alt-key while placing decorative objects* to break away from objects locking to the grid on the floor. This is a great way to utilize space, as well as give your placements a more natural look. (*I recommend avoiding using the Alt-key on interactive objects, or to test the placement with MoveObjects turned off. The more you try to get creative with useable items, the more likely you are to cause pathing issues where your Sim can't get to or use the items because something else is in the way.)
:idea: Use the cheat disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt off when MOO'ing things like counters together. If you want an island in a precise place the snapping to grid slots can be a real pain. Make sure to turn it back "on" when you're done!
:idea: (from Wallin) Use the Day/Night toggle button to check what your lot's lighting looks like during the day and at night. Make sure you're not missing any lights anywhere.
:idea: Mix up your floors! Use the < > keys to change directions. In the room with the "Japanese" floor, I used stone flooring with edging (I'll try to find the name) - one with a single edge, one with two edges. I CAS'd it into a woven mat look, then turned the tiles here and there to get the right look.
:idea: Don't forget the ceilings! "Paint" them just like the floors, using flooring options. Make sure the floor above is complete - even if it's the roof - or you may have gaps in your ceiling. If you get a stubborn hole, place a ladder or stairs under it then remove it; sometimes the game "forgets" that you've removed something that was there before (thanks, ajaxpost!).
:idea: Use the above tip for shelves to create custom built-ins and shelving units!
:idea: Use columns! Use them at the end of walls, to frame open "doorways" without using arches, to frame shelves for "built-ins" (thanks glenkatko!).
Samples of column use:
Sample of shelving units and column at the end of an "open" wall:
:idea: Use items as planters! Use the barrel or buckets - even the veggie buckets that came with the market - and put outside plants in them. Use MOO!
:idea: Stack objects! (from Wallin) Stacking objects can help you give new purpose to old things, or help you fill space. For example, if your boring green planting box needs some color, take a small flower in a pot that you can hide inside the planting box and make it look like it's sprouting a flower (like Jen's planter idea above).'>
Custom Art / Photography in Your Build
:idea: Oh. My. Goodness. This thread is amazing. Thank you, Joolster!! Joolster's ~Photography Corner~ thread
:idea: ZooU Course11-Enhance Your Builds with Photography and CAP Tutorial-Links Post One
:idea: aminovas says: "This alternative technique is for those who can use S3PE (it is easy to learn -- I promise!) in order to get a higher resolution image. Replacing paintings is also compatible with the base game." aminovas's Tutorial: Custom Paintings and Photographs using S3PE to swap Images
"Glass" Floor/Floor "Aquarium"
:idea: Create a "glass" floor! (ITF comes with glass floors! But if you don't have ITF or want a different look, this works.) Leave an open space in your floor and fill in with the short border fence ("railway"??). Sims CAN walk on this! Note: furniture placement can be tricky, Sims can walk to it and sit but not get up again. If a Sim can't get up or can't interact, use MOO to move them off the "glass" floor and try the furniture elsewhere. Test again!
:idea: Use this same method for an under-floor "Aquarium"! Build a pond under the floor! If you don't want to see foundation walls, make sure they are far enough away from the edges of the floor to be hidden. Or use the stilt foundations for building over water. You can also use rocks around the edges of the pond. Use lily pads, plants, etc. Stock with fish! (cheats on: testingcheatsenabled true, buydebug)
Missing Stencils / "Locked" Items / Non-community Items
:idea: Missing Stencils (also links to another post, plus has pictures)
:idea: Picnic baskets on community lots: There are picnic blankets/baskets on community lots that you can't find in buy mode. You see them appear on lots like Central Park in Sunset Valley, or Performance Park (from Seasons). They are NOT the same as the picnic basket you can find in buy mode on a residential lot. Sims will autonomously use these community lot blankets/baskets at the parks for picnics - you'll see them appear, then disappear when the Sim is done. There are three ways to get these on your own lots:
. This link is good; it uses a method of turning a lot to residential, moving a family in, putting the picnic object in family inventory, moving the family to the lot you want to build on, placing the picnic object, moving them out, then turning THAT lot to community. WHEW! I don't think this is necessary. I will test this, but I think you can do this: Turn on testingcheatsenabled true to "build on this lot". You will see these items - checkered blankets with umbrellas and picnic baskets. (Without TCE you will only see the basket not the blanket). These can be cloned! If you are using "build on this lot" you can put them in family inventory, then take them out on whatever lot you want to build them on. I don't think this is possible from "edit lot" in Edit Town mode, only using TCE and "build on this lot" (I will test this when I can).
