Mary Kendall, A Ghost Story
Bekka completes the job for Carly who is very happy with her new entertainment area. Carly excitedly tells Bekka she will recommend her to all her friends. Bekka is happy with how things are going in her career with several new job opportunities this week. Her friends and family have rallied around her and forgiven her for her isolation this last year. She will be visiting and helping her new friends this evening. Her heart tightens in eager anticipation thinking about seeing Jamie. She pulls out her list and writes happy...excited on it. by the grocery store Bekka picks up food for supper not knowing what they would have on hand. Jamie greets her on the porch with a gentle hug that makes her feel safe, cared for and wanting more. She hugs him back and wonders what he feels as she touches him. He carries her bags into the kitchen and sets them down on the counter. He tells her about the research they are doing trying to find an experienced witch so she shoos him out of the room and he goes back to work. looks around the kitchen and wishes the modern appliances had arrived. She does not trust this old oven and does not want to burn the meal. Bekka unpacks the food and places everything on the cutting board. Using her powers, she prepares the meal the genie way., back in the living room sits down and looks over at Damien. “Have you found anything yet?” he asks.
“I’ve got one potential match. I’ve sent off an inquiry and hope to receive a response soon.”
“I will get busy and complete my list.”
They both get back to working, Damien on his computer and Jamie on his tablet. Layla sleep has allowed Mary too much time to think. The prophecy is strange, and she wonders what in the world it meant. She doesn’t want to get upset thinking about it, so floats to the attic and drags an end table into the room. Mary places the potions on top and hopes that she will be able to persuade Layla to drink them. meal is ready, and Bekka calls everyone to eat. They all enjoy the meal that Bekka prepared. Jamie waves his fork in the air as he talks. “This is delicious Bekka. I don’t know how you coaxed that old stove to not burn the food.”
Bekka beams with pleasure, but knows she must be honest with him and the others. “Genie magic,” she tells the group. “I don’t think even Rachel SimRay could pull off a decent meal out of that oven! The temperature is totally off in the oven. I don’t use my magic to cook at home, but that stove intimidates me. I need to put a rush on the appliance order to get this kitchen in better shape for you." finish their meal and Bekka uses her magic to clean the table so they can continue talking without dirty dishes in the way. Damien and Jamie researched all the names and only two out of all the possibilities seem to have the experience needed. Damien has sent an inquiry to one who lives in China. The other is listed as living in Monte Vista and an email was sent as well.
Mary informs them about Emmaline’s visit and a potential cure for the curse. The elements must be acquired in Shang Simla. “Emmaline said she could make it if we gather what is needed. She supplied me with a list.”
Jamie looks around at the others at the table, his eyes settling on Bekka. “It looks like I’m going to Shang Simla to find the stuff for the potion. Perhaps I can contact the witch while I am there and convince them to help us. and Mary talk downstairs while Damien checks his computer for messages. Jamie goes upstairs to check on Layla.
He watches Layla sleep and is saddened by what he sees. He has known her for a long time but not in a romantic way. He has aided her with clients in the past and she helped him out of a jam a time or two. He doesn’t really consider her a close friend, but he wouldn't wish this curse on even an enemy. One cannot really be friendly with an oracle, or at least this one in particular. She is definitely arrogant and snobbish, difficult to get along with and inclined to think only she knows best. obtains an answer from the witch in Monte Vista. She will not be available to help with Mary's situation. He hopes the one in China will work out. asks Bekka to use her magic to get the bird perches out of the attic room so Sherlock will not disturb Layla. “Please transfer them to the master bedroom. Your genie magic must be a real help with your job.”
“It is!” Bekka agrees. “There are still many things that must be done by hand, but I can move heavy furniture around on my own and not have to hire help.”
They walk up to the master bedroom, so Bekka can move the bird tree's into the room.
Sherlock seems happy to have his perch back and squawks and screeches and preens his feathers. bird perch suddenly disappears from the room disturbing Jamie's thoughts. He shakes his head wondering if Bekka is using her magic. The other perch disappears as well. Layla stirs on the bed as if the magic stimulated her to wake up. Jamie thinks,
Ok, I guess that is a good thing. I need to talk to Layla and let her know what we have found out about the curse. sits up and tries to stand. She all but falls down at Jamie’s feet. He grabs her arms to prevent her hitting the floor and encourages her to sit on the bed. She refuses to lie back down. “I will be fine Jamison. I’m never ill! Quit hovering over me.”
“I bet you have never passed out cold for several hours after a session with the Fates before. If I wasn't hovering, you would be lying on the floor right now.”
“What! I never!,” she exclaims. “Jamison, you are testing my patience. You must be feverish or ill yourself living in this Fate Forsaken frozen town. I can’t believe I came to this place when I should be discovering a cure for myself, not assisting you. You owe me a considerable debt this time, and you will pay. Now, get out of my way, so I can get out of this place and back to civilization and my search. I’ll have you know..." words are cut off as Mary bursts into the room followed by Bekka. Mary could hear Layla from the stairwell and she is not happy with her. “You almost died lady! I don’t care who you are, a world renowned oracle, a no talent shill, or the Queen of the Damned. You almost died! You will lay off arguing with those of us who are only trying to help you. You were out cold, unconscious, not even arousable for the last several hours. Jamie carried your all but lifeless body up here rather than leave you on the cold floor downstairs. We had Emmaline, a healer witch come check on you and you didn’t even rouse during her examination. For the last several hours I've been watching over you. Jamie is making plans to go to China to gather the ingredients needed to remove the curse from you. Emmaline can brew the potion once we provide the ingredients. She left two potions for you to take. One will help strengthen you and the other will slow the aging process so you won’t die before the potion is made. Jamie is the only one here that probably cares whether you live or die. To be honest I don’t really care if you refuse the potions. You are extremely disagreeable, and I won't have you being cross at Jamie when all he is attempting to do is help you! If you want to leave, leave. But, Jamie owes you nothing. He didn't even blink when I told him the ingredients could only be found in Shang Simla. He just made plans to go. I can tell you right now there are not many people in this world that would do that for a friend, let alone for someone as ornery as you are. Jamie will. That's just the way he is. You should be ashamed!"
Mary snatches a deep breath and looks over at Jamie and notices the look of pride mixed with horror on his face. He hopes Layla's powers are diminished enough so Mary won't be turned into a toad or something worse right in front of their eyes.