@emorrill Awww, thank you! :heart: I really had fun playing and writing this chapter. I'm looking forward to playing the next part too! Thanks for all your comments. They mean so much to me. :smiley:
hehe, yes she full named him! She was not a happy camper. :s
I didn't want to reveal too much but the answer is in the prophecy.
It was really fun writing it and trying to make it as obscure and strange sounding as possible. :grin:
Jamie will have a talk with Layla later about his prophecy.
I think that cat is one of @Charlottesmom's patterns
Yep, gonna be a fast trip.
@DivaDoodle Thank you! I love you thought they were fantastic updates. :heart: I had so much fun playing and writing these.
hehe, the pic of Damien was a trick with nraas animator. I think I picked a grumpy looping and just paused at the right time. B)
I would so love some of that elven jewelry too! It looks so pretty. :smiley:
Apparantly, according to Layla he is not supposed to have one. I think she is interpreting her prophecy wrong.
I know, poor Damien just got used to ghosts in the house. He is really being patient with all the occult stuff.
I love how positive Jamie is. He is not gonna let a little thing like prophecy take away Bekka.
I swear I don't think I've ever seen that expression on a call before. I snapped that c button just in time!
@deafsimmer Hey! It is taking a long time isn't it? :smiley: Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I'm glad to know you are still reading it.