. OR take a small lot with them already on it, like Performance Park, and plop it on whichever empty lot you want to build on. Delete/raze everything on the lot except the blankets, then move/clone them as you wish for your build!
. Use a mod. There are mods to unlock all "locked" objects. Yes, there are more than just the picnic objects! The same link from above points to one mod. There may be others.
:idea: Wedding/birthday cakes on community lots: the edible wedding cake is only available in buy mode on residential lots (under Entertainment/Party). Have your engaged Sim buy one at home before going to the party, then move it from personal inventory to the table in the community lot. Works perfectly! (Honestly, who wants a cake that's been sitting on the lot already anyway?)
:idea: Tents on community lots. Same as picnic baskets. Apparently there are "permanent" tents in game that are "locked" to us. I have to test this. You may be able to go to a lot with them (like the Egypt home base) and put them in family inventory. You can use a mod. Or using the regular tents from buydebug you should be able to make the lot residential, set up the tent, evict the family, then change the lot back to community. I will test all this. Personally, I build campgrounds with spaces big enough for tents (playtest with a Sim who has a tent in inventory to make sure there is room) and then just have my Sims bring tents. Because again, what campground has perma-tents? EWW! BYOT, thanks.
Color Use
:idea: Online color wheel
:idea: - HTML Color Picker (can take any color from any picture and get the BGR (Blue Green Red) code for it to duplicate it in your game)
:idea: Learn about using color in your home with tips from Better Homes and Gardens contributing design editor, Elaine Griffin.
"Nothing fanatically transforms us today as much as color does. Here are the 3 rules of color that always work. Number 1, if the color combination exists in nature, you know, in a flour, a fruit, or landscape, it will work in your home. Number 2, southern facing rooms look fantastic I rich dark color . You could paint a southern exposed room black and it will be the chichis thing in the world if you have a super bright room. Rule number 3, every room needs pop of color , either a strawberry or citrus just to make it pop, just a throw pillow, maybe an object, so it really syncs. That what gives the eyes something to rest on and say, huh, happy." -Elaine Griffin
:idea: Classic Colour Lovers (thanks glenkatko!)
:idea: (glenkatko's note: This is just a Wikipedia article on web colors, but it has a lot of codes listed for the different shades, so I have found it helpful when I want a simple color but can't quite get it right.) Hex triplet
:idea: Put a spot of dirt under trees and bushes for example, makes it much more realistic.
:idea: Play with the brush size and softness like Adrian said.
:idea: Put mulch under flower beds and surround with fencing boarders.
:idea: Use the flower terrain paints (softly) all over.
:idea: Use rock terrain paints on the edges of ponds (softly, and unevenly).
:idea: Use the pond bottom paint in streams and ponds.
:idea: Use the weeds and ranch weeds under water (MOO).
:idea: Use cattails, bulrushes, and similar plants clustered along water edges. Place a lot and pick the sizes you want (most plants/trees/flowers in the game come in varying sizes for more realism; just delete all the extras when you get the sizes you want). I use this a lot for bulrushes - I love them, but they are HUGE. I get the smallest ones I can in cramped spaces or near buildings.
:idea: Use MOO to place plants together more realistically.
:idea: Layer - taller/bigger bushes toward the back, smaller/shorter forward.
:idea: In flower gardens (or anywhere really) use ferns or swiss-cheese plants as filler between flowers and bushes. Can really make a garden more realistic and fuller, more finished.
:idea: Layer/group rocks, especially around water edges. Use MOO.
:idea: A riot of colors may be awesome in some cases, but most the time I'd stick with just a few. Like I'll use all blues and purples and whites, maybe. Or contrasting.
:idea: Use bushes - like the buckthorn - to avoid overdoing it on the flowers and flowering bushes.
:idea: Use smaller trees as part of gardens even when you don't have room for/don't want bigger trees.
:idea: Use theme-appropriate flora where called for.
