@bekkasan Wow! :open_mouth: What a fantastic read! :smiley: So incredibly written all around, especially the prophesies, I mean my goodness! Such suspense! You rocked this lady! :star: I loved it!
(Okay, moving on to my thoughts while reading it. :lol: ;) )
Beautiful description of the night sky. <3 And I could hear a record scratch when I read that someone was pounding on the door. :lol: (I was like, "Who in the hey!?" just like Damien. I laughed at his frustrated expression! :lol: )
This must be the Oracle. :grin: I was correct. :blush: Her hair is rad and I love all her pretty jewelry.
She full named Jamie! :lol:
"Who in Hades are you!?" - Nice one Damien! That expression cracked me up. :lol:
It was cute to read Layla saying that Jamie's senses are all messed up because he's in love. :blush: <3 She told him before that he wasn't destined to have a soulmate!? Wow...everyone deserves a soul mate. :neutral:
"Who did you tick off?" - LOL! :lol:
Ugh, so an angry "customer" put a curse on her. That stinks. :(
Bekka looks over her notes from yesterday and realizes her dominant emotion was happiness. Looking in the mirror, she believes happy is a splendid emotion.
^It very much is! Yay Bekka! :grin:
Alright, let's get down to business! :mrgreen:
(Layla has
gorgeous blue eyes by the way! :open_mouth: )
This opening scene I'm thinking, "Oh boy here we go!" :smiley: (I like how you posed them all before Layla. ? )
So the words from the Fates...I had to read it like 4 times to really study it cause you wrote it so dang well and cryptic like. :star: ;) It was nice to read Damien's interpretation later as that is what I got out of it too. But yeah it doesn't really provide the answer on what they are to do next to save Mary. Or
does it...within the words of "The key is love and love will survive." :smirk: Will Damien's love for her as Spring arrives simply be what draws her away from winter? Bring her back and whole? I'm super intrigued and excited to find out! :smiley:
Oh my. :open_mouth: I thought Layla died for a second there. :flushed: I'm glad she didn't.
Jamie shrugs. "It would be nice if the Fates would just tell us to do A B and C, but they don't.
^Right!? :lol: How many times do we say that about God!? :p
Reading Jamie's prophecy there...I do believe the Fates were talking about some hidden power within him. :smirk:
"Personally, I think Bekka is my reward."
^Hee hee. I agree. :blush: Cause there is NO way he's not meant to have a soulmate! I mean, we saw how connected he is to Bekka. THAT'S soulmate! :star:
Glad Emmaline has a solution to help Layla. I guess we'll be seeing someone head to Shang Simla soon? ;)
Bekka's got a cute cat shirt there underneath her denim jacket. :blush: Sweet of her to offer to come and make dinner for them all as it's been a pretty eventful day.
This chapter was pure awesomeness! :star: You can really write poems lady!
Can't wait for more as the plot thickens. :kissing_heart: