@bekkasan Oh my! <3 I LOVE Dreams! such a perfect update! I think we all bow down and Thank you for this! <3
Yes You should have Laila! Jamie does not wrong EVER! unlike You!
''scowls as if she has been eating lemons.'' HHAHAHA
''He shrugs his shoulders and pierces her with a direct gaze. '' *faints* I just love Jamie so much!???
''"I'm guessing you did not ask the right people when you started your search. Or, perhaps you crossed those people in the past and they didn’t want to aid you. You know the saying about ‘what goes around, comes around'. Your karma ultimately worked out to your disadvantage."'' Yes! Sell it Jamie! I love how he is not afraid of Layla and will just Tell her! And still, will go to a foreign place to actually AID her!
''Layla looks over at Bekka. “Who are you?
“Don’t you know?” HAHAHAAHA Bekka!!! I love You!!!
''“Be aware, keep your temper and blink out of the room if her eyes start glowing.”'' I just love how Jamie knows everything!
"Ghost Girl?!!" :o the nerve! :# OK I want them all to leave her old and dying! I've had it with her! But do we still need her for Mary? darnit!
''Jamie just smiles sheepishly at Bekka. “It doesn’t matter to me what your age is.”'' Jamie is sweet, but I know Bekka knows : it's just a number, but Oh the experience and knowledge that comes with the higher numbers! I would never give that up to be younger!
Ah Damien was working all this time in the background! Good man!
''Rebecca is most likely kin somewhere down the line'' :o
<3 How Jamie notices Bekka's teary eyes, and how thinks about it! and his joke saying to put her in a Genie bottle and take her with him! I really really love this guy!??? Oh you never guessed that, did you Bekkasan!? ;) ?
Yes! Akiss! Good Bekka! I am so so glad for you!
Perfect song!
I can barely even read the next, it is so romantic and sexy and sweet in it's intensity!!!
OK I read it 4 times!
“Bekka, look at me.” he asks her gently.... with that pic! eeeek! dam girl!
''He holds her face in his hands, so she can’t look away from him.'' *faints*
I won't quote all the rest I love and read so many times or it will be copywrite infringement or something!
You, my friend have such a gift! Thank you for writing this!!! It is possibly the most romantic thing I have ever read!!! ???????
It made my day! XOX