:idea: Use path lights or other lighting to enhance.
:idea: Hide lights in foliage to spotlight statuary or other points of interest. Recolor the light green to hide it better.
:idea: Use statuary! Fountains! Flower stands! Benches!
:idea: Use terrain paints as pathways.
:idea: Use ferns under trees.
:idea: Use heather! LOVE THIS! Groundcover perfection.
I have discovered some fun things on my own, but most of what I've learned has been from tutorials, others' builds, or Googling it! I am adding links to good tutorials and adding others' tips as I find them.
General Tips / Tutorials
:idea: ZooProfessor's Beginning Builder's University Master Thread (Contains links to all Zoo U courses) A.Maz.Ing.
:idea: List of tutorials or how do I do that? (my note: some really good stuff here, but also some may be obsolete or difficult without a frame of reference or experience. If you have questions, ask!)
:idea: The Sims Supply YouTube channel (thanks, TisenShiro!)
:idea: Carl's Sims 3 Guide (my note: this is probably my favorite "fan" site. Chock-full of amazing info and tutorials.)
:idea: MOO is your friend! (move objects on) This allows SO much more versatility and realistic detail. Stack things, move them closer together, get the right angle. There are tips on using MOO throughout this post. Use caution: sometimes you can place something with MOO but your Sims will not be able to use it. Playtest! Move it if necessary.
Photographing Your Work
:idea: To take photos in build mode without the grids, select the terrain paint tool. Grids disappear!
:idea: If you can't see the furniture on a lower floor of a 2 story room you probably have "enable object hiding" checked in Options, Graphics settings. If it is checked, it hides objects on inactive floors. When unchecked, they can be seen. Checking this option speeds up the game. If you like to keep it checked for game speed, you can just uncheck it when taking pictures, then recheck it when building or playing. (thanks, glenkatko!)
:idea: What ruins a good picture, and how to fix it
:idea: Camera mode and how to use it
:idea: Use the in-game camera! You can photograph small rooms much more easily, and get images of those impressive multistory rooms you built. Careful zooming out, too much will distort your picture noticeably.
:idea:GreenCats' Tips for Photos
(Wallin's notes: "Camera mode is really not that bad. It moves slower than the standard game movement, which is both good since you can easily line yourself up exactly where you want the camera to go, but bad since trying to cross a room or lot can feel like an eternity. In that case, I usually go out of camera mode, zip across to where I want it to be, then go back into camera mode.
The distortion is created because you're trying to cram more into an equal amount of space. If you were standing in the doorway looking straight ahead, you can see what's in front of you, but directly to the left and right, above you and at your feet are out of your line of vision. Without moving at all, the only way to see what's there is to shift the stuff off to the sides into your line of vision. But since the size of the picture is the same, in order to fit in that new stuff you couldn't see before, everything in the middle has to squeeze in tighter to make room, so you get that telescoping effect.
Ideally what you would want is a way to control what objects you can and can't see so that you actually can take a step back, but the game isn't smart enough to know which wall/bookshelf/tree/statue/etc. to filter out. In some cases I've just gone and deleted things for photos and put them back in afterward. It's why in the images I used of the casino set up a while back, I intentionally left a corner of the room empty and without walls so that nothing would get in the way.")
Picture Taking Cheats
fadeObjects : Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them.
Moviemakercheatsenabled : (Requires testingcheatsenabled true) Lets the player give Sims some options to pose.
hideHeadlineEffects : Hides all Sim overhead effects such as thought balloons and speech balloons.
maptags : Toggles map tags on or off. Must have testingCheatsEnabled on
Uploading Your Work (including custom images use)
:idea: Screenshots taken in game are saved in your folder "The Sims 3\Screenshots" (this is where your Launcher gets them too). To share pictures on the forums, you could upload them to your studio, right-click the image and choose "Copy Image Location" then paste into your post. Highlight the link and use the "Img" button above, or type http..... (removing the *). HOWEVER, I recommend using a photo-sharing site. It's more versatile. I use Flickr; there are more, such as Photobucket and Picasa. These sites let you organize your images into sets or albums; also there are easy-to-use tools to copy the HTML/BBCode to paste easily into your posts.
