Forum Discussion
11 years agoHero
Continuation of Chapter 13...
"What did you just ask me?" Molly asked in surprise, stopping them dancing, but still keeping her eyes on him.
Tay grew a little nervous, but he answered, "I'm asking if you want to be my girlfriend?"
Honestly, Molly had to think hard about that one for a moment. True she was somewhat attracted to Tay, except for those giant ears of his. But c'mon Molly that's mean! Looks aren't everything.
Tay couldn't stand the moment of silence any longer. "Molly," he began holding her shoulders, "I've had these feelings for a while now and...I thought what better opportunity to tell you how I feel than at Prom?"
An unexpected opportunity. "Tay...," she began.
"Molly," he pressed, "we have SO much in common and we get along SO well."
"We're great for each other and I have cherished our friendship. Please...just give me a chance to prove it to you." His eyes were begging. "Take a chance on me, Molly?"
Molly couldn't help but smile. He did make a good point would this affect their friendship? And what if it didn't work out? Would things ever be the same?
"Tay? Will you promise me one thing?"
"I'm serious about this," she said, giving him a stern look. "Say I give you a chance and it doesn't work out...will you promise to still be my friend?"
Tay pulled her close to him. "I don't think that's something we will ever have to worry about but...yes, I promise."
"Do you really mean it? Or are you just saying it to get what you want?"
"No Molly," Tay replied, giving her a stern look as well. "I really mean it."
Molly smiled and inched in closer to where they touched noses. "Then, yes," she said whispering.
Tay smiled brightly and then took Molly by her hips and lifted her up in the air, spinning her. Molly laughed as Tay placed her down and he looked into her beautiful eyes.
Off in the distance, Andrea had been watching the two closely. When she saw the two of them kiss she thought, Oh boy.
The rest of the night turned out to be quite eventful for both girls.
After that first fight, That guy needed to be dealt with once and for all, a crazy surge of anger lingered in Andrea. She saw a girl seductively flirting with a guy she's had a crush on for a little while.
Under the angry spell she approached the girl and started a cat fight! Only this fight was noticed by EVERYONE at the Prom, even Molly who watched her sister in disbelief and disappointment. The fight was broken apart by a few chaperones and both girls were ordered to leave the Prom at once. Andrea of course had carpooled with Tay and Molly. When she approached them, she did in shame.
"I have to leave," she said to them while dancing, "could I..."
"No," Molly interrupted. "Get a taxi! I will not allow you to continue to ruin our special night!"
All Tay could do was shrug.
Andrea honestly couldn't blame her sister for feeling that way, but it didn't make her feel any less hurt. "I'm sorry," she said as she turned and walked away. Tears welled up in her eyes.
It was late when Molly returned home and Andrea stayed by the door until she got there. She just HAD to apologize again and make things right.
"Why are you still awake?" Molly asked closing the door behind her.
"Because I had to tell you that I don't know what came over me. I mean since when do I get all worked up over a boy?"
Molly gaped. "All THAT because of a boy!?"
"I know, I know! It's SO not me, but...because of that previous fight I had defending my friend I just couldn't get the rage out of me."
"Wait, you had a fight before that!?"
She didn't notice? Of course she didn't. "Yeah," Andrea replied hesitantly, "but it was because..."
Molly stopped her with her palm raised, "I don't want to hear it Andrea."
"But," Andrea started.
"How could you do this to me? And to Tay? How could you embarrass us like that? This night would have been PERFECT if it wasn't for you!"
"Girls," they heard from the top of the stairs. They both turned and saw their father standing up there in his pajamas and arms folded.
"Dad," Andrea began, "I was just trying to tell her..."
"Dad you wouldn't BELIEVE what Andrea did at the dance!"
"Enough," Michael ordered. "We'll talk about it in the morning. It's late and I want both of you in bed."
Molly and Andrea sneered at each other and because they share the same bed, Molly said, "I'll just sleep on the couch tonight!"
Guess it's finally time for bunk beds, Michael thought.
A couple of weeks later, there wasn't much interaction between Andrea and Molly, which pained Michael and the others to see. Bailey was pretty involved with her job, Tristan still seemed like he was in his own little world and Derrick couldn't stay away from Jade for the LIFE of him! He was SO ready to propose to her and was trying to find the right moment. He wanted to last night, when he called Jade over to visit since it was that rare moment when it was just HIM in the house for while! Things really got heated up with them...
