1st Place Winner : Bob:
Eli –
Part One, Brazil:
Product 10/10 –
Styling 5/5 –
Photo Quality 8/10 –
Set 5/5 -
Creativity 8/10 –
Relative to assignment 4/5 –
This is my favourite picture from you Bob! I absolutely adore it! The pose, the styling, the background, it all fits together perfectly! You can tell this is a tropical location but it just doesn’t scream Brazil to me. I was looking for something less, demure and more exotic and a little crazy. Having said that, this is an amazing picture!
Part two, New York:
Product 9/10 –
Styling 5/5 –
Photo Quality 7/10 –
Set 4/5 -
Creativity 9/10 –
Relative to assignment 5/5 –
You have hit the nail on the head with this shot and I know you all struggled with this so I’m pleased with how well you have carried it out! Love the styling, it’s very chic. I also love the set but I think the clothes rack, isn’t something you would see at the side of a catwalk. Other than that, great work!
Improvement from mock to final: 4/5 -
Quality of entries from mock to finals: 3/5
Meeting requirements from mock to finals: 3/5
Styling/product from mock to finals: 5/5 –
Alexa –
Part 1
Product: 8/10
Styling: 4/5
Photo quality: 8/10
Set: 4/5
Creativity: 7/10
Relative to assignment: 4/5
Total: 35/45
Part 2
Product: 8/10
Styling: 4/5
Photo quality: 6/10
Set: 3.5/5
Creativity: 7/10
Relative to assignment: 4/5
Total: 32.5/45
These pictures are beautiful Bob. Your Brazil photo reflects a care free nature. However much I like the skirt, it clips the swimsuit quite noticeably. My only other problem with this shot is the bed in the set. It completely distracts my attention due to its size. The light on your model looks lovely and helps covey a beachy vibe to the shot. On to the New York Shot. Your model certainly looks like she is the type of girl who spends her time in the city wondering around shops, yet the set doesn't appeal for me. I like the city backdrop but the rack of clothes and the tree on the right just look like you couldn't think of what to do with the space so plopped them in there. Take more care in the future with your set design as that can completely change the look and feel of a shot. Lastly, the jacket on her shoulders really doesn't sit well. Her left arm is poking out the back in a way that is not natural. Her arm should be coming out form under her jacket like the right is. These pictures though are a wonderful way to finish the competition with. Well done!
TOTAL: 161.5
(Total includes additional points)

2nd Place Winner: Heather:
Eli –
Part One, Brazil:
Product 10/10 –
Styling 5/5 –
Photo Quality 8/10 –
Set 3/5 -
Creativity 7/10 –
Relative to assignment 3/5 –
Heather this is a lovely picture! Your styling is top marks as usual and you set is nice but a little bland. I can’t work out if your model is standing on a deck or on the beach? I like the pose you have used but this image doesn’t scream Brazil, I was looking for something a little more energetic so a more lively pose would have worked well here. Great job though!
Part two, New York:
Product 10/10 –
Styling 5/5 –
Photo Quality 9/10 –
Set 5/5 -
Creativity 8/10 –
Relative to assignment 5/5 –
This is perfect heather! Just what I was looking for and I’m pleased that you managed to get there is the end because I know a lot of you found this assignment hard. Styling is amaze and the catwalk looks cool and chic. Well done!
Improvement from mock to final: 3/5 –
Quality of entries from mock to finals: 3.5/ 5 -
Meeting requirements from mock to finals: 4/ 5 –
Styling/product from mock to finals: 5/5 -
Alexa –
Part 1
Product: 7/10
Styling: 4/5
Photo quality: 7/10
Set: 3/5
Creativity: 7/10
Relative to assignment: 4/5
Total: 32/45
Part 2
Product: 8/10
Styling: 5/5
Photo quality: 7/10
Set: 3/5
Creativity: 7/10
Relative to assignment: 4/5
Total: 34/45
We'll start with the Brazil photo. I’m going to start by saying, the requirement was a swimsuit and this only relates to the bottom of your model’s outfit. Although everything is styled nicely, I would have liked to see this look more like swimwear. My other problem for the shot is the flooring. I just can’t understand how it fits with the rest of the set. It seems to cut into some things but be below others. It just confuses me. This shot does look nice and tropical though. Next we come to the New York shot. I LOVE the styling of this shot. Your model looks so classy. I would have liked to have seen a bit more activity in the set though. This is a city after all. Regardless of that, I think these two pictures are something you should be pleased with, and well done for making it to the final.
TOTAL: 159.5
(Total includes additional points)

3rd Place Winner: Socal:
Eli –
Part One, Brazil:
Product 10/10 –
Styling 5/5 –
Photo Quality 8/10 –
Set 5/5 -
Creativity 10/10 –
Relative to assignment 5/5 –
This is exactly what I wanted to see Socal! This is the perfect assignment to represent an aspect of Brazilian culture! The only thing I think could be improved here is the image quality, the trees are very rough around the edges although I would dwell on that too much! Well done!
Part two, New York:
Product 9/10 –
Styling 5/5 –
Photo Quality 8/10 –
Set 3.5/5 -
Creativity 7/10 –
Relative to assignment 3/5 –
This is a lovely image Socal but it’s not a catwalk. I know you all struggled with this so I am not docking too many points but it is a part of the requirements unfortunately. I love the styling and the pose and the set is cute too!
Improvement from mock to final: 2/5 –
Quality of entries from mock to finals: 4.5/ 5 -
Meeting requirements from mock to finals: 4.5/ 5 –
Styling/product from mock to finals: 3/5 -
Alexa –
Part 1
Product: 7/10
Styling: 4/5
Photo quality: 7/10
Set: 4/5
Creativity: 7/10
Relative to assignment: 4/5
Total: 33/45
Part 2
Product: 6/10
Styling: 4/5
Photo quality: 6/10
Set: 3/5
Creativity: 7/10
Relative to assignment: 4/5
Total: 30/45
We’ll start with the Brazil shot. Out of all the pictures, yours is the one where I feel you got the set just right. The beach is perfect for Brazil and I love the addition of the sign. As far as the styling goes, I think the bottoms look more like something someone would wear to a carnival than the beach, but this doesn’t bother me so much as Brazil is known for carnival. Your New York shot isn’t as good as your Brazil shot. Firstly, your model looks way too small for the set. Check your proportions carefully when editing a shot. The whole thing looks very grey, so she blends into the greyness of the city. I would have liked to see something more bright and vibrant to really make her pop against the backdrop. The two little pigeons are cute but they probably would have flown away with your model being that close to them. These shots are good and I like the Brazil shot, but I feel that they (especially the new York) were lacking a little pizzazz.
TOTAL: 155
(Total includes additional points)