:idea: Use UIC to change your upload images from the boring default EA images to your custom screenshots. It's easy to use; the instructions are right at the website. Sims 3 UIC by Zinda's Golden Sims ("Upload Image Changer")
:idea: You can load images into UIC directly from the Screenshots folder if you want, but if your monitor is not square (uh, who's is?) the image will distort to fit into the square. Use a photo program to edit your pictures; either crop into a square or shrink to fit a square, adding borders to the top and bottom or whatever floats your boat. You can add titles and thing like "CC-free" or "by bouquetcatcher" (though I'd prefer if you used your own name :mrgreen: ); you could add a whole slide of text giving users more info about the build or the address of your blog, or whatever. I use Photoshop Elements, there are some free programs on the web (I recommend GIMP), or you can use good ol' Microsoft Paint on a PC. I recommend a program with layers (Photoshop or GIMP) as you can edit much more easily. Go through the program tutorials and have fun! Or con someone into doing your pics for you :twisted: .
Building Cheats
constrainFloorElevation : Allows all terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures on them. Walls, floors, and objects will move with the terrain, allowing you to create sloped walls and floored hills. However, placing new walls/floors will still flatten terrain, and placing objects will still require the terrain to be flat initially if the objects normally require it. Default is "true" - set to "false" to enable this behavior.
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt : When on, objects will not snap to slots while holding ALT. Useful for placing objects such as chairs near tables without them snapping or placing counters near other counters, etc.
placeFriezes : Allows use of foundations on top of tiled floors. Requires TestingCheatsEnabled true. *To turn off, you must not have the foundation tool selected.
RBBB or RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings All properties with a mark of public spaces (Normally, lobbies and entrance halls) to the construction and purchase mode to edit. With RBBB off or RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings false you can disable this option again.
moveobjects : Also known as MOO! Allows moving of objects onto places on the grid where they would normally not be allowed. Also allows you to pick up sims.
buydebug: Must use TestingCheatsEnabled true first. Allows access to all sorts of objects not in regular buy/build. A ? icon appears in the buy menu. Get spawners, seeds, toys, reward objects etc. here.
setimportedterrain offset Raises or lowers a lot when placing in Edit Town mode. + values raise, - values lower.
Tester Sims / Lots
:idea: Good builders always playtest their lots before uploading. Having a "tester" sim with high handiness skill (for upgrading everything), high artistic skills (for making "custom" artwork if you like), and other high skills (for testing objects requiring them, like the martial arts board breakers). Having lots of object in inventory can help too, like seeds/plants (especially if you want a master garden on the lot), artwork, or other such stuff not in build/buy mode.
ZooProfessor3 Tester Sims (thank you glenkatko!):
. Tester - high handiness, high painting, useful lifetime rewards, useful goodies in inventory.
. Tester - high skills, more/different goodies in inventory, has a cat for testing for pet accessibility testing.
(glenkatko notes: I find it useful to make a household of testers with these 2 (or more) and you can be upgrading several things at once!)
. Here is a group of skilled-up supernaturals, a genie, a witch, and a fairy, that can be used for testing supernatural lots.
Merry Magic-Makers
:idea: Build in a "blank" neighborhood! Much less lag, faster all around.
. ZooProfessor's instructions on Creating a Builder’s Blank Neighborhood, as well as links to player-made lots with pets, collectibles, sim paintings, etc., that can be used in builds.
. Blank neighborhoods to download: Sookielee's Studio
Stairs / Elevators
:idea: Carl's guide to stairs & elevators
:idea: Placing elevators through foundation: You do not need a "shaft" the foundation level. In fact, you only need elevators on the floors you want access to. As long as they are lined up and facing the same way your Sims will navigate just fine. (I read that some people have turned their elevators and still had them work fine; experiment!) See Carl's guide above.
