I recently started reading, and I love your story. I’ve actually never explored playable ghosts or done anything with the ghost gnomes, but this makes me want to!
Craven has created a lovely Sim for you, but I feel so bad for Mary. Not just because of her tragic death and seeing her grieve in her half-life ghostly state (as if that wasn’t enough!), but awakening only sporadically during the bitter months of winter that caused her death and unable to feel truly warm for long. :bawling: I am not a fan of the cold myself, particularly when I have to be out in it for hours at a time. I don't even want to imagine an afterlife of it.
I suppose there is nothing wrong with ice cream for breakfast—it’s ice cream in winter that’s the problem! Unless you’re curled up on the sofa and huddled under blankets. :p Or are an already frozen ghost, I guess. ;)
That is also an awesome rundown old house with the broken and boarded up windows. Love the cobwebs everywhere and the holes in the foundation with plants growing inside—great details! :+1: I also love the name—Spring Manor. It's a simple name that makes sense for a home in Hidden Springs. But I like to think it also holds a hidden meaning and is meant to reaffirm the idea of spring itself. Although Mary has always been pulled away at that time, the name serves as a subtle reminder of the hope and new life that spring represents, and seems to foreshadow what she may experience again someday. Hope springs eternal—it’s a wonderful message/theme. :star:
I had to chuckle at Mary’s penchant for destroying snowmen and kicking gnomes. :lol: Her life is otherwise utterly bleak and repetitive—even the car she’s working on needs to be repaired again and again. The Fates are cruel indeed! But at least they were also harsh with Mary’s murderers. :angry: Although I can’t help but wonder if the Fates had some help from a ghostly hand... :o
I am glad that Mary retains the knowledge she gains each time she comes back though. That new PI owner who knows some of her backstory seems promising too. And the possibility of resurrection via the science lab—I love that things may be looking up for her!
Liam O’Dourke! :smile: I enjoyed reading his research report and am glad Mary intends to look him up. Hopefully he has some answers/options for her.
And here’s poor logical Damien, trying to explain away the ghosts in his house. :smirk: His skepticism didn’t last long, and his friend sure didn’t mince words with him regarding the occult! :joy:
Oh Mary, this owner will not be leaving as readily as the others always have, and you’re the reason why! But I am concerned about her and the other ghosts, considering Jamison is a ghost hunter. While he may be the type to convince the ghosts to move on of their own volition (assuming they are even able to do that), capturing or banishing/exorcising spirits is a worrisome possibility. :#
And also, now that Damien knows ghosts are real, I wonder if he believes that Mary may be a vengeful ghost who is behind all the strange occurrences and caused the fire at the lodge that injured Kerry and the other girls. Not only could that be an obstacle in any future relationship between them, but if Kerry really was pushed by a ghost, that seems to indicate a malicious spirit at the lodge who could pose a threat to either one or both of them... :fearful:
So many possibilities! Looking forward to reading more and seeing where you take this! :heart: