@Tamijo I'm happy seeing your comments. :smiley: :heart: Sorry I didn't respond earlier. Work got a bit busier and had grandson last evening.
I love finding those rainbows.
I hope she won't become a zombie either!
lol, yes I googled what was normal insurance for rich people as I considered Betty very wealthy with business and estate and googled what the usual finders fee was for investigating fraud. It was interesting to say the least and if I was younger I might consider a change in my profession to investigations. LOL I think Damien can work pro bono on the ghost cases from now on. :grin:
The oracle will be a new character. I alluded to it in a previous chapter (Something Good, I think page 10) with Jamie telling Damien and Mary about her. Oracles have the gift of prophecy and are able to communicate with the Fates. Jamie wants Mary to consult with the oracle to see if she can help with her future. The Fates are known to be fickle so may not want to divulge any information though.
The home still needs some work, new floors and Damien is not crazy about the rock walls. I think he wants them plastered over. :smiley: He also wants his office moved over the garage.
@DivaDoodle Thanks so much for reading and your comments always make me happy. :smiley: :heart:
hehe, that was such great timing when I went to take a picture of him riding.
Yeah, she wanted to do something special for him and she does love to cook.
It is a lot of $$! He won't have to scrimp and save and dumpster dive no more.
I've always wondered how the recipe that sounds awful with the deathfish turns into ambrosia and looks good. I guess that is the magic part. :grin:
@Sprottenham Thanks so much for reading the story and taking the time to comment. That means a lot. :smiley: :heart:
Yes, Jamie is the guy we all want ours to be. But, he wasn't perfect at the beginning of their relationship but is generally easy going and I see him as slow to get mad, but when he does, watch out.
See comment to @Tamijo above for the oracle info. I'm actually playing this morning and taking pictures with the oracle. Hope I'll be able to post later today or tomorrow.