:idea: Placing stairs through foundation:
"Holding shift while placing stairs, makes it easy to build steps from the upper levels down to the lower levels. As long as there is a basement below, it will click to it. It even does it from the foundation level down to the basement. However, the foundation has to be covering the part of the basement where you want the stairs, or else it will just go down to ground level and stop." (from the Carl's forums)
my notes:
a)I advise placing stairs through a foundation as early as possible in your build. You SHOULD be able to add stairs at ANY time, even to a completed house, but on rare occasion it will not work. For unknown reasons, sometimes you will get a "modular stairs do not have steps" error. I have no idea what this means, and an internet search turned up very few results. The conclusion was that the lot is corrupted somehow. I built an entire Victorian shell and then couldn't get the stairs to work (thank God I hadn't furnished or landscaped yet!). I had to start over on a completely different lot, where the stairs-through-foundation worked just fine. I'm sure you could use the other method, deleting foundation to put one section of steps down to the ground, leave a landing, then put more to the basement. But I didn't want that!) So build your stairs early, so that if you get the error you won't have much to redo.
b)You must not delete any floor/foundation tiles first. It is a bit tricky sometimes to make sure the stairs will face the right way. You may need to delete the walls around the area first but you do not have to tear down the whole house. I have successfully done this many times in already-built houses, or when I add a basement later. I have successfully done it with stairs above. You may have to delete the stairs above first, then replace them after but it DOES WORK. I've even used MOO to place a door at the top of the stairs - leaving one tile space as a landing of course. Also, spiral stairs don't work this way. :cry:
c)You may notice the foundation walls around the stairs between your floor and the ground disappear, leaving an unsightly gap and visible grass. Also, the game will leave 1 tile of floor above the very end of the stairs (it makes a 4-tile opening as usual, but these stairs are 5 tiles long since there's the extra height of the foundation) but you can't put wall or fence there - it must be at the fifth tile edge. But if you delete this floor you get a funny open foundation wall. To solve both these problems, delete the foundation in a square around your stairs (it will leave the grey floor though) then redraw the foundation around the 5 tiles of the stairs. Again, I will try to get pics soon. Now wallpaper the walls!
:idea: Getting walls under stairs outside or in basement: Sometimes you want "open" stairs - they look great, right? - so you delete those walls under them. But outside or in a foundation/basement why don't they show up? Well, the game wants "real walls" around them. **I will try to make this section clearer soon**
**If going through a foundation you may have to delete the foundation where you want the stairs (contrary to the above note) and make your own foundation with walls - you'll need to use constrainfloorelevation false and create 1/4 height walls around the stair area. See "Friezes/Custom Wall Heights" below.
**Outside, you'll need to build a wall all around the stairs area (making a room) but NOT TOUCHING the stairs (except at the landing of course). If you have foundation you'll need to turn that section into "false" foundation using walls. Again with the constrainfloorelevation false. Yes, it will mess up your other walls but it's easily fixable. Once you place the stairs you can delete those extra walls. (note: be sure to pick stairs that actually have walls, not "open" beneath!) Again, See "Friezes/Custom Wall Heights" below. (note: the following tip may be incorrect; building last night, I couldn't get the wall under an upper set of stairs. I realized the game treats that as a 2nd level, and I had no "room" surrounding this level. A frieze is also treated as a level, so the foundation would be level 1 and the frieze level 2, so you'd need a 2-story "room" surrounding them, even though you're only seeing one set of stairs.)
Split Levels / Garages / Roofs
:idea: Connecting Garages to Foundations by The Sims Supply(thanks, TisenShiro!)
. Tricks with Split Leveling
. Tricks with Split Leveling
. Split Levels on Second Storey
. Garages & Split Levels
:idea: Also see Carl's Multistory guide, under Custom Wall Heights below.
Friezes / Custom Wall Heights
:idea: Friezes (partial height floors, usually used as architectural detail above buildings, or sometimes between floors): use the cheat "placefriezes on". You must NOT have the foundation tool active when typing this. In effect, it changes the foundation tool to a frieze tool allowing you to draw a "foundation" on top of a floor. To turn it off and be able to draw a foundation again, "placefriezes off". Do NOT have the foundation tool selected.