"I have a crazy idea," He said to Jade as they gazed at the stars.
He took her hand and lifted her up. "It's cold out here," he said wrapping his arms around her waist, "Why don't we get warmed up inside?"
"Oh really?" Jade asked teasingly, sensing exactly what he was implying.
Well, one thing led to the next and sooner than expected the passionate experience was over. When they both got out of bed, Derrick wrapped his arms around her again and kissed her.
(hope this is an ok pic to post. Nothing is showing really...)
"This is the best night I have EVER had," he whispered in Jade's ear.
"Me too," she whispered back.
Then the two of them heard a car drive up.
"Oh gosh!" Molly cried.
Hurriedly they grabbed their clothes off the floor and got dressed.
Derrick smiled big thinking back on that moment. It truly was amazing! Tonight he was going to do it! He was going to propose. He invited Jade over to have dinner with the family and they were all let in on it.
After they all enjoyed a deliciously prepared meal, by Bailey, Derrick took Jade's hands, helped her up from the chair and took her off to the side. Michael suggested to the kids with a whisper that they all leave the dining room and peek out from the archways.
In the glow of the fireplace, Jade asked, "What is it Derrick?"
Taking a deep breath, Derrick said, "Jade, I have a question to ask you."
"What?" she asked with a smile.
Then Derrick got down on one knee and began pulling something out of his pocket. It was then that Jade's eyes widened and she clasped her hands over her mouth.
"Jade Greenwood," Derrick began, "I've loved you for as long as I can remember and nothing in this world would make me happier than for us to spend the rest of our lives together."
"And so I ask you Jade, will you marry me?"
Jade was so speechless all she could do was cry. "Yes," she choked, but this time it came out better, "YES!" Derrick slipped the ring on her finger and then she jumped into his arms.
The rest of the family couldn't contain it any longer, they began clapping and cheering. They rushed out from behind the archways and each of them shared a hug with Jade.
Michael smiled as he looked upon his happy family. I can't believe how FAST they are all growing up! Then he sighed. Too fast.
Stay tuned for more!
"What did you just ask me?" Molly asked in surprise, stopping them dancing, but still keeping her eyes on him.
Tay grew a little nervous, but he answered, "I'm asking if you want to be my girlfriend?"
Honestly, Molly had to think hard about that one for a moment. True she was somewhat attracted to Tay, except for those giant ears of his. But c'mon Molly that's mean! Looks aren't everything.
Tay couldn't stand the moment of silence any longer. "Molly," he began holding her shoulders, "I've had these feelings for a while now and...I thought what better opportunity to tell you how I feel than at Prom?"
An unexpected opportunity. "Tay...," she began.
"Molly," he pressed, "we have SO much in common and we get along SO well."
"We're great for each other and I have cherished our friendship. Please...just give me a chance to prove it to you." His eyes were begging. "Take a chance on me, Molly?"
Molly couldn't help but smile. He did make a good point would this affect their friendship? And what if it didn't work out? Would things ever be the same?
"Tay? Will you promise me one thing?"
"I'm serious about this," she said, giving him a stern look. "Say I give you a chance and it doesn't work out...will you promise to still be my friend?"
Tay pulled her close to him. "I don't think that's something we will ever have to worry about but...yes, I promise."
"Do you really mean it? Or are you just saying it to get what you want?"
"No Molly," Tay replied, giving her a stern look as well. "I really mean it."
Molly smiled and inched in closer to where they touched noses. "Then, yes," she said whispering.
Tay smiled brightly and then took Molly by her hips and lifted her up in the air, spinning her. Molly laughed as Tay placed her down and he looked into her beautiful eyes.
Off in the distance, Andrea had been watching the two closely. When she saw the two of them kiss she thought, Oh boy.
The rest of the night turned out to be quite eventful for both girls.
After that first fight, That guy needed to be dealt with once and for all, a crazy surge of anger lingered in Andrea. She saw a girl seductively flirting with a guy she's had a crush on for a little while.
Under the angry spell she approached the girl and started a cat fight! Only this fight was noticed by EVERYONE at the Prom, even Molly who watched her sister in disbelief and disappointment. The fight was broken apart by a few chaperones and both girls were ordered to leave the Prom at once. Andrea of course had carpooled with Tay and Molly. When she approached them, she did in shame.
