@bekkasan So there are ghosts who sleep during nights too. I guess Mary haunts during daytime? Poor girl, having nightmares of dying. I guess that's what happens to any ghost :/ .
I hope Liam can help Mary. Glad to hear he wants to!
I see, Mary is a special case being present both day and night. It's silly that ghosts still have to sleep and eat - makes sense is your story only Mary has to (and ghosts Liam is helping).
Jamison is the ghost hunter, right? And he's thinking about getting rid of Mary - yikes! :#
I see Damien got his longjohns - no more freezing at night! :blush:
I can't believe those girls just continued partying after Mary's death - I don't pity them at all anymore :rage:
Oh Damien, you will find out very soon that the ghost really is Mary... :smirk:
Aha, Damien knows now that the girls were lying about Mary's death and tried to hide something. Good start!
Must be Mary getting the gnomes back - she's still determined to get rid of Damien.
Finding out whether the police is related to the ones responsible of Mary's case seems like a good idea.
Ok, Mary had nothing to do with the ghosts returning. I hope Damien can help them to move on. I wonder what keeps them all tied to the house... I hope Damien is safe there because something evil is definitely going on over there.
Lol, Damien has fair rules, wanting everyone to clean up for themselves.
That's a stunning sunset! :star:
Poor guy - I bet the ghosts want to watch a different channel too than he does! Oh well, playing chess gives skill points ;) .