:idea: Custom wall heights: Basically, you'll use stairs on open terrain to lower the ground the right height: one set (four steps, the default) for 1/4 height, 2 for 1/2, 3 for 3/4, 4 for full. Buliding a little room at the bottom will give you the height you need; building your "real" room a few tiles away, you'll turn on "testingcheatsenabled false" and use flooring to drag from the lowered walls to your walls, thus lowering your room (or part of it). If you have a foundation - with the game tool or made from walls - you'll need to go down 1/4 height extra. Dragging affects the same "level" that you're on. So if you build a little room you're on the same 1st level as your foundation, and it will raise the foundation rather than lower the 1st floor. Carl's guide
Bridges / Arched Roofs
:idea: Lightside's arched/angled bridge tutorial (his bridge is angled as well as arched, but the principles work for regular straight bridges too)
:idea: Curved Bridges. By The Sims Supply. (ajaxpost's note): There are others that use the CFE cheat directly on the flat bridge, but I like this method.)
:idea: Platforms aren't just for "stages"! You can also recolor the sides. Use the CAS tool to select the edge - it can be tricky! This same method will recolor the edge of flooring (no more glaring white deck edges!) or bridges/piers. The second picture shows an "alcove" made with a platform and an arch. It's technically an enclosed room with the arch making it look open, so color the edges of the platform first (or you will get some funky walls as you can't really select the platform edges once the walls are up). Of course, you could create an alcove with columns to either side too! you could even use friezes or create a half-height wall for even more display options! (see the sections on friezes and custom wall heights)
Swim-able Pond
:idea: Creating a Swimmable Pond by psychedelicSiM Designs (my note: This is the tutorial I found most helpful)
:idea: Using the above tutorial, I created a huge pool for my national park lot, then used the pond tool (with constrainfloorelevation false) all around the edges. I recolored the floors and walls to match the blue water and used lots of plants and rocks around the edges. You can see a few little funky spots if you look close but mostly it looks pretty good! And Sims can swim in most of the lake! You have to make at least one "entry" spot where the ground meeting the pool is tricky to look right, but it is passable and can be done.
Using the below tips perhaps a platform could have been built with diving boards? Maybe a "floating" raft in the middle? Like this pool?
:idea: Easy swimmable real lake -Tutorial- This is brilliant, and I can't wait to use it! They suggest using a CC transparent tile, so if you want to avoid CC (like me) I suggest using a plain flooring and recoloring it to match the water as closely as possible. You can also use the ranch weeds along the bottom to make it more realistic; rocks, plants, etc. I say put the tile as close to the edges of the pond as possible and mask the edges with plants.
Premium Content Guides
:idea: Barrier to Entry System (thanks, ajaxpost!) (ajaxpost's note: One thing suggested is to require multiple tickets or have extra barriers within a lot - so you can charge more, but not less.)
Special Effects
:idea: Fog Emitters add some fantastic effects to your builds. A note of care: some people don't love a ton a fog emitters on lots, so you may want to use sparingly (just like spawners). Zoo U Course Six: All About Fog Emitters
:idea: Guide to Seasonal Lot Markers (thanks, ajaxpost!) (ajaxpost's note: For anyone wanting to create a lot that changes with the season, this is SimGuruSemedi's pretty comprehensive guide.)
Design Tips
:idea: (from Wallin) As you build, ask yourself if the home you're making is the type of place you yourself would like to live in.
:idea: Hang multiple pieces of art on walls; grab the pieces with the mouse to move up/down the walls. You can place multiple pieces on the same tile above/below each other. May need to use MOO! This works for almost every wall decor in the game. Tip: if a piece won't move and you swear it should be moveable, delete it and replace it. Sometimes they're glitchy.
:idea: Use things in unexpected ways. Use curtains and plants as room dividers, room dividers to partition off toilets (though traditional toilet rooms are nice too!), laundry shirt decor as "pillows" (thanks Meg1626!), ceiling lights as art, etc.
Use of the glass sculpture as a partion/shower wall (will find the item name for you:
:idea: (from Wallin) Hold the Alt-key while placing decorative objects* to break away from objects locking to the grid on the floor. This is a great way to utilize space, as well as give your placements a more natural look. (*I recommend avoiding using the Alt-key on interactive objects, or to test the placement with MoveObjects turned off. The more you try to get creative with useable items, the more likely you are to cause pathing issues where your Sim can't get to or use the items because something else is in the way.)
:idea: Use the cheat disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt off when MOO'ing things like counters together. If you want an island in a precise place the snapping to grid slots can be a real pain. Make sure to turn it back "on" when you're done!
:idea: (from Wallin) Use the Day/Night toggle button to check what your lot's lighting looks like during the day and at night. Make sure you're not missing any lights anywhere.