"I have to leave," she said to them while dancing, "could I..."
"No," Molly interrupted. "Get a taxi! I will not allow you to continue to ruin our special night!"
All Tay could do was shrug.
Andrea honestly couldn't blame her sister for feeling that way, but it didn't make her feel any less hurt. "I'm sorry," she said as she turned and walked away. Tears welled up in her eyes.
It was late when Molly returned home and Andrea stayed by the door until she got there. She just HAD to apologize again and make things right.
"Why are you still awake?" Molly asked closing the door behind her.
"Because I had to tell you that I don't know what came over me. I mean since when do I get all worked up over a boy?"
Molly gaped. "All THAT because of a boy!?"
"I know, I know! It's SO not me, but...because of that previous fight I had defending my friend I just couldn't get the rage out of me."
"Wait, you had a fight before that!?"
She didn't notice? Of course she didn't. "Yeah," Andrea replied hesitantly, "but it was because..."
Molly stopped her with her palm raised, "I don't want to hear it Andrea."
"But," Andrea started.
"How could you do this to me? And to Tay? How could you embarrass us like that? This night would have been PERFECT if it wasn't for you!"
"Girls," they heard from the top of the stairs. They both turned and saw their father standing up there in his pajamas and arms folded.
"Dad," Andrea began, "I was just trying to tell her..."
"Dad you wouldn't BELIEVE what Andrea did at the dance!"
"Enough," Michael ordered. "We'll talk about it in the morning. It's late and I want both of you in bed."
Molly and Andrea sneered at each other and because they share the same bed, Molly said, "I'll just sleep on the couch tonight!"
Guess it's finally time for bunk beds, Michael thought.
A couple of weeks later, there wasn't much interaction between Andrea and Molly, which pained Michael and the others to see. Bailey was pretty involved with her job, Tristan still seemed like he was in his own little world and Derrick couldn't stay away from Jade for the LIFE of him! He was SO ready to propose to her and was trying to find the right moment. He wanted to last night, when he called Jade over to visit since it was that rare moment when it was just HIM in the house for while! Things really got heated up with them...
"I have a crazy idea," He said to Jade as they gazed at the stars.
He took her hand and lifted her up. "It's cold out here," he said wrapping his arms around her waist, "Why don't we get warmed up inside?"
"Oh really?" Jade asked teasingly, sensing exactly what he was implying.
Well, one thing led to the next and sooner than expected the passionate experience was over. When they both got out of bed, Derrick wrapped his arms around her again and kissed her.
(hope this is an ok pic to post. Nothing is showing really...)
"This is the best night I have EVER had," he whispered in Jade's ear.
"Me too," she whispered back.
Then the two of them heard a car drive up.
"Oh gosh!" Molly cried.
Hurriedly they grabbed their clothes off the floor and got dressed.
Derrick smiled big thinking back on that moment. It truly was amazing! Tonight he was going to do it! He was going to propose. He invited Jade over to have dinner with the family and they were all let in on it.
After they all enjoyed a deliciously prepared meal, by Bailey, Derrick took Jade's hands, helped her up from the chair and took her off to the side. Michael suggested to the kids with a whisper that they all leave the dining room and peek out from the archways.
In the glow of the fireplace, Jade asked, "What is it Derrick?"
Taking a deep breath, Derrick said, "Jade, I have a question to ask you."
"What?" she asked with a smile.
Then Derrick got down on one knee and began pulling something out of his pocket. It was then that Jade's eyes widened and she clasped her hands over her mouth.
"Jade Greenwood," Derrick began, "I've loved you for as long as I can remember and nothing in this world would make me happier than for us to spend the rest of our lives together."
"And so I ask you Jade, will you marry me?"
Jade was so speechless all she could do was cry. "Yes," she choked, but this time it came out better, "YES!" Derrick slipped the ring on her finger and then she jumped into his arms.
The rest of the family couldn't contain it any longer, they began clapping and cheering. They rushed out from behind the archways and each of them shared a hug with Jade.
Michael smiled as he looked upon his happy family. I can't believe how FAST they are all growing up! Then he sighed. Too fast.
Stay tuned for more!
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