:idea: Mix up your floors! Use the < > keys to change directions. In the room with the "Japanese" floor, I used stone flooring with edging (I'll try to find the name) - one with a single edge, one with two edges. I CAS'd it into a woven mat look, then turned the tiles here and there to get the right look.
:idea: Don't forget the ceilings! "Paint" them just like the floors, using flooring options. Make sure the floor above is complete - even if it's the roof - or you may have gaps in your ceiling. If you get a stubborn hole, place a ladder or stairs under it then remove it; sometimes the game "forgets" that you've removed something that was there before (thanks, ajaxpost!).
:idea: Use the above tip for shelves to create custom built-ins and shelving units!
:idea: Use columns! Use them at the end of walls, to frame open "doorways" without using arches, to frame shelves for "built-ins" (thanks glenkatko!).
Samples of column use:
Sample of shelving units and column at the end of an "open" wall:
:idea: Use items as planters! Use the barrel or buckets - even the veggie buckets that came with the market - and put outside plants in them. Use MOO!
:idea: Stack objects! (from Wallin) Stacking objects can help you give new purpose to old things, or help you fill space. For example, if your boring green planting box needs some color, take a small flower in a pot that you can hide inside the planting box and make it look like it's sprouting a flower (like Jen's planter idea above).
![](<BR />The base is a recolored party effects machine stacked at the bottom of the pedestal, which is how I got the sparks to appear above the orb.<BR />
![](<BR />:idea: (from Wallin) Try to find the balance between being decorative and just being cluttered. Can they get to the place they)
Custom Art / Photography in Your Build
:idea: Oh. My. Goodness. This thread is amazing. Thank you, Joolster!! Joolster's ~Photography Corner~ thread
:idea: ZooU Course11-Enhance Your Builds with Photography and CAP Tutorial-Links Post One
:idea: aminovas says: "This alternative technique is for those who can use S3PE (it is easy to learn -- I promise!) in order to get a higher resolution image. Replacing paintings is also compatible with the base game." aminovas's Tutorial: Custom Paintings and Photographs using S3PE to swap Images
"Glass" Floor/Floor "Aquarium"
:idea: Create a "glass" floor! (ITF comes with glass floors! But if you don't have ITF or want a different look, this works.) Leave an open space in your floor and fill in with the short border fence ("railway"??). Sims CAN walk on this! Note: furniture placement can be tricky, Sims can walk to it and sit but not get up again. If a Sim can't get up or can't interact, use MOO to move them off the "glass" floor and try the furniture elsewhere. Test again!
:idea: Use this same method for an under-floor "Aquarium"! Build a pond under the floor! If you don't want to see foundation walls, make sure they are far enough away from the edges of the floor to be hidden. Or use the stilt foundations for building over water. You can also use rocks around the edges of the pond. Use lily pads, plants, etc. Stock with fish! (cheats on: testingcheatsenabled true, buydebug)
Missing Stencils / "Locked" Items / Non-community Items
:idea: Missing Stencils (also links to another post, plus has pictures)
:idea: Picnic baskets on community lots: There are picnic blankets/baskets on community lots that you can't find in buy mode. You see them appear on lots like Central Park in Sunset Valley, or Performance Park (from Seasons). They are NOT the same as the picnic basket you can find in buy mode on a residential lot. Sims will autonomously use these community lot blankets/baskets at the parks for picnics - you'll see them appear, then disappear when the Sim is done. There are three ways to get these on your own lots:
. This link is good; it uses a method of turning a lot to residential, moving a family in, putting the picnic object in family inventory, moving the family to the lot you want to build on, placing the picnic object, moving them out, then turning THAT lot to community. WHEW! I don't think this is necessary. I will test this, but I think you can do this: Turn on testingcheatsenabled true to "build on this lot". You will see these items - checkered blankets with umbrellas and picnic baskets. (Without TCE you will only see the basket not the blanket). These can be cloned! If you are using "build on this lot" you can put them in family inventory, then take them out on whatever lot you want to build them on. I don't think this is possible from "edit lot" in Edit Town mode, only using TCE and "build on this lot" (I will test this when I can).
. OR take a small lot with them already on it, like Performance Park, and plop it on whichever empty lot you want to build on. Delete/raze everything on the lot except the blankets, then move/clone them as you wish for your build!
. Use a mod. There are mods to unlock all "locked" objects. Yes, there are more than just the picnic objects! The same link from above points to one mod. There may be others.
:idea: Wedding/birthday cakes on community lots: the edible wedding cake is only available in buy mode on residential lots (under Entertainment/Party). Have your engaged Sim buy one at home before going to the party, then move it from personal inventory to the table in the community lot. Works perfectly! (Honestly, who wants a cake that's been sitting on the lot already anyway?)
:idea: Tents on community lots. Same as picnic baskets. Apparently there are "permanent" tents in game that are "locked" to us. I have to test this. You may be able to go to a lot with them (like the Egypt home base) and put them in family inventory. You can use a mod. Or using the regular tents from buydebug you should be able to make the lot residential, set up the tent, evict the family, then change the lot back to community. I will test all this. Personally, I build campgrounds with spaces big enough for tents (playtest with a Sim who has a tent in inventory to make sure there is room) and then just have my Sims bring tents. Because again, what campground has perma-tents? EWW! BYOT, thanks.
Color Use
:idea: Online color wheel
:idea: - HTML Color Picker (can take any color from any picture and get the BGR (Blue Green Red) code for it to duplicate it in your game)
:idea: Learn about using color in your home with tips from Better Homes and Gardens contributing design editor, Elaine Griffin.
"Nothing fanatically transforms us today as much as color does. Here are the 3 rules of color that always work. Number 1, if the color combination exists in nature, you know, in a flour, a fruit, or landscape, it will work in your home. Number 2, southern facing rooms look fantastic I rich dark color . You could paint a southern exposed room black and it will be the chichis thing in the world if you have a super bright room. Rule number 3, every room needs pop of color , either a strawberry or citrus just to make it pop, just a throw pillow, maybe an object, so it really syncs. That what gives the eyes something to rest on and say, huh, happy." -Elaine Griffin
:idea: Classic Colour Lovers (thanks glenkatko!)
:idea: (glenkatko's note: This is just a Wikipedia article on web colors, but it has a lot of codes listed for the different shades, so I have found it helpful when I want a simple color but can't quite get it right.) Hex triplet
:idea: Put a spot of dirt under trees and bushes for example, makes it much more realistic.
:idea: Play with the brush size and softness like Adrian said.
:idea: Put mulch under flower beds and surround with fencing boarders.
:idea: Use the flower terrain paints (softly) all over.
:idea: Use rock terrain paints on the edges of ponds (softly, and unevenly).
:idea: Use the pond bottom paint in streams and ponds.
:idea: Use the weeds and ranch weeds under water (MOO).
:idea: Use cattails, bulrushes, and similar plants clustered along water edges. Place a lot and pick the sizes you want (most plants/trees/flowers in the game come in varying sizes for more realism; just delete all the extras when you get the sizes you want). I use this a lot for bulrushes - I love them, but they are HUGE. I get the smallest ones I can in cramped spaces or near buildings.
:idea: Use MOO to place plants together more realistically.
:idea: Layer - taller/bigger bushes toward the back, smaller/shorter forward.
:idea: In flower gardens (or anywhere really) use ferns or swiss-cheese plants as filler between flowers and bushes. Can really make a garden more realistic and fuller, more finished.
:idea: Layer/group rocks, especially around water edges. Use MOO.
:idea: A riot of colors may be awesome in some cases, but most the time I'd stick with just a few. Like I'll use all blues and purples and whites, maybe. Or contrasting.
:idea: Use bushes - like the buckthorn - to avoid overdoing it on the flowers and flowering bushes.
:idea: Use smaller trees as part of gardens even when you don't have room for/don't want bigger trees.
:idea: Use theme-appropriate flora where called for.
:idea: Use path lights or other lighting to enhance.
:idea: Hide lights in foliage to spotlight statuary or other points of interest. Recolor the light green to hide it better.
:idea: Use statuary! Fountains! Flower stands! Benches!
:idea: Use terrain paints as pathways.
:idea: Use ferns under trees.
:idea: Use heather! LOVE THIS! Groundcover